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Azure Cloud Developer

Migrate App to Azure

Dhruv Kinger

Udacity Mentor | SWE at Aplos Global Ltd

With Udacity >1 Year

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  • Project Summary�
  • Pain point #1- Postgres Db Configuration�
  • Pain point #2 - Monthly Analysis & Architecture Explanation

  • Pain point #3 - Azure Service Bus Configuration�
  • Q&A

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Project Summary

The TechConf website allows attendees to register for an upcoming conference. Administrators can view the list of attendees and notify all attendees via a personalized email message.

Skills Covered

  • Azure Portal Overview
  • Databases Working
  • Deployment on Cloud Servers
  • Flask Application Working
  • Service Bus Queue

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Environment Setup

You will need to install the following locally:

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Pain point #1

Postgres Db Configuration

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Postgres Db Configuration #1

  • Azure Database for PostgreSQL is a relational database service based on the open-source Postgres database engine.
  • You can manage Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers by using the Azure Portal or the Azure CLI.
  • An Azure Database for PostgreSQL server has default databases: postgres, azure_maintenance, azure_sys.
  • Database Backup files is in the Project starter code.

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Postgres Db Configuration #1 continued

Azure Portal


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Postgres Db Configuration #1 continued

Azure Cosmos DB vs PostgreSQL: What are the differences?

  • Azure Cosmos DB belongs to "NoSQL Database as a Service" category of the tech stack, while PostgreSQL can be primarily classified under "Databases”.
  • Cosmos Db is a fully-managed, globally distributed NoSQL database service built for fast and predictable performance, high availability, elastic scaling, global distribution, and ease of development;
  • PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system that supports an extended subset of the SQL standard, including transactions, foreign keys, subqueries and functions.

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Pain point #2

Monthly Analysis & Architecture Explanation

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Monthly Analysis & Architecture Explanation #2

You can use the Azure Pricing Calculator to find monthly cost.

See one of the sample below.

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Monthly Analysis & Architecture Explanation #2

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Pain point #3

Azure Service Bus Configuration

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Azure Service Bus Configuration #3

  • Azure Service Bus is fully managed service whose scaling and availability will be taken care by Azure team.
  • It is integrated with other Azure services like, Event Grid, Logic Apps, Stream Analytics etc.
  • It provides reliable and secure asynchronous message communication platform along with facility of delayed processing of events or data.
  • Shared Access Signatures (SAS), Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and Managed Service Identity (MSI) protocols are supported by it.
  • It also supports client libraries for .NET, Java, JMS.

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Azure Service Bus Configuration #3 continued

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Azure Service Bus Configuration #3 continued

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