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Unit 1 Compo

Class 4.2 GERMANY

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Prefect Ben and the Wise Dragonfly - Yan Yung Yog

One morning,Prefect Ben was playing with his small,blue and green plastic ball in the field of his school-Anderson Primary School.He was throwing the ball up and down.

He was not playing for quite a long time when a gust of wind came and blew the ball into some thick prickly bushes.Ben tried to find his ball but was not successful. Ben looked sadly at the bushes.

A small,multi-coloured dragonfly noticed that he was sad .He flew by his side and asked,''What's the problem ?"

Ben replied,"I dropped my ball into those bushes,"pointing to them

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The dragonfly said,"I can get your ball back on condition that you clean my habitable."

"That sounds bad enough,"Ben said.The dragonfly continued,"What is it made of ?"

Ben replied,"It's made of plastic,it's very light and it's blue and green in colour."After the dragonfly heard his reply,he went into the bushes and searched for the ball.After some time, the dragonfly found the ball.He it with its legs and flew to Ben.

Ben saw the dragonfly with his ball.He took it from him and said,"Thanks little dragonfly,bye!"The dragonfly flew off.Ben suddenly remembered that the dragonfly was talking to him.He thought if he was in a dream.But he still cleaned the dragonfly's habitat.

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Prefect Guan You And The Wise Grasshopper-Sky Chua

"Ring!" The bell rang for recess signaling the beginning of freedom. Prefect Guan You and Ryan made a beeline to the football field. They began to play penalty against each other. Guan You kicked the ball with all his might. 'Swoosh!' Instead of going into the net,the ball ended up in a tree.

Wanting to get the ball back,Prefect Guan You decided to climb the tree although he had never done so before. However,Ryan was against his idea.Out of a sudden, they heard someone talking. They turned their heads towards the sound and they were astonished to find a talking grasshopper.It struck a deal with the boys.The

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grasshopper would provide an idea to get back the ball if they promised to bring him food everyday.

They agreed to the term as long as they got the ball back. The grasshopper told them to shake the tree. Prefect Guan You got back the ball and brought food for the grasshopper everyday.

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Prefect Ryan and The Wise Grasshopper-Jia Yu

"Let's play soccer!" exclaimed Ryan.Sky,who is Ryan's best friend,agreed to play.They were playing happily when something happened.

Sky asked,"Where is the ball?,Ryan",looking everywhere in search of the ball.Finally,Sky remembered where Ryan kicked the ball towards.He said to Ryan,"I think the ball is there," pointing at a dirty drain.They went towards it and saw the ball.Ryan tried to take it but could not because the drain was too deep for his hands to reach.Ryan was downcast.Sky said to Ryan,"We can play soccer next time!."Just when they were about to leave, a grasshopper appeared

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and said,"I can help you to get the ball back and you must help me to get a new home." After hearing that,Ryan thought for a while and agreed to the suggestion.The grasshopper went into the drain and get the ball back.

They got the ball back and Prefect Ryan gave the wise Grasshopper a new home at his house.

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Prefect Jack and the Wise Ant - Bing Zhe

One day prefect Jack was walking along the corridor doing his duty when he saw a boy running along the corridor.Prefect Jack followed the boy to the field and he accidentally drop his coin in the field hole.

He used his hand,grass,branches and everything else but he could not reach his coin.Luckily,a wise red ant came out and helped him.The wise red ant had an idea.He asked his army of ants friends to help prefect

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Jack and carry the coin up the hole and give it back to prefect Jack.

Prefect Jack used his coin to buy sweets for the red ants.

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Prefect Adeline and The Wise Bee - Yi Jie

Prefect Adeline was doing her duty and she was holding onto her lunchbox. She was doing her duty in the field when suddenly, "Plink, plonk, plink!" Her lunchbox slipped out of her sweaty palms. Prefect Adeline started to panic as she shivered.

"Oh dear! How am I going to have recess now?" Adeline thought. Nothing could stop her from finding her lunchbox. She ran everywhere, finding her missing lunchbox. "Bzzz, bzzz," a bee buzzed merrily. When it saw her worried face, curiosity rose through its mind.

"Hey, girl. Wait! What's wrong?" the bee asked her curiously. "Not now, Bee. I got to find my lunchbox! It's almost time...," Prefect Adeline sighed heavily. As Prefect Adeline ran round in circles, Bee thought hard.

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Suddenly, something came up to its mind.....

" I got a fantastic idea! I can use my long and black antenna to sense where your lunchbox is. I can sense things well," Bee told her. Prefect Adeline agreed. "But, I do not have a friend, if I find your lunchbox, you have to find me a perfect friend," Bee told her the condition.

