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Introduction to ePortfolios Quest 3

Instructors' workshop

John Robertson,

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

January 2013

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ePortfolios for USP

  • A program level collection of student work related to Signature Questions and Essential Learning Outcomes
  • Intended to develop reflection on progression through program
  • Pivotal USP courses draw together student work in the portfolios and help students articulate progress so far
  • Full and Lite approaches to using ePortfolios with your course

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USP ePortfolio: Full & Lite approaches

In a lite approach to using ePortfolios, from each course students:

  • upload a key assignment to their D2L ePortfolio
  • create a reflection on that work
  • understand how their course relates to the program

In a full approach to using ePortfolios, the course:

  • also uses an ePortfolio approach within the course as well as at the program level.

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USP and Assignments

Each USP course uploads a key piece of work to the student's ePortfolio. This assignment:

  • is a significant graded/ assessed piece of work
  • helps students demonstrate fulfillment of the course's learning outcomes.
  • reflects how the course aligns with the institutional learning outcomes.
  • reflects how the course aligns with USP signature questions.

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Quest 3 ePortfolio

Signature Questions

  • Intercultural knowledge and competence
  • Sustainability and its applications
  • Civic Learning

The ePortfolio process can lend itself to supporting the type of learning and personal development envisioned in Quest 3

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USP ePortfolio: Pedagogy

An ePortfolio approach to teaching and learning seeks to:

  • develop a body of work
  • help recognize progression over time
  • selectively present work for assignments
  • support reflection
  • feedback on progression
  • relate individual pieces of work to a bigger picture

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USP and Reflection

Reflection invites students to engage with the process of their learning and their growth through the course. Some of the central questions students should consider are:

  • How has my learning been influenced through this course? as a person, as a scholar in my discipline, as a learner
  • How does what I have done relate to what I have done in the past and what I want to do next?
  • What did I feel went well and what would I want to improve?

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ePortfolio example

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eP example 2

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Support and Professional Development

Enhancing student learning: reflection and the ePortfolio process

  • Twice weekly Spring semester OSW-style workshops on reflection and on the ePortfolio process

D2L & D2L ePortfolio

  • Next week three half day drop-in sessions in the idealab Mon 2-4, Tue 9-12, Wed 2-4
  • Throughout the semester every other week two one hour drop-in labs.

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Further details

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ePortfolios and intercultural knowledge

Connection between outcome, assignment, and artifact.

Tangible digital artifacts to support learning and reflection

Artifacts that fit into a degree?

Ethical, legal, respectful

How does what students are creating interact with community?

Feedback as part of the eP process