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CMB-S4 Clusters / SZ

CMB-S4 Summer collaboration meeting,

2 August 2023


  • Lindsey Bleem
  • Will Coulton
  • Iñigo Zubeldia
  • Erwin Lau
  • Aleksandra (Ola) Kusiak
  • Matthew Johnson
  • Chun-Hao To



Srinivasan Raghunathan & Boris Bolliet

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From SPT to CMB-S4 Cluster Catalogs and Cosmology�

Lindsey Bleem

Argonne National Laboratory


11-11.10 a.m.


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Cluster finding and

number count likelihood

Iñigo Zubeldia


11.20-11.25 a.m.


IoA/KICC, Cambridge

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Improvements to MMF cluster detection method

  • Iterative noise covariance estimation: boosts signal-to-noise and gets rid of ILC-like bias in cluster tSZ observable.

(IZ, Rotti, Chluba & Battye, 2204.13780)

  • Foreground deprojection with spectrally constrained MMF: with moment expansion, highly effective at removing CIB bias in tSZ observable.

(IZ, Chluba & Battye, 2212.07410)

  • Implemented in SZiFi, the Sunyaev-Zeldovich iterative Finder.


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New cluster number count code: cnc

Easy-to-use, flexible cluster number count code:

  • Unbinned, binned, and extreme value likelihoods.
  • Arbitrary number of mass proxies, with the possibility of each cluster in the sample having different combinations of them.
  • Links mass to mass proxies with model with arbitrary number of layers, each layer allowing for correlated scatter.
  • Redshift measurement uncertainties.
  • Unconfirmed detections.
  • Stacked data (modelled consistently with cluster detection).
  • Written in Python, interfaced with Cobaya.
  • Fast (Planck cnc likelihood in 1s on a laptop) and accurate (biases less than 0.2 sigma).
  • Publicly available soon, paper in prep.

With Boris Bolliet

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Baryon Pasting

Erwin Lau (SAO)

on behalf of the Baryon Pasting Team

Daisuke Nagai, Hironao Miyatake, Arya Farahi, Ken Osato, Masato Shirasaki, Han Aung, Naomi Gluck, Andrew Hearin, Tae-Hyeon Shin, Anja von der Linden, Zhuowen Zhang, Matt Ho, Michelle Ntampka, Ismael Mendoza, Phil Mansfield, Camille Avestruz, Marina Ricci, and many more


11.25-11.35 a.m.

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Baryon Pasting Model


Maximize the scientific returns of multiwavelength (SZ+optical+X-ray) surveys of galaxy clusters and LSS.


Halo-Gas Connection: modeling of SZ and X-ray profiles from ICM to CGM.

● Baryonification: constraining baryonic effects with cross-correlations.


Develop a simple, physically-motivated computationally efficient method for modeling multi-properties of clusters, groups, and galaxies.

Gas Clumping

Non-thermal Gas Motions

Gas Heating

by SNe/AGN feedback + mergers

Cool-Core modeling

Triaxial Shapes of DM+Gas

Polytropic Gas in Hydrostatic Equilibrium in a spherical DM potential

Cooling +

Star Formation

Also see Florian Kéruzoré’s JASC talk on Monday

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Calibrating Baryon Pasting Model with X-ray observations



X-ray measurements of gas density profiles of the Chandra-SPT sample

Vikhlinin+06, Sun+09, Lovisari+15:

measurements of the relation between mass of gas and total mass (DM+gas+stars)

Baryon Pasting gas model describes X-ray observations: gas density profiles, Mgas-M Relations well (Flender, Nagai, McDonald 17)

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Baryon Pasted Multi-wavelength Maps

  • Realistic mock maps in X-ray and tSZ, e.g. using lightcones generated from large-scale DM N-body simulations.
  • Fast and parallelized: ~150 halos per second per core
  • Convenient to explore impact of astrophysics by varying parameters of feedback, non-thermal pressure in our BP model.

