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Fiscal Policy

LT 4


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Who is responsible for monitoring the U.S. Economy?�Section 14.2


1. Federal Government – use “Fiscal Policy” – the government’s policy to tax & spend – to get an economy moving again or address inflation

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Who is responsible for monitoring the U.S. Economy?


2. Federal Reserve System (the Fed) – uses “Monetary Policy” – central bank policy aimed at regulating the amount of money in circulation; control over the money supply & interest rates – to lower inflation & stimulate growth

Learning Target Pg. 8

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  • Deficit Spending: When expenditures exceed the amount of tax revenue.
  • Surplus: Tax revenue exceeds government expenditures in any given year


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Key Terms


  • StagflationA combination of economic stagnation – or slowdown – and high inflation
  • features of stagflation include slow or zero economic growth, high unemployment, & rising prices

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Using Tax Cuts to Stimulate Growth


1. Demand-Side Economics Best way to deal with slowing economy is to stimulate demand by cutting individual income taxes

Learning Target Pg. 7

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Using Tax Cuts to Stimulate Growth


  • Supply-Side Economics -Best way to ensure economic growth economy is to stimulate supply by cutting taxes on businesses & high-income taxpayers

-Producers & investors will use money to expand business

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John Maynard Keynes

  • He believed the only way to stop the downward economic spiral is for political leaders to use fiscal policy to increase overall demand (cut taxes, increase Gov’t spending by borrowing).
  • Rising demand stimulates production, more production puts people back to work, economy begins to grow


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Milton Friedman and FA Hayek

  • Opposed Keynes’ views
  • Felt that way to influence the economy was through monetary policy, not through government spending.
  • Rap Battle (7:30) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0nERTFo-Sk


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Rap battle vocab

Boom- economy is doing well

Bust- economy is doing bad

Animal spirits- consumer confidence

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The Multiplier Effect


When the government spends money on goods & services, the impact on the economy is generally greater than the amount of money spent – each dollar spent encourages still more spending

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The Multiplier Effect


Works 2 ways:

-Helps the economy grow when the government increases spending

-Slows economic growth when the government cuts spending

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The Multiplier Effect – Page 281

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What Tools Does Fiscal Policy Use to Stabilize the Economy? – 14.3


  • Expansionary Fiscal Policy – The goal is to increase economic activity by: -increasing government spending

-decreasing taxes,

or both

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What Tools Does Fiscal Policy Use to Stabilize the Economy?


  • Contractionary Fiscal Policy – The goal is to decrease economic activity by: -decreasing government spending

-increasing taxes,

or both

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Fiscal Policy Tools – Page 279