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Fast JavaScript with Data-oriented Design

Lessons from the Firefox Profiler

Markus Stange


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About me


Markus Stange @ Mozilla

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Lots of samples = slow UI?

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Lots of samples = fast UI! (after a lot of optimization work)

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Let’s optimize a mini profiler together!

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Mini profiler features

  • Select a range in the graph
  • During selection, the following pieces of UI are updated:
    • The category breakdown for the selection
    • The “heaviest stack” for the selection

Profile JSON format:

  • List of samples
  • Every sample has a time, a weight, and a stack
  • Every stack is an array of frames
  • Every frame has a name and a category

7 of 51

Toy profile format, V1


"samples": [


"time": 17880.8104,

"stack": [

{ "name": "ZwWaitForAlertByThreadId", "category": "User" },

{ "name": "RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW", "category": "User" },

{ "name": "SleepConditionVariableSRW", "category": "User" },

{ "name": "mozilla::ConditionVariable::wait(...)", "category": "User" },

{ "name": "mozilla::OffTheBooksCondVar::Wait()", "category": "User" },



"weight": 643



"time": 17721.0814,

"stack": [

{ "name": "KiSearchForNewThreadOnProcessor", "category": "Kernel" },

{ "name": "KiSwapThread", "category": "Kernel" },



"weight": 1





export type Profile = {

samples: Sample[];


export type Sample = {

time: number;

stack: Stack;

weight: number;


export type Stack = Frame[];

export type Frame = {

name: string;

category: string;


8 of 51

V1: Computing the category breakdown

export function computeCategoryBreakdown(

profile: Profile,

range: SampleIndexRange

): CategoryBreakdown {

const map = new Map();

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const { stack, weight } = profile.samples[i];

const topFrame = stack[0];

const category = topFrame.category;

map.set(category, (map.get(category) ?? 0) + weight);


return map;


export type Profile = {

samples: Sample[];


export type Sample = {

time: number;

stack: Stack;

weight: number;


export type Stack = Frame[];

export type Frame = {

name: string;

category: string;


export type CategoryBreakdown =

Map<string, number>;

export type SampleIndexRange =

{ start: number; end: number };

9 of 51

V1: Computing the heaviest stack

export function computeHeaviestStack(

profile: Profile, range: SampleIndexRange

): Stack {

const map = new Map();

let heaviestStackWeight = 0;

let heaviestStack: Stack = [];

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const { stack, weight } = profile.samples[i];

const stackJsonString = JSON.stringify(stack);

const stackWeight = (map.get(stackJsonString) ?? 0) + weight;

map.set(stackJsonString, stackWeight);

if (stackWeight > heaviestStackWeight) {

heaviestStackWeight = stackWeight;

heaviestStack = stack;



return heaviestStack;


export type Profile = {

samples: Sample[];


export type Sample = {

time: number;

stack: Stack;

weight: number;


export type Stack = Frame[];

export type Frame = {

name: string;

category: string;


export type CategoryBreakdown =

Map<string, number>;

export type SampleIndexRange =

{ start: number; end: number };

10 of 51

Is it fast?

Throughput of computing the category breakdown: 104.9 nanoseconds per sample

Throughput of computing the heaviest stack: 36780.4 nanoseconds per sample

For 100,000 samples: 10.49ms and 3.6 seconds

Reasonable for small profiles, quickly falls down as profiles get bigger.

The JSON file is gigantic and repetitive.

