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Science Journal

Science Journal

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Drawbacks (or Frustrations)

Journaling..is this useful for students? Is it useful for teachers? Is it something worth trying to do with learners?

Age range/ technological proficiency

Was 7-10 minutes enough time to explore the app?

Suggestions for questions to explore (not light specific)

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What’s a Lux?

The ambient light sensor measures light in lux, a measure of illumination that depends on the amount of incoming light and the area over which it is spread.

A full moon provides about 1 lux of illumination, a typical lamp-lit living room about 50 lux, classroom lighting and sunrise and sunset about 400 lux, daylight (indirect sun) over 10,000 lux, and direct sun over 30,000 lux.

Lux is an unfamiliar unit for most of us. When we buy lightbulbs, we often shop by watts—but the wattage of a bulb doesn’t tell you how bright a bulb is, only how much energy it uses. Lumens are a better measure for light shopping; they tell you how much light a bulb will actually produce. Lux, meanwhile, tells you how much of that light arrives at a particular area.

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Questions to Explore (7-10 minutes)

  • How do artificial light sources compare to natural light from a window?
  • What happens near a wall, under a table?
  • Where do you find the lowest reading?
  • Where do you find the highest reading?
  • What happens if you place the light sensor at different angles to the light source? Does tilting the phone make a difference?
  • If you’re outside, explore the natural light from the sun and the different shadows it creates.
  • Which lighting conditions take the best selfie?
  • Which one is brighter? (Test examples)


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Feedback (feel free to duplicate slide and add)


Drawbacks (or Frustrations)

Journaling..is this useful for students? Is it useful for teachers? Is it something worth trying to do with learners?

Age range/ technological proficiency

Was 7-10 minutes enough time to explore the app?

Suggestions for questions to explore (not light specific)