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Ms. Foster

4th Grade ALP

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Ms. Foster’s 4th Grade ALP Class

Hi! My name is Jill Foster, and I am the 4th grade Advanced Learner Program ALP teacher. I have been a teacher for 28 years in three different states and have taught 2nd grade through 7th grade. I have taught the ALP class for 16 years.

In the beginning of an academic year, the 4th grade ALP class will spend time getting to know each other, discovering what kind of learners they are, and contemplating what a positive mindset is and what it looks like in our classroom and home. I understand the first couple of months are a transition period for the students. All of the students, with the exception of those from Olson Park Elementary, have a common experience when they first arrive since everyone is new to the program and to the school building. I will work closely with each student, and parents/guardians, to ensure a smooth transition through encouragement, understanding, and regular communication.

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Ms. Foster’s 4th Grade ALP Class

Some things that will be different from the regular education classroom may be my classroom management methodology. I encourage open conversation where opinions are valued even if in disagreement. We learn how to explain our thinking and accept when we are incorrect. Students will develop responsibility and executive skills in order to work on multiple projects and/or subjects at one time. I encourage students to accept challenging work and learn how to work through the frustration that often accompanies this type of work.

The physical classroom will have many informational and social emotional posters for students to ponder and use. Each student has a desk, a bin for folders and notebooks, and choice of sitting apparatuses. These include but are not limited to a regular chair, stool, or bouncy ball. We will work in large groups at first while getting to know each other and the routines of the class. We also do a lot of partner work in order to get to know each other. The children will learn how to speak with purpose and clarity. Sometimes, students will work in small groups, especially when they identify which skill set they need assistance. Students may work with others with similar needs, or with me, depending on what the needs of the class are at that time.

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Ms. Foster’s 4th Grade ALP Class

What is the best part about this program? I have asked my students this question and the majority of them have said that they enjoyed the challenging level of learning, the individualization that was driven by pre and post testing, and the increased pace. Students in 4th grade ALP are typically very engaged and very interested in the learning. While the assignments are aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards, they are also differentiated for each student to ensure mastery and advance learning. Students learn how to set goals as well as how to meet them.

I have also asked the students what information they would like to share with new students entering the program, and here are some of their responses.

“ You won’t be bored anymore.”

“You will look forward to coming to school everyday.”

“You will like the challenges and the projects.”

You will make new friends that “get” you, but you can still have play dates with your home-school friends.”

“Mrs. Foster is nice and will make learning fun.”