Perfect Adeline agreed to that too. She had no choice. They started on a search and found it in the drain. "Yuck! But thanks Bee. Let's find you a friend now," Prefect Adeline told it.

Prefect Adeline know what was best for such a wise bee. "Bee, if you want to have a friend, be nice, kind and at least helpful! Speak kindly and be caring. That's all!" Prefect Adeline smile as she thanked the bee for looking for her lunchbox.

Bee thanked her too. "A wise bee should have a perfect friend indeed" Prefect Adeline thought.

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Prefect Sheryl and the Wise Fish- Adeline

One fine day, prefect Sheryl was carrying out her prefectorial duty. Her duty was at the eco- garden. The boys,as usual,were playing in the field. Sheryl knew one of the boys it was none other than her worst enemy,Dave. He often annoyed Sheryl and got into trouble.

"Crash!" the ball came flying through the air and hit Sheryl on the head. As she suspected it was Dave. "That was a bull's eye for me!" Dave shouted sarcastically. Sheryl shot him a dirty look. Dave retrieved the ball and continued playing.

"Ring!" the school bell rang. "Go back to class,"said Sheryl to the boys. But the boys did not listen. "Oh no,

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what should I do?"wondered Sheryl. "I know what to do!" shouted a squeaky voice. "Who are you, show yourself!" Sheryl shouted. A fish emerged out of the water.

"I am in the pond,look down." She looked down and gasp,it was a talking fish! It explained that it saw what happened but would only help Sheryl if she cleans the pond every time it is dirty. "Ok," said Sheryl happily.

"Tell a teacher," said the fish. Sheryl went back to class and told her form teacher Madam Hannah. Madam Hannah went to the field and scolded the boys. The next day,Sheryl started scooping up algae and seaweeds from the pond. To keep her promise, Sheryl would go to the pond often to clean it.

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Prefect Sam and The Wise bird-Davvis

One blazing morning , prefect Sam was not on duty so he asked his friends whether if they wanted to play with him soccer during recess time .

"Rrrrring!" The bell had rang so he brought his new soccer ball that has a team logo and a nike mark on it . He went to eat his lunch before playing soccer with his friends and classmates .

He started to walk towards the field . All his friends were waiting for him . When they saw him they started cheering as he was the best soccer player . He chose weaker

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players for his team when they were about to start the game . He was discussing about the formation .

When the whistle was blown they started kicking the ball . When the ball was with Sam he started to dribble the ball when he finally release the shot . Instead of going towards the the ball went on top of the eco garden . When suddenly a bird flew towards him and said "If you want your ball back you should help my mother to tie a bandage as she was being hit by a car , and Sam agreed to it . So the bird help him to push the ball down and Sam collect it and did what the bird has told .

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Prefect Kimberly and The Wise Bird - Jelene

One sunny morning,Prefect Kimberly was playing with a soccer ball at the school field during recess.Suddenly,the loud hailer was sounded.So Prefect Kimberly ran across the field to the canteen but as she was running across the field,an accident happened.She tripped and fell.She was lucky because she fell on the soft grass but the ball was not so lucky,it dropped in a deep and dark hole.

"Ding Dong!Ding Dong!"the school bell rang. almost forgot recess was over!"Prefect Kimberly"I said loudly.She ran to her classroom and got there in the nick of time."I will get the ball after school,"Prefect Kimberly said to herself.Prefect Kimberly thought about the soccer ball for the whole day.Two hours was like twenty hours.Finally,school ended.

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After Prefect Kimberly's class was dismissed,Prefect Kimberly went straight into the field to see the soccer ball.There it was,right below the deep and dark hole.As Prefect Kimberly was using a stick to try to take the ball out,she heard a voice,"Prefect Kimberly!Over here at the eco-garden!" the voice shouted.Prefect Kimberly walked into the eco garden to see the person who was calling her.But there was nobody in sight except a bird."Who is calling me?!"she shouted."Over here!At your foot!"the voice said.

Prefect Kimberly looked down and was shocked!A bird was talking to her!The bird said,"I can help you get your ball back on condition that you must find a good tree here to build my nest." "Okay, so how do I get the ball back?"Prefect Kimberly asked."Take the torn net from the goalpost and give it to me." "Okay,"Prefect Kimberly replied.The bird took one end of the net and asked Prefect Kimberly to take the other end.Then,the bird went into the hole and tied the net to the ball.The bird came out of the hole and asked Prefect Kimberly to pull the net.Suddenly,"Boing,Boing,Boing!"the soccer ball bounced out of the hole."Thank you!"Prefect Kimberly thanked the bird as she chose a good tree for it."You are a wise bird!"