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Schools in the USA

Школи в Америці

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Fill in the gaps with the suitable words from the box.

(Заповніть пропуски відповідними словами з рамки.)

1. Did you think I wouldn’t find your ...?

2. Teachers shouldn’t lower standards to students with ..., but must give them an

opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned.

3. A high school ... is basically a record of your academic accomplishments.

4. The program provides a ... to maintain children from different backgrounds.

5. A ... of 1800 dollars per program is charged.

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Read about schools in the USA.

Ex. 2, p. 138

Знайдіть та запишіть переклад виділених слів

equal opportunity

be a wide choice

performing arts

elective subjects


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Look at the words in bold. Guess the meaning of those you do not know.Match the words to their definitions.

(Подивіться на слова, виділені жирним шрифтом. Відгадайте значення тих, яких ви не знаєте. Установіть відповідність між словами та їх визначеннями.)

a) a course which is not necessary, but a school student takes because he/she

wants to;

b) forms of creative activity that are performed in front of an audience, such as drama,music, and dance.

c) many things among which you can choose the one you want;

d) to become a member of or an active participant in;

e) the right to be treated without discrimination, especially because of one’s race, or age.

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Answer the following questions. (Дайте відповіді на запитання)

1. What does pre-school and elementary education include?

2. Are they public or private?

3. How long does elementary school last?

4. What do the children at elementary schools learn?

5. What is the main idea of elementary education?

6. What is the main idea of secondary education?

7. What types of schools provide secondary education?

8. What do specialized schools provide?

9. Do schools offer different programs of study?

10. When do students usually leave school?

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Fill in the gaps with a verb from the box below. Put it in the correct form.

(Заповніть пропуски дієсловом з рамки. Поставте його у правильну форму)

1. They managed ... the task in time.

2. She refused ... him her car.

3. Linda wants ... university.

4. The teacher promised ... us to the local university next week.

5. She will not let me ... any more.

6. Nick agreed ... me his old laptop.

7. I’d love ... the USA one day.

8. The teacher made him ... for his behaviour.

9. I forgot ... a composition.

10. Could you ... me the time, please?

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Wish you success! Thanks for the work!

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