11 of 51

Toy profile format, V2: Lots of indexes

export type Profile = {

samples: Sample[];

stacks: StackNode[];

frames: Frame[];

categories: string[];


export type Sample = {

time: number;

stackIndex: number;

weight: number;


export type StackNode = {

parentStackIndex: number | null;

frameIndex: number;


export type Frame = {

name: string;

categoryIndex: number;



"samples": [

{ "time": 17880.8104, "stackIndex": 27, "weight": 643 },

{ "time": 17721.0814, "stackIndex": 87, "weight": 1 },



"stacks": [

{ "frameIndex": 24, "parentStackIndex": null },

{ "frameIndex": 23, "parentStackIndex": 0 },

{ "frameIndex": 22, "parentStackIndex": 1 },



"frames": [

{ "name": "ZwWaitForAlertByThreadId", "categoryIndex": 0 },

{ "name": "RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW", "categoryIndex": 0 },

{ "name": "SleepConditionVariableSRW", "categoryIndex": 0 },



"categories": [








12 of 51

V2: Computing the heaviest stack

export function computeHeaviestStack(

profile: Profile, range: SampleIndexRange

): Stack {

const map = new Map();

let heaviestStackWeight = 0;

let heaviestStack: Stack = [];

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const { stack, weight } = profile.samples[i];

const stackJsonString = JSON.stringify(stack);

const stackWeight =

(map.get(stackJsonString) || 0) + weight;

map.set(stackJsonString, stackWeight);

if (stackWeight > heaviestStackWeight) {

heaviestStackWeight = stackWeight;

heaviestStack = stack;



return heaviestStack;


export function computeHeaviestStackIndex(

profile: Profile, range: SampleIndexRange

): number | null {

const map = new Map();

let heaviestStackWeight = 0;

let heaviestStackIndex: number | null = null;

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const { stackIndex, weight } = profile.samples[i];

const stackWeight =

(map.get(stackIndex) ?? 0) + weight;

map.set(stackIndex, stackWeight);

if (stackWeight > heaviestStackWeight) {

heaviestStackWeight = stackWeight;

heaviestStackIndex = stackIndex;



return heaviestStackIndex;




~30000 nanoseconds per sample

103.7 nanoseconds per sample (300x faster)

13 of 51

V2: Computing the category breakdown

export function computeCategoryBreakdown(

profile: Profile,

range: SampleIndexRange

): CategoryBreakdown {

const map = new Map();

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const { stackIndex, weight } = profile.samples[i];

const frameIndex = profile.stacks[stackIndex].frameIndex;

const categoryIndex = profile.frames[frameIndex].categoryIndex;

const category = profile.categories[categoryIndex];

map.set(category, (map.get(category) || 0) + weight);


return map;


export type Profile = {

samples: Sample[];

stacks: StackNode[];

frames: Frame[];

categories: string[];


export type Sample = {

time: number;

stackIndex: number;

weight: number;


export type StackNode = {

parentStackIndex: number | null;

frameIndex: number;


export type Frame = {

name: string;

categoryIndex: number;


export type CategoryBreakdown =

Map<string, number>;

export type SampleIndexRange =

{ start: number; end: number };

14 of 51

V2: Computing the category breakdown

export function computeCategoryBreakdownWithIndexKeyMap(

profile: Profile,

range: SampleIndexRange

): Map<number, number> {

const map = new Map();

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const { stackIndex, weight } = profile.samples[i];

const frameIndex = profile.stacks[stackIndex].frameIndex;

const categoryIndex = profile.frames[frameIndex].categoryIndex;

map.set(categoryIndex, (map.get(categoryIndex) || 0) + weight);


return map;


export type Profile = {

samples: Sample[];

stacks: StackNode[];

frames: Frame[];

categories: string[];


export type Sample = {

time: number;

stackIndex: number;

weight: number;


export type StackNode = {

parentStackIndex: number | null;

frameIndex: number;


export type Frame = {

name: string;

categoryIndex: number;


export type CategoryBreakdown =

Map<string, number>;

export type SampleIndexRange =

{ start: number; end: number };

15 of 51

How fast is it now?

Throughput of computing the category breakdown: 47.1 nanoseconds per sample

Throughput of computing the heaviest stack: 51.1 nanoseconds per sample

(on medium-size V2 profile)

Time to use the profiler!

