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Welcome to �Science Lab!

Remote Learning Lesson

Week of April 27-May 1, 2020�Grades: 4th and 5th

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Shout Outs!

AJ and Tait know that a Rube Goldberg machine “makes something simple in a complicated way.” They built a snowman in Minecraft. AJ wrote, “So to build a snowman in Minecraft you need to place just 3 blocks. But we made a flying machine and lots of Redstone wires just to place those 3 blocks. So we overcomplicated it.”

WOW! Yes, you did make it overcomplicated. Watch here:

Ava built a Rube Goldberg machine to water the plants in her yard. She worked with her dad and sister (Mia) on the machine.

Kade, Kingston and DaLilah all worked together to build a machine to turn on the TV. Listen for their excitement when the machine works!

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Hello Engineers!

Please press play on the video

When the video ends, hit the spacebar or arrows at the bottom of your screen to go to the next slide.

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I can explore a new engineer and his creation.

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Caine’s Arcade

Meet Caine! He’s 9 years old and loves arcade games. He loves to play them, collect tickets, and get prizes.

Caine thinks like an engineer. He likes to take his toys apart and see how they work.

One day, he decided to build his own arcade game using a cardboard box and items from his house.

Let’s see what he created...

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While you watch...

  • Listen and watch
  • Sketch your favorite arcade game
  • Sketch a plan you have to build your own game

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In November of 2017 the 4th and 5th graders built their own arcade using cardboard boxes and items from their homes.

Do you see any friends who are now in middle school?

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Pick one (or more)

Design an arcade game.

Write or draw your plan. ����

Build an arcade game using cardboard boxes and objects from your home.

Build your own Rube Goldberg machine.

Then write the steps or draw how it works. ����*Remember: A Rube Goldberg machine does a simple task in a complicated way.

Explore the Caine’s Arcade website (and see what Caine looks like today!)

Write 2 or more questions you would ask Caine if you could meet him.

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Please click here to show Miss Michelle your work.

Then go to the next slide for MORE Science!

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Here were choices from last week if you want do try another challenge!

Watch a Rube Goldberg video.

Then write the steps of what happened. ����

Watch a Rube Goldberg video.

Then draw the steps of what happened.��

��*Look here for examples.

Build your own Rube Goldberg machine.

Then write the steps or draw how it works. ����*Remember: A Rube Goldberg machine does a simple task in a complicated way.

Listen to an engineering podcast.

Then write 2 or more things you learned or wondered.

Rollercoasters: How are they designed?

Internet: How does internet get to us?Airplanes: How do they work?

Electricity: How does it get to us?

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Office hours:�9:00-10:00 a.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday�2:00-3:00 p.m. Thursday, Friday

Google voice phone number: 720-642-7120

E-mail: michelle_morton@dpsk12.org

Google Meet Up every Thursday 1:00-2:00 p.m.

Click HERE for the Centennial Science Lab Website

Want more science? �

*Try the Rube Goldberg Challenge: Drop a bar of soap into someone’s hands.

*Explore these lessons created by Denver Public Schools for Fourth and Fifth grade

*Watch more elaborate Rube Goldberg videos: