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Mini Calm Down Breathing Activities

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Breathe in slowly and on your first outbreath, say “10” to yourself. With the next outbreath, say “9,” working your way down to “0.” When you get down to “0,” notice how you feel. Repeat if necessary.

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As you breathe in, say “1..2..3..4,” to yourself, as you breathe out, say “4..3..2..1,” to yourself. Do this several times.

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After each inbreath, pause and count, “1..2..3;” after each outbreath, pause and count, “1..2..3.” Do this several times.

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On the inbreath, think “I am...,” and on the outbreath, think, “...at peace.” Repeat this several times.

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“Draw a square” with your breath. On the inbreath, visualize a vertical line and then a horizontal line. On the outbreath, you visualize another vertical and horizontal line to complete the square.