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Greeting: In a circle, take turns greeting the person on your left and right by name.

UN Day 1: Social Responsibility and Citizenship

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Cultural Faux Pas

faux pas

French: pronounced “fo pa”


  • an embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation

Have you ever accidentally worn shoes into the home of someone here in Singapore/Asia? Or if you have lived here a long time, how do you feel when someone wears street shoes into your home?

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Cultural Faux Pas

We’re all guilty of it. At some stage when travelling you can bet you’ve made a cultural no-no. And chances are, you didn’t even know you did it. Do you recognize the cultural faux-pas in the images below?

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Cultural Faux Pas

If you didn’t know what was wrong with those images, watch the first couple minutes of this 7 minute video or just look through this list of most common cultural faux-pas to avoid.

Once you’ve viewed the list, share stories of a time you have made a CULTURAL or LANGUAGE faux-pas with your circle, or with a partner.

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  • All of you are and will continue to be global citizens. What are some ways you can avoid making cultural faux-pas when you travel?

  • What values are essential when travelling to a new place? Remember that an open mind, respect and an effort to follow local customs is universally appreciated across the globe.

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UN Day 2: Rights of the Child

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Daily News - as you enter HB

In an ideal world, EVERY child would have the same rights to health and opportunities.

(Cool 3 min soul pancake video to play as kids come into HB)

If you were in charge of the world (which could totally happen...) what is one basic right you would want every child to have?

Be prepared to share NOW in the circle.

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Greeting and Share

In a circle, greet the person to your left by name and by telling them a basic right you wish every child on the planet could have. Try to come up with a unique idea that no-one before you has said.

Good morning, ______, if I were in charge of the world, all children would have access to...

Then ask him/her, “What about YOU?”

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Activity - Discuss: who is this girl, what is her story, and what does she stand for? Why are we thinking about her during our UN week?

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UNITED NATIONS -- Malala Yousafzai bravely celebrated her 16th birthday on the world stage at the United Nations, defiantly telling Taliban extremists - who used a bullet to her head to try to end her campaign for girls' education in Pakistan - that the attack gave her new courage. She demanded that world leaders provide free education to all children.

Watch this video

(3 min) of Malala speaking in front of the United Nations on

12 July 2013, her 16th birthday, and only a year after being shot.

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Be ready to discuss ONE thing that was “bubbling up” for you after hearing Malala’s brave message.

What did you THINK, FEEL, WONDER in listening to this brave girl?

Are you stuck? You could also consider using any of the lenses you’ve used in your learning this year:

  • argument/debate (ethos, pathos)
  • poverty (and solutions)
  • world disasters (and solutions)
  • TRI time (and the importance of finding a solution to a problem)
  • presentation skills (using your voice as a tool)
  • knowing your identity and using your strengths, like Malala
  • ???

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Consider your greeting today, and the one basic right you would want every child to have.

  • Do you still agree with your answer? If not, how would you change it. And if so...

  • Think of a FIRST step you could make in taking action.