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Pet Birds

By: Sophie

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Fledge - Develope wing feathers that are long enough for flight.

Non-toxic - Not poisonous or toxic.

Hieroglyphics - Symbols or writing.

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History of Pet Birds

More than 4,000 years ago, birds were first caged for their beauty.

Egyptian hieroglyphics showed what looked like the first pet birds, including doves and parrots.

Parakeets were kept as pets in Ancient Greek society. The Alexandrine Parakeet is named for Alexander the Great, because one of Alexander’s generals granted him this bird as a gift after the invasion of India in 327 B.C.

In Roman households, watching the parrot talk was like watching TV.

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Behavior and Appearance

Different breeds of birds will have different colors and sizes. All pet birds can be moody.

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Housing and Equipment Needed

For a pet birds housing, you need a cage that is the right size. It should be able to fully extend its wings and have enough room if it has a long tail.

It will also need a perch to stand on. It can be home made or you can buy one from the store. If you make it, use branches that are pesticide-free and from non-toxic trees.

Your bird will need a hiding spot to get away from humans and other pets.

Toys should be soft wite pine, rawhide and leather chews, or pine cones will help your birds beak stay healthy and keep your bird active.

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You should feed your pet bird a combination of high quality commercial food and some natural foods.

Before giving your bird natural foods, you should do research for your breed of bird to make sure it is appropriate and non-toxic.

Your bird should eat two meals a day, like they do in the wild, this would be in the morning and evening. They could also feed throughout the day.

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Handling and Care Requirements

The proper way to pick up your bird is to offer your hand or arm and say “Step up”.

Never grab your bird or force it on your hand or arm.

Paying attention to body language will help you determine if he/she wants to be handled.

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The time for incubation varies from specie to specie.

Small songbirds take between 10 days and two 2 weeks to hatch and the same amount to fledge.

Large birds may take 3 weeks to a month to fledge.

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Most Common Diseases

The most common diseases you can get from your pet bird is Cryptococcosis, Histoplasmosis, and Psittacosis.

Cryptococcosis and histoplasmosis are both infections and psittacosis is a disease.

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