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Map Scale

Do Now:

  • Take your notebook out.
  • Open a CALCULATOR in another tab.
  • Write today’s date and MAP SCALE at the top of a new page
  • Begin copying today’s notes from slide 2.

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Map Scale

Maps use a scale to show sizes and distances in a way that people can understand.

A scale compares real-life distance to distance on the map

. On the scale below, one actual mile is represented by one inch on the map

You can find distances with a map scale with or without using a ruler.



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Map Scale Practice

Directions: Use your laminated map and ruler to find the distance between the following points:

USA Side

  • Miami Florida to Raleigh, North Carolina:

  • Portland, Oregon to Long Island, New York:

3. Sacramento, California to Des Moines, Iowa:

World Side

4. London, England to Washington DC, USA:

5. Sydney, Australia to Cape Town, South Africa:

6. Mexico City, Mexico to Lima, Peru:

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Map Scale

Do Now Day 2:

Do Now: In your own words, briefly explain how to use a map scale. Use simple words and be very clear as if you were explaining it to a little kid!

To use a map scale, you have to….

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Map Scale Practice part 2-

Grab a ruler and a map!

Mission: Use your ruler and the map scale to calculate the distances between the locations listed below. Then, play the map scale game to improve your skills even more! Remember to use the INCHES sides of your ruler and scale.


  • New York City to Mexico City, Mexico-

2. Lima, Peru to Moscow, Russia-

3. Cairo, Egypt to Tokyo, Japan-

4. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic to Sydney, Australia-


  • Phoenix, Arizona to Little Rock, Arkansas-
  • Olympia Washington to Austin, Texas-
  • Augusta, Maine to Richmond, Virginia-
  • Trenton, New Jersey to Tallahassee, Florida-

Play the MAP SCALE GAME here.

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World Map

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USa Map