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DeKalb CUSD #428�Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III�Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding

April 5, 2022 Board of Education Meeting

Presented by:

Kimberly Lyle

Director of Grants and Student Enrollment

Cynthia Carpenter

Director of Business and Finance, CSBO

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Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding Summary


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Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding – ESSER III

    • ESSER III – Round 1
      • Allocated $14.1 million in April 2021 – Funds must be used and/or obligated by September 30, 2024
      • At least 20% must be utilized for learning loss

    • ESSER III – Round 2 - Set Aside Funds
      • Allocated additional $1.4 million to ESSER III in June 2021 – funds set aside by the state
      • Specifically must be used for:
        • $1.0 million – learning loss
        • $200K – summer enrichment
        • $200K – after-school programs

    • Total ESSER III Allocation = $15,569,426


*Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)

Prevent, Prepare and Respond to COVID-19

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Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding – ESSER III

  • Requirements of ESSER III
    • Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
    • Create ESSER III Spending Plan
    • Both plans publically available on District’s website – provide opportunity for public comment
    • Submit to Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE)


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Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding – ESSER III – Initial Spending Plan


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Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding – ESSER III

    • Primary uses:
      • Technology
        • Updated servers and storage capacity
        • Enhanced Cyber Security
        • Digital licenses for instructional purposes
        • Enhanced Telepresence in classrooms for remote learning
      • Instruction/Student Supports
        • Continue Expanded Summer School (teachers, assistants, student support, transportation)
        • Reading Intervention for Students to Excel (RISE) - Staff and Materials
        • Expanded Instructional Software Options
        • Remote Instruction
        • Enhanced Social & Emotional, Nursing, Student Supervision, and Instructional Supports
        • Additional PE, Art, Music Supplies/Equipment
        • Transportation Reimbursement to Parents/Guardians
        • $1,000 Student Support Allocation for each DCTA Member
      • Preparing for re-opening of school
        • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – masks, gloves, face shields, disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizer, social distancing strategies
      • HVAC and Facility Projects


*Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)

Prevent, Prepare and Respond to COVID-19

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Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding Summary

    • States received funds based on the same proportion that each state receives under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Title-IA. States must distribute at least 90% of funds to local education agencies (LEAs) based on their proportional share of ESEA Title I-A funds

    • Funds can be budgeted and spent over a period of four fiscal years based federal requirements for use of funds

    • Funds are reimbursable – need to spend first then get reimbursement

    • Considerations:
      • District ESSER Funding Flexibility: What is allowable?
      • How to use ESSER Funds: Effectively supporting operational expenditures, past and present.
      • Making Sustainable Decisions with One-Time-Use Funds: How to use funds for lasting impact.
      • Blending, Braiding and Coordinating the Use of all Federal Funds: How to best leverage federal funds.


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Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding – ESSER III

  • Questions?