DM surface density

X-ray Surface Brightness

Compton-y (thermal SZ)

cosmoDC2 Lightcone : Korytov+2019


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Forward Modeling SZ Cluster Physics with Baryon Pasting

Feedback and ICM non-thermal pressure (turbulence) change tSZ power spectrum at different scales (e.g., Shaw+10, Battaglia+12).

Can be easily modeled in BP maps.

Strong Turbulence

Weak Feedback

Baryon Pasted tSZ maps

Strong Feedback

Weak Turbulence

More turbulence

More feedback energy

Thermal SZ angular power spectrum

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Particle-based Baryon Pasting: tSZ and kSZ maps

Osato & Nagai 23 arxiv:2201.02632


Particle-based baryon pasting allow us to model gas outside of halos. Important for kSZ!

(~40 times slower than halo-based painting )

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Cosmology & Astrophysics with

Cross-survey & Cross-correlations

Cross angular power spectra in tSZ (CMB-S4), X-ray (eROSITA), and Weak Lensing (Rubin-LSST) will lead to improved constraints on cosmology and astrophysics

tSZ+Weak Lensing+X-ray

Shirasaki, Lau, & Nagai 2020

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X-ray Angular Power Spectrum

  • X-ray angular power spectrum from eFEDS (eROSITA early data release) consistent with ROSAT on large scales and Chandra/COSMOS on small scales.
  • The BP model (Not a fit!) calibrated with Chandra-SPT density profiles agrees with measurements.
  • Cycle 25 Chandra archival proposal has been accepted to constrain S8 with X-ray power spectra.

140 sq. deg.

Lau+23 MNRAS

arxiv: 2204.13105

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Scatter in ICM profiles biases power spectra

  • Intrinsic scatter in gas density and pressure profiles lead to scale-dependent bias in power spectra!
  • BP maps are useful for quantifying systematics in power spectrum measurements.




Power spectra measured from Baryon Pasted X-ray and SZ maps

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Orientation & Projection Bias in Cluster SZ-selection

  • Given a mass, the halos aligned along the LOS pick up larger integrated Y.
  • BP enables modeling of extrinsic scatter in cluster scaling relations due to triaxiality and projection on the map-level.

Tae-Hyeon Shin (Stony Brook)

Triaxial SZ profiles pasted to the z=0.5 snapshot of Erebos N-body sim by B. Diemer.

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Auto-differentiable Baryon Pasting: Diffgas

  • Baryon Pasting is being upgraded with auto-differentiation and GPU acceleration.
  • Better models of halo Mass Accretion History dependent processes: e.g., non-thermal pressure.
  • Combining with auto-differentiable galaxy modelling (A. Hearin+) for modeling cross-correlation with galaxies.


Naomi Gluck (Yale)

Non-thermal pressure fraction profile with Diffgas

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  • Multiwavelength cross-correlations of clusters and groups will provide competitive constraints on cosmology and astrophysics.
  • Baryon Pasting is a power tool for forward modeling Halo-Gas connection for cross-survey cross-correlation cosmology
  • Slack: @Erwin Lau

Strong Turbulence

Weak Feedback

Baryon Pasted tSZ maps

Strong Feedback

Weak Turbulence

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Baryon Pasting Gas Model

Polytropic equation of state in cluster cores and outskirts (Ostriker+05; Shaw+10, Flender+17)

Star formation : stellar mass fraction (e.g., Giodini+09, Leauthaud+11, Budzynski+13)

Dynamical heating from DM and energy feedback from AGN and SNe

Model of merger-induced non-thermal pressure fraction (Nelson+14, Lau+09,13, Green+20)

A physically-motivated parameterized model of gas in DM halos:

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Projected-fields kSZ

Aleksandra (Ola) Kusiak

Columbia University


11.35-11.40 a.m.


