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  • HOOK- attention grabber, between 1-3 sentences
    • Strategies: quote, anecdote, question, sensory detail, etc...
    • Should capture attention of reader and be thought provoking!
  • Bridge- used to connect the hook to the thesis statement (1-2 sentences)
    • Ideas….maybe define social media/cancel culture? Cite your source (website)!
  • Thesis Statement- clearly states what side you are on and your upcoming reasons
    • Think of it as Google Maps- “drives” the direction your essay is going!
    • Social Media/Cancel Culture does more harm than good (or more good than harm) because __________________________ and _______________________________.
      • Insert the two reasons in the above blanks (just state them--- do NOT explain why yet!)
      • Keep them simple
      • No quotes...those are for the body paragraphs

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Body of the essay

Paragraph 2- Reason One

  • Burger format
  • Two pieces of evidence, then analysis…
  • Use transitions (first, next, also, therefore…)

Paragraph 3- Reason Two

  • Same as above, but for reason #2

Paragraph 4- Counterclaim

  • Some may say that…… (fill in best argument on the other side). Now, respect/explain that side in a
  • couple sentences.
  • However, that still does not seem logical because….
  • Use evidence to SQUASH their argument-- end paragraph “Hammering Home” the side you are arguing for.
  • Follow counterclaim worksheet I handed out in class (the “double burger”)

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  • Restate thesis statement
    • In conclusion, social media/cancel culture does more harm than good (or more good than harm) because _______________________________ and __________________________________.
  • DO NOT EXPLAIN the two reasons- you did this in the body!

  • Call to Action
    • This is where you ask the reader to consider changing a law, or keeping a law…
    • Please consider…. It is important to...This law should be changed...

  • If possible, tie back to hook (advanced level, optional)

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Other Suggestions...

Almost done! Woo Hoo!!

Remember to use some of these apps:



*Tools-- Grammar and Spelling check

Other apps suggestions: _____________________________________