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Category breakdown: Replace Map

export function computeCategoryBreakdownWithIndexKeyMap(

profile: Profile,

range: SampleIndexRange

): Map<number, number> {

const map = new Map();

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const { stackIndex, weight } = profile.samples[i];

const frameIndex = profile.stacks[stackIndex].frameIndex;

const categoryIndex = profile.frames[frameIndex].categoryIndex;

map.set(categoryIndex, (map.get(categoryIndex) || 0) + weight);


return map;


47 nanoseconds

export type Profile = {

samples: Sample[];

stacks: StackNode[];

frames: Frame[];

categories: string[];


export type Sample = {

time: number;

stackIndex: number;

weight: number;


export type StackNode = {

parentStackIndex: number | null;

frameIndex: number;


export type Frame = {

name: string;

categoryIndex: number;


export type CategoryBreakdown =

Map<string, number>;

export type SampleIndexRange =

{ start: number; end: number };

18 of 51

Category breakdown: Replace Map with typed array

export function computeCategoryBreakdownWithTypedArray(

profile: Profile,

range: SampleIndexRange

): Float64Array {

const map = new Float64Array(profile.categories.length);

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const { stackIndex, weight } = profile.samples[i];

const frameIndex = profile.stacks[stackIndex].frameIndex;

const categoryIndex = profile.frames[frameIndex].categoryIndex;

map[categoryIndex] += weight;


return map;


47 nanoseconds -> 16.3 nanoseconds (~3x faster)

export type Profile = {

samples: Sample[];

stacks: StackNode[];

frames: Frame[];

categories: string[];


export type Sample = {

time: number;

stackIndex: number;

weight: number;


export type StackNode = {

parentStackIndex: number | null;

frameIndex: number;


export type Frame = {

name: string;

categoryIndex: number;


export type CategoryBreakdown =

Map<string, number>;

export type SampleIndexRange =

{ start: number; end: number };

19 of 51

Heaviest stack: Replace Map with typed array

export function computeHeaviestStackIndexWithTypedArray(

profile: Profile, range: SampleIndexRange

): number | null {

const map = new Float64Array(profile.stacks.length);

let heaviestStackWeight = 0;

let heaviestStackIndex: number | null = null;

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const { stackIndex, weight } = profile.samples[i];

const stackWeight = map[stackIndex] + weight;

map[stackIndex] = stackWeight;

if (stackWeight > heaviestStackWeight) {

heaviestStackWeight = stackWeight;

heaviestStackIndex = stackIndex;



return heaviestStackIndex;


51.1 nanoseconds -> 16.3 nanoseconds (~3x faster)

export type Profile = {

samples: Sample[];

stacks: StackNode[];

frames: Frame[];

categories: string[];


export type Sample = {

time: number;

stackIndex: number;

weight: number;


export type StackNode = {

parentStackIndex: number | null;

frameIndex: number;


export type Frame = {

name: string;

categoryIndex: number;


export type CategoryBreakdown =

Map<string, number>;

export type SampleIndexRange =

{ start: number; end: number };

20 of 51

Where are we now?

  • We’ve addressed the obvious slowdowns:
    • Changed the format so that comparing stacks in cheap
    • Replaced two Maps with typed arrays for a 3x perf boost
      • In the “heaviest stack” case, this came at the cost of higher temporary memory usage
  • Impressively fast already
    • 16ns per sample is not bad. Modern computers are beasts.
  • Can we do better?

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Category breakdown: Thinking about bytes in memory

export function computeCategoryBreakdownWithTypedArray(

profile: Profile,

range: SampleIndexRange

): Float64Array {

const map = new Float64Array(profile.categories.length);

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const { stackIndex, weight } = profile.samples[i];

const frameIndex = profile.stacks[stackIndex].frameIndex;

const categoryIndex = profile.frames[frameIndex].categoryIndex;

map[categoryIndex] += weight;


return map;


22 of 51

Arrays of objects: memory layout

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const { stackIndex, weight } = profile.samples[i];




8 bytes


8 bytes



8 bytes

24 bytes


8 bytes


8 bytes


8 bytes

Varies by engine and by phase of the moon!