Work with Colin Hill, Boris Bolliet, Shivam Pandey, Will Coulton, Fiona McCarthy, Kristen Surrao, Alex Krolewski, Simone Ferraro & many others; ACT and DES teams

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Projected-fields kSZ2-LSS estimator

Main idea: foreground-cleaned blackbody CMB temperature map contains kSZ information

kSZ signal traces the overall mass distribution, and thus can be detected by cross-correlating it with any large-scale structure (LSS) field, e.g. galaxies, galaxy/CMB lensing

But <kSZ x LSS> vanishes! (electron velocity)

Projected-field kSZ2-LSS:

  • Construct a clean T map & apply Wiener filter
  • Cross-correlate with projected (2D) LSS tracer
  • But <T x LSS> vanishes!
  • Solution: measure <T2 x LSS>

No accurate redshift estimates needed!

kSZ in comparison with primary CMB and noise (from Bolliet et al. (2022))

Doré et al. (2004); DeDeo et al. (2005); Hill et al.(2016), Ferraro et al. (2016), Kusiak et al. (2021), Bolliet et al. (2022), Patki et al. (2023)

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kSZ2-LSS estimator

kSZ-induced temperature shift in the CMB:

projected galaxy overdensity:

Wg(𝜂) =bg(𝜂) *p(𝜂) - projection kernel

Redshift distribution of LSS tracer

Gas density profile

Triangle power spectrum:



See Raagini Patki’s work on including all terms in the bispectrum

Doré et al. (2004); DeDeo et al. (2005); Hill et al.(2016), Ferraro et al. (2016), Kusiak et al. (2021), Bolliet et al. (2022), Patki et al. (2023)

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What can we get from the kSZ?

Caution: <TCMB2 x LSS> receives important contribution from CMB lensing that must also be accounted for (Hill+2016, Ferraro+2016)

<T2 x g>

baryon �fraction

free electron �fraction



(galaxy bias, etc)

large-scale velocity dispersion

Large scale limit: baryon abundance can be constrained!

Halo model: shape of gas density profile!

Upcoming CMB experiments!

Doré et al. (2004); DeDeo et al. (2005); Hill et al.(2016), Ferraro et al. (2016) Kusiak et al. (2021), Bolliet et al. (2022), Patki et al. (2023)

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Projected-fields kSZ with Planck x unWISE

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Projected-fields kSZ with unWISE and Planck


  • LGMCA map (tSZ-deprojected)
  • Planck SMICA map

unWISE catalog (Krolewski et al. 2020):

  • Based on WISE and NEOWISE
  • Over 500 million galaxies on the full sky
  • 3 subsamples: blue (z=0.6), green (z=1.1), and red (z=1.5)

New aspects of the analysis:

  • Included the magnification bias contributions
  • Asymmetric quadratic estimator (multiplying two differently-cleaned CMB maps instead of squaring one map) to increase S/N
    • (LGMCA*SMICA) x unWISE, instead of (LGMCA2) x unWISE
  • New ell-dependent CIB cleaning method (using <kSZxg>=0) and extensive testing for foreground contamination
  • Validating with different map combinations

unWISE blue

Kusiak et al. (2021)

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Overall S/N ~5.5

+Red (highest redshift kSZ detection)

Blue (z~0.6): (fb/0.158) (ffree/1.0) = 0.65 +/- 0.24�Green (z~1.1): (fb/0.158) (ffree/1.0) = 2.24 +/- 0.23�Red (z~1.5): (fb/0.158) (ffree/1.0) = 2.87 +/- 0.56

No missing baryons!

Projected-fields kSZ with unWISE and Planck

Kusiak et al. (2021)

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Measuring SZ with unWISE and newest ACT DR6 data

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Projected-fields kSZ for unWISE and ACT DR6

ACT DR6 Component-separated T maps from Coulton et al. 2023

Measurement is lensing dominated

Data has CIB, but not tSZ (“the asymmetric method’’)

  • CIB cleaning using the fact that <kSZxg>=0

Theory curve is not a fit!

