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Erasmus+ KA229

Cybersecurity Schools

Curso 2021/2022

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Project Idea

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Project Idea

  • Raise awareness among our pupils about the correct use of technology and its dangers.
  • To have pupils who can give explanations on how to use technology safely (cybermentors).

Logo de nuestro proyecto

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Specific objectives

  • Raise awareness about online safety and security.
  • Learn about and research Internet security issues.
  • Share our best practices in cybersecurity.
  • Develop international skills.
  • Organise the First International Congress on Cybersecurity (May 2022).

Cybermentor Students

(11 June 2020)

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  • Mentoring activities:
    • Every fortnight we will carry out good practices and activities related to cybersecurity.
      • 5th and 6th: Monday (MEET).
    • Interested courses: We will adapt the activities.
  • Activities Cybermentor students:
    • 6th grade: Wednesdays fortnightly (12:00) - Library.
    • Previous course topics: Cyberbullying, Fake News, privacy protection and techno-addictions.
    • This year's topics: Identity theft.

Mentoring activities (The club of the braves - April 26, 2021).

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Cybermentor students present their works (20 May 2021)

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  • Transnational activities:
    • Pending mobilities: Italy, Hungary, Turkey and Spain.
    • Programme.


(From 9 to 13 December, 2019)

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Blog and eTwinning

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Thank you!