JS object header

23 of 51

Arrays of objects: memory layout

Some sources of variation:

  • Pointer compression
  • Object header size
  • Fields could be inline or out-of-line
  • Floating point numbers can be separate heap allocations
  • Padding after inline fields

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const { stackIndex, weight } = profile.samples[i];




8 bytes


8 bytes



8 bytes

24 bytes


8 bytes


8 bytes


8 bytes

Varies by engine and by phase of the moon!

JS object header

24 of 51

Arrays of objects: memory layout

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const { stackIndex, weight } = profile.samples[i];




8 bytes


8 bytes



8 bytes

24 bytes


8 bytes


8 bytes


8 bytes

JS object header

25 of 51

Arrays of objects: memory layout

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const { stackIndex, weight } = profile.samples[i];




8 bytes


8 bytes



8 bytes

24 bytes


8 bytes


8 bytes


8 bytes


JS object header

26 of 51

Arrays of objects: memory layout

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const { stackIndex, weight } = profile.samples[i];




8 bytes


8 bytes



8 bytes

24 bytes


8 bytes


8 bytes


8 bytes


JS object header

not useful

not useful

not useful

not useful

not useful

27 of 51

Arrays of objects: memory layout

  • More indirection than we would like (1 extra dependent load)
  • Too many wasted bytes: Only 16 useful bytes per 64 byte cache line

28 of 51

It’s time to do something radical.

29 of 51

Turning it on the side


"samples": [

{ "time": 17880.8104, "stackIndex": 27, "weight": 643 },

{ "time": 17721.0814, "stackIndex": 87, "weight": 1 },

{ "time": 17880.9783, "stackIndex": 93, "weight": 1 },

{ "time": 17881.569, "stackIndex": 102, "weight": 1 },

{ "time": 17881.8177, "stackIndex": 143, "weight": 1 },

{ "time": 17882.0657, "stackIndex": 190, "weight": 1 }




"sampleTable": {

"length": 1691,

"timeColumn": [17880.8104, 17721.0814, 17880.9783, 17881.569, 17881.8177, 17882.0657, ...],

"stackIndexColumn": [27, 87, 93, 102, 143, 190, ...],

"weightColumn": [643, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...]


30 of 51

Turning it on the side: Everything is backwards

Before: profile.samples[i].weight

After: profile.sampleTable.weightColumn[i]

31 of 51

Toy profile format, V3: Tables everywhere

export type Profile = {

sampleTable: SampleTable;

stackTable: StackTable;

frameTable: FrameTable;

categories: string[];


export type SampleTable = {

length: number;

timeColumn: number[];

stackIndexColumn: number[];

weightColumn: number[];


export type StackTable = {

length: number;

parentStackIndexColumn: Array<number | null>;

frameIndexColumn: number[];


export type FrameTable = {

length: number;

nameColumn: string[];

categoryIndexColumn: number[];



"sampleTable": {

"length": 1691,

"timeColumn": [ 17880.8104, 17881.1623, 17881.4107, ... ],

"stackIndexColumn": [ 27, 27, 27, ... ],

"weightColumn": [ 643, 1, 1, ... ]


"stackTable": {

"length": 25776,

"parentStackIndexColumn": [ null, 0, 1, ... ],

"frameIndexColumn": [ 24, 23, 22, ... ]


"frameTable": {

"length": 6242,

"nameColumn": [ "ZwWaitForAlertByThreadId", ... ],

"categoryIndexColumn": [ 0, 0, 0, ... ]


"categories": [ "User", "Kernel", "Trampoline", ... ]


32 of 51

V3: Computing the heaviest stack

function computeHeaviestStackIndexBasic(

profile: Profile, range: SampleIndexRange

): number | null {

const map = new Float64Array(profile.stackTable.length);

let heaviestStackWeight = 0;

let heaviestStackIndex: number | null = null;