Analyze in the halo model (Bolliet et al. 2022) using unWISE HOD (Kusiak et al. 2022) with class-sz to constrain the gas density profile

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Prospects for projected-fields with S4

CMB-S4 – huge S/N, clearly distinguish between different gas density profiles, measure kSZ2 “internally” with CMB lensing

-> Turn into tight constraints on ICM thermodynamics (galaxy evolution, feedback, etc)

Bolliet et al. (2022)

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Backup slides

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Looking ahead: Halo model kSZ2 x LSS

  • Halo model hybrid bispectrum

X - LSS tracer

Implemented in class-sz (Bolliet)

Fourier transform of the gas density profile/tracer

Liner matter power spectrum

1 halo

2 halo

3 halo

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kSZ2 halo model forecasts


  • AdvACT, SO and CMB-S4 temperature maps
  • Galaxy density (unWISE)
  • Galaxy lensing (DES, VRO, Euclid)
  • CMB lensing (SO, CMB-S4)

kSZ2-unWISE forecasts

AdvACT: SNR ~ 17

SO: SNR ~ 61

For three gas density profiles:

  • NFW
  • Adiabatic
  • AGN

We have constrained unWISE HOD (2203.12583)!

Bolliet et al. (2022)

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kSZ Tomography


11.40-11.50 a.m.


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Kinetic Sunyaev Zel’dovich Effect


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Velocity Reconstruction

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T-g-g Bispectrum and Cosmology

  • Correlating the reconstruction with LSS gives equivalent information to the kSZ-galaxy-galaxy bispectrum (see 1810.13423).


  • Primordial dipole: potential first direct measurement (1707.08129, 1806.01290).
  • PNG: S4 x LSST could yield fNL < 1 (1810.13424).
  • CMB anomalies: S4 x LSST could confirm power asymmetry (1904.10981).
  • Modified gravity: possible 2 x better constraints than T or g alone (1906.04208).
  • Baryon-DM Isocurvature: possible 100 x better constraints (1908.08953, 2208.02829).





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Realizing Cosmology Constraints

  • Validation of several analysis pipelines based on quadratic estimators and maximum likelihood estimators including a variety of systematics.

  • QE pipeline: ReCCO
  • MaxL pipelines: 2205.15779, 2305.08903
  • Nbody: 1806.01290, 2010.07193

Next step is data!

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Planck x unWISE (preliminary)

  • CMB: Planck SMICA
  • Galaxies: unWISE Blue Sample - 80 million galaxies (credit: Krolewski).
  • Mask: 58% sky cut, including galactic plane, point sources, unWISE cuts.

W/ Richard Bloch

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Planck x unWISE (preliminary)

  • Quadratic estimator:


W/ Richard Bloch

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Planck x unWISE (preliminary)



Systematics: redshift distribution, optical depth (synthetic CMB)

CMB sample variance + Systematics (synthetic CMB)

W/ Richard Bloch

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Planck x unWISE (preliminary)

  • Evidence this may be correlation between dust residuals in the CMB and unWISE galaxies - still investigating.



Systematics: redshift distribution, optical depth (synthetic CMB)

CMB sample variance + Systematics (synthetic CMB)

W/ Richard Bloch

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  • Primordial dipole (dipole in frame of CMB without aberration) is highly correlated with the L=1 component of the reconstruction.
  • Even with systematics, this result provides best constraint on size of the primordial dipole - of order the size of the quadrupole.
  • Final results pending investigation of foreground residuals.

  • Reconstruction noise level for S4 is ~5-10 x lower.
  • More redshift information available from other galaxy surveys, different systematics, many other avenues to investigate.
  • Future looks promising!

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Secondary CMB for BSM

Not Blackbody!

Couples to monopole!

Small-scale power!


W/ Dalila Pirvu + Junwu Huang

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Combination of S4 clusters and LSST galaxies

Chun-Hao To (OSU, CCAPP)


11.50-11.58 a.m.


