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Unit 3 - Lesson 8

Project - Designing an App

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To do: October 25

List 3 qualities of a good partner:

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Go over Code.org U3 Lesson 7 exercises

Deadline extended for goFormative: end of today's class period

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Unit 3 Lesson 8 - Wrap Up

Pair Programming: a collaborative programming style in which two programmers switch between the roles of writing code and tracking or planning high level progress

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Manipulates the keyboard and the mouse

Keeps track of the big picture. Guides towards the goal.