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const stackIndex = profile.sampleTable.stackIndexColumn[i];

const weight = profile.sampleTable.weightColumn[i];

const stackWeight = map[stackIndex] + weight;

map[stackIndex] = stackWeight;

if (stackWeight > heaviestStackWeight) {

heaviestStackWeight = stackWeight;

heaviestStackIndex = stackIndex;



return heaviestStackIndex;


16.3 nanoseconds -> 8.7 nanoseconds (~2x faster)

33 of 51

V3: Computing the category breakdown

function computeCategoryBreakdownBasic(

profile: Profile,

range: SampleIndexRange

): Float64Array {

const map = new Float64Array(profile.categories.length);

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const stackIndex = profile.sampleTable.stackIndexColumn[i];

const weight = profile.sampleTable.weightColumn[i];

const frameIndex = profile.stackTable.frameIndexColumn[stackIndex];

const categoryIndex = profile.frameTable.categoryIndexColumn[frameIndex];

map[categoryIndex] += weight;


return map;


16.3 nanoseconds -> 4.6 nanoseconds (~3.5x faster!)

34 of 51

V3: Computing the category breakdown

function computeCategoryBreakdownBasic(

profile: Profile,

range: SampleIndexRange

): Float64Array {

const map = new Float64Array(profile.categories.length);

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const stackIndex = profile.sampleTable.stackIndexColumn[i];

const weight = profile.sampleTable.weightColumn[i];

const frameIndex = profile.stackTable.frameIndexColumn[stackIndex];

const categoryIndex = profile.frameTable.categoryIndexColumn[frameIndex];

map[categoryIndex] += weight;


return map;


16.3 nanoseconds -> 4.6 nanoseconds (~3.5x faster!)

35 of 51

Struct of arrays: memory layout

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const stackIndex = profile.sampleTable.stackIndexColumn[i];

const weight = profile.sampleTable.weightColumn[i];




8 bytes


8 bytes



8 bytes





8 bytes


8 bytes



8 bytes




Cache line utilization went way up!


8 bytes


8 bytes



8 bytes

← no longer clogs the cache!




36 of 51

Recap: struct of arrays

  • Also called “structure of arrays” or “parallel arrays”
  • Common strategy in game engines, databases, generally high-performance use cases

37 of 51

Recap: struct of arrays


  • Less familiar “backwards” code
  • Sometimes you have to manually materialize objects
  • Type system catches fewer mistakes:
    • mismatched lengths
    • index confusion


  • Much more cache-efficient
  • Easier on the garbage collector (fewer objects to traverse, some engines skip the contents of arrays of numbers)
  • Less memory overhead from object headers and padding
  • Can change or add individual columns without having to touch other columns
  • In JS: Control over integer sizes / float precision with typed arrays

38 of 51

Great work.

… Can we make it even faster?

39 of 51

Category breakdown: Less indirection?

function computeCategoryBreakdownBasic(

profile: Profile,

range: SampleIndexRange

): Float64Array {

const map = new Float64Array(profile.categories.length);

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const stackIndex = profile.sampleTable.stackIndexColumn[i];

const weight = profile.sampleTable.weightColumn[i];

const frameIndex = profile.stackTable.frameIndexColumn[stackIndex];

const categoryIndex = profile.frameTable.categoryIndexColumn[frameIndex];

map[categoryIndex] += weight;


return map;


We just want to know the category for a sample. We’re not interested in its stack or frame.

40 of 51

Category breakdown: Less indirection!

function computeCategoryBreakdownWithPrecomputedSampleCategoriesRegularArray(

profile: Profile,

sampleCategories: number[],

range: SampleIndexRange

): Float64Array {

const map = new Float64Array(profile.categories.length);

for (let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++) {

const weight = profile.sampleTable.weightColumn[i];

const categoryIndex = sampleCategories[i];

map[categoryIndex] += weight;


return map;


The mapping from samples to categories is independent of the selected range.

