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Relationship between Personality Type, Class Preference, and Feeling of Belonging

Jakob Romo, Beyoncee Ceballos, Eric Solomon, Nelly Megerian and Hannah Strum

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A person’s personality type is connected to every aspect of their life, including academic, personal, and social aspects.

  • Introversion
  • Extroversion

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Class Type

  • Online
  • In Person
  • Hybrid
  • Covid 19 Effects
  • Studies show struggles with online learning (Quayyum et al., 2023)

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Feeling of belonging

A Study shows Feelings of belonging in school include (Alink, 2023) :

  • connectedness
  • sense of community
  • sense of acceptance
  • attachment to school

Studies also show that there's a link between personality styles and feelings of belonging on campus (Stubblebine et al., 2024; Loose, 2023).

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Research Question & Hypothesis

Research Question:

What is the relationship between personality type, class preference, and feeling of belonging in college students?


1. Extroverted individuals will be enrolled in in-person classes, and introverted individuals will be enrolled in online classes.

2. Extroverted individuals will experience a greater feeling of belonging compared to introverted individuals.

3. Greater feelings of belonging for students taking in-person classes regardless of personality type compared to online classes.

Extroverted students are outgoing, introverts are the opposite

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Methods - Participants

  • Ages ranged from 18 to 61 years old
    • Average age of 22 years old
  • 72 participants attended Saddleback or IVC

Total of 79 participants

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Methods - Procedures

Google Forms was used to create a non experimental questionnaire

  • Units enrolled
    • Online
    • In person
    • Hybrid

  • Amount of time on campus during the week
  • Amount of time enrolled in college

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Methods - Procedure

  • We used 24 questions that were scaled 1-7

    • Personality Type (introversion/extroversion)
      • Colgate Personal Inventory (Whitman, 1929)

    • Feeling of belonging
      • Group cohesion self-rating form (Gaylon et al., 2016)

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  • There was not a significant correlation between the number of units of online classes and levels of extroversion (r(69)=0.050, p=0.686).
  • There was not a significant correlation between the number of units of in-person classes and levels of extroversion (r(71)=-0.059, p=0.628).

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  • There was not a significant correlation between number of units of online classes and levels of feelings of belonging (r(69)=-0.014, p=0.912).

  • There was not a significant correlation between number of units of in-person classes and levels of feelings of belonging (r(71)=0.083, p=0.493).

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  • There was a significant positive correlation between GPA and levels of feelings of belonging (r(74)=0.214, p=0.033).

  • There was a significant positive correlation between levels of extroversion and levels of feelings of belonging (r(77)=0.532, p<0.001).

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  • Extroversion and Feeling of Belonging:
    • Students’ personalities and academic feelings of belonging are connected.

  • Extroversion and In-Person/Online classes:
    • There was no difference in Extroversion levels between In-Person and Online classes.

  • Feeling of Belonging and In-Person/Online classes:
    • There was no difference in Feelings of Belonging between In-Person and Online classes.

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  • One hypothesis was supported
  • Not a bad thing to have no significant correlation
  • This study shows that:
    • Academics are not related to online vs. in person classes
    • GPA is not related to extroversion
  • Significant correlation between:
    • Introversion and Academic Feelings of Belonging
    • GPA and Academic Feelings of Belonging

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  • More online students exist than before
    • Changes the way students learn
    • Learning styles are changing
  • The topic is relevant to the future of education
  • Our study adds to the field because:
    • Increase of online learning since 2020
    • Increased reliance on online learning
    • Little existing research on the topic
  • Possible utilization for future studies
  • The future is unknown regarding the topic

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  • Sample size (79/101 participants)
  • Participants were mostly female (63.3%)
  • Participants mostly attended Saddleback and Irvine Valley College (91.1%)
  • Method of data collection (online survey)
    • 100% of participants reported taking an online class
  • Red Herring Questions
  • Directionality
    • Personality and Academic Feelings of Belonging

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Future Direction

  • Future Research
    • GPA and Online vs In-Person Class Attendance
    • GPA and Feelings of Belonging
    • Class Type and Level of Education

  • Growth of access to online education
  • Ethics
  • Educator’s responsibility

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