Collaborator: Elisabeth Krause (U of Arizona)

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Synergies between LSST and S4

  • Overlap region: fsky~=0.3�
  • LSST Y10
    • Bright galaxies with good photoz �→ lens galaxies �
    • Galaxies with good shape measurement �→ source galaxies ��
  • CMB-S4: �~40k clusters with S/N>5 and z<1.5�

Nvist by LSST

Expected footprint for S4 wide (Chilean site)

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Using information from all 3 different tracers of LSS

  • Analysis program: �To jointly analyze all 2pt functions from clusters, lens galaxies, and shears.
    • Testing CDM on different environments.
    • Different tracers suffer from different systematics. �→ Combination of probes gives the best constraints
    • Have been applied on real data (DES) �→ Two ongoing studies in DES Y3/Y6 and ACT will be pathfinder studies for this analysis in CMBS4 era. �
  • What cosmological information do we expect to get in the CMBS4 era?

To, Krause+ 2021

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  • A minimal analysis:
    • Only using galaxies, clusters, and shears in the overlapping area and redshifts.
    • Only analyze two-point correlation functions and cluster abundances.
    • Consider all expected systematics in galaxy surveys:�Photo-z uncertainties, shear calibration biases, and intrinsic alignments.
    • Imposing scale cuts to remove nonlinear scales.
  • Simulated likelihood analyses:
    • Non-Gaussian posteriors → Fisher forecast does not work.
    • Generate simulated data and analyze it using MCMC technique�→ 48 parameters : Sampling takes two months with 128 cpus

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Neural network based sampler

LINNA (2203.05583):

  • Automatically build theory emulators and sample posteriers. �
  • Two months → couple of hours. �
  • Reaching LSST Y10 accuracy for this analysis.

To+ 2022

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Analysis Setup

  • Setup:
    • Code implemented in CosmoLike
    • tSZ cluster samples: S/N>5 and z=0.2-1.5
  • Scale cut:
    • Most of the two-point correlations:�
    • Cosmic shear: same as DESC SRD
    • Cluster lensing : 0.2
  • 40 Nuisance parameters:
    • 10 lens galaxy linear bias
    • 10 Lens photo-z bias/ 5 Source photo-z bias
    • 5 Multiplicative bias
    • 2 Intrinsic alignment (NLA model)
    • 8 cluster mass-observable relation.
  • Cosmological parameters:
    • w0-wa-nu CDM model (8 parameters)

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Samples and analyses:

  • S/N>5 clusters based on �https://arxiv.org/pdf/2112.07656.pdf
  • LSST galaxies and shears based on DESC-SRD. �
  • Three analyses:

S4 clusters

Cluster + 3x2pt

Cluster focused

Galaxy focused

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Forecast Results

  • Clusters and LSST 3x2pt yields comparable constraints on neutrino mass and dark energy equation of states.�
  • Their combination lead to �

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Does the gain come from increased S/N?

  • FOM with 3 parameters scales as S/N^3. �
  • More data → better constraints. �
  • Gains in constraining power from clusters mostly comes from degeneracy breaking.

Cluster + 3x2pt

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  • We consider conservative analyses of LSST galaxies, shears, and CMB-S4 clusters. �
  • Using newly developed likelihood inferences tool, we forecast the constraining power of these analyses with simulated likelihood analysis. �
  • Combining S4 cluster and LSST 3x2pt analyses improves constraints on dark energy equation of states relative to each individual probes. �
  • This combination leads to competitive constraints on neutrino mass�[𝞼(∑m𝞶) = 26 meV].

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Other topics for the parallel session

Boris Bolliet & Srinivasan Raghunathan


  • Relativistic SZ
  • Joint ymap + cluster counts
  • kSZ 2pt and 4pt
  • Rotational kSZ
  • Ultra high-z clusters/proto clusters
  • Compton-ymap cross-correlations
  • +++