41 of 51

Computing the sample categories

const getSampleCategories = (profile: Profile): number[] => {

const sampleCategories = new Array(profile.sampleTable.length);

for (let i = 0; i < sampleCategories.length; i++) {

const stackIndex = profile.sampleTable.stackIndexColumn[i];

const frameIndex = profile.stackTable.frameIndexColumn[stackIndex];

const categoryIndex = profile.frameTable.categoryIndexColumn[frameIndex];

sampleCategories[i] = categoryIndex;


return sampleCategories;


... = computeCategoryBreakdownWithPrecomputedSampleCategoriesRegularArray(





42 of 51

Computing the sample categories only once

import memoize from 'memoize-one';

const getSampleCategories = memoize((profile: Profile): number[] => {

const sampleCategories = new Array(profile.sampleTable.length);

for (let i = 0; i < sampleCategories.length; i++) {

const stackIndex = profile.sampleTable.stackIndexColumn[i];

const frameIndex = profile.stackTable.frameIndexColumn[stackIndex];

const categoryIndex = profile.frameTable.categoryIndexColumn[frameIndex];

sampleCategories[i] = categoryIndex;


return sampleCategories;


... = computeCategoryBreakdownWithPrecomputedSampleCategoriesRegularArray(





43 of 51

Computing the sample categories only once

import memoize from 'memoize-one';

const getSampleCategories = (profile: Profile): number[] => getSampleCategoriesFromColumns(





const getSampleCategoriesFromColumns = memoize(

(sampleStacks: number[], stackFrames: number[], frameCategories: number[]): number[] => {

const sampleCategories = new Array(sampleStacks.length);

for (let i = 0; i < sampleCategories.length; i++) {

const stackIndex = sampleStacks[i];

const frameIndex = stackFrames[stackIndex];

const categoryIndex = frameCategories[frameIndex];

sampleCategories[i] = categoryIndex;


return sampleCategories;


44 of 51

… Did it work?

45 of 51

It worked!

4.6 nanoseconds → 3.3 nanoseconds (30% faster!)

It seems like we’re no longer memory bound!

The speedup can be higher on machines with slower memory.

46 of 51

Taking a step back

What just happened?

  • We noticed that some of the work inside a loop was redundant: looking up the category index for a sample
  • We created an additional column as a shortcut: sampleCategories
  • We identified the “source” columns that the shortcut depends on
  • We cached the derived column with precise dependency tracking
  • Changing unrelated columns will not invalidate the derived column!

Struct of arrays with immutable columns + memoization = ❤️

47 of 51

Taking another step back

What is Data-oriented Design?

  • Mindset:
    • The shape of the data determines the algorithm and its performance.
    • Know where your data is: We usually have 7 of thing A and 7000000 of thing B
    • Keep the in-memory representation in mind, and think about cache line utilization.
  • Collection of techniques:
    • Struct of arrays is the main one.
    • Write algorithms as transformations of input columns into output columns.
    • Sometimes consider choosing smaller integer sizes when the domain is restricted.
      • E.g. Int32Array for indexes into another table, if that table can never have more than 2 billion items

48 of 51

General Remarks

  • This is a somewhat niche technique.
  • Works best with fixed-size data.
  • Stress-test your code with large inputs.
    • Generate artificial large inputs if you don’t have real inputs that are large enough.
  • Large inputs unveil new bottlenecks and new optimization opportunities.
  • There are usually more important things to fix! Do the algorithmic optimizations first.
    • If you have an N^2 algorithm lurking somewhere, your performance is ruined even if that algorithm is very cache-efficient.
  • This is another tool in your toolbox.
  • The profiler is your friend. Use it as much as you can.

49 of 51

50 of 51

51 of 51

Thank You



Install the Firefox Profiler: https://profiler.firefox.com/

Talk to profiler people on https://chat.mozilla.org/#/room/#profiler:mozilla.org

Happy profiling!