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Investigative priorities for climate change reporting

Jim Footner - Director

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Current trends: How are corporates responding to demands for climate policy?

  • Context - Climate has exacerbated the global inflation crisis, which in turn has had a chilling effect on the pace of climate policy

  • Net zero is king - around a third of the largest global corporations now have net zero targets
  • Net zero pledges largely rely on questionable technologies and market mechanisms that are yet to exist at scale
  • IOCs and fossil fuel adjacent industries are part of a sophisticated network of influence that seeks to shape global and local climate policy
  • Middle eastern petrostates and their NOCs have increased their engagement in global climate affairs, engaging beyond the UNFCCC process


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Emerging trends: who gets to design the regimes that will govern the low carbon transition?

  • Heavy industrial sectors - how will they respond to regulation that challenges existing business models?
  • What role will corporates play in climate ‘culture war’ debates?
  • The credibility of net zero: corporate pledges, political commitment, and the role of hidden actors in designing transition regimes
  • How and where will NOCs seek to safeguard a market for their fossil fuel products?


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Future trends: Who will be the winners and losers of the post oil transition?