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by Connor Horn

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What is Firedrake?

“Firedrake is an automated system for the solution of partial differential equations using the finite element method (FEM). Firedrake uses sophisticated code generation to provide mathematicians, scientists, and engineers with a very high productivity way to create sophisticated high performance simulations.” - from firedrakeproject.org

  • Uses UFL (Unified Form Language)
  • Seamless coupling with PETSc
  • Triangular, quadrilateral, and tetrahedral unstructured meshes
  • Layered meshes of triangular wedges or hexahedra
  • Vast range of finite element spaces.
  • Geometric multigrid
  • Customisable operator preconditioners

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  • 83 lifetime contributors
  • 29 contributors in the past year

Development discussions take place on the GitHub discussions page, Slack, and mailing lists

  • ~4 emails/comments a week

Pull requests are the best way to get a project contribution

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Proposed Projects

  • New example or tutorial
    • 7 introductory tutorials
    • 15 advanced tutorials
  • Improved documentation
    • Jupyter notebooks
    • Youtube channel
    • API documentation
    • Manual
  • Reproduce/analyze an issue or bug report
    • 178 issues
    • 1 good first issue
  • Performance testing tools or a comparison
    • Compare different methods to solve one problem