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Third Grade Math

The Third Nine Weeks

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  • Extend Multiplication and Division

  • Represent Fraction

  • Compare and Find Equivalent Fractions

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Extend Multiplication and Division

  • Multiply 2-digit number by a 1-digit number.
  • Use all of the models previously introduced.
    • Array
    • Area Model
    • Number Line
    • Draw equal groups
    • Repeated addition
    • Strip Diagram

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Extend Multiplication and Division

  • Multiply 2-digit number by a 1-digit number.
  • Use properties of operations
  • Partial Product

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Extend Multiplication and Division

  • Multiply 2-digit number by a 1-digit number.
  • Use properties of operations
  • 48 X 3
    • I am looking for 48 groups of 3.
    • I know that 48 is only 2 away from 50.
    • I also know that 50 groups of 3 is 150.
    • Now I need to take away those two extra groups of 3 (6).
    • 150 - 6 is 144

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Use Multiplicative Comparisons

  • 3 X 24 represents 3 times as much as 24.
  • Yuri had 24 stickers in his collection last week. He got a lot of stickers for his birthday and this week he has 3 times as many stickers as he had last week. How many stickers does Yuri have now?
  • Evan is 8 years old. His cousin, Sylvia, is 4 times older than Evan. How old is Sylvia.

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Represent Fractions

Represent fractions greater than zero or less than one with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 using objects or pictures including strip diagrams and number lines.

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Represent Fractions

Represent fractions greater than zero or less than one with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 using objects or pictures including strip diagrams and number lines.

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Represent Fractions

Represent fractions greater than zero or less than one with denominators of 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 using objects or pictures including strip diagrams and number lines.

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Name Unit Fractions

Unit fractions have a denominator of 1.

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Decompose Fractions in Multiple Ways

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Problem Solving with Fractions

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Problem Solving with Fractions

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Problem Solving with Fractions

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Equivalent Fractions

Explain that two fractions are equivalent if and only if they are both represented by the same point on the number line or represent the same size portion of the same size whole

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Equivalent Fractions

Explain that two fractions are equivalent if and only if they are both represented by the same point on the number line or represent the same size portion of the same size whole.

Both two-thirds, but not equivalent.

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Compare Fractions

Compare 2 fractions having the same numerator or denominator in problems by reasoning about their sizes and justify the conclusion using symbols, word, objects and pictures.

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Compare Fractions

Compare 2 fractions having the same numerator.

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Compare Fractions

Compare 2 fractions having the same denominator.

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Understand that Equal Shares of Congruent Wholes Need Not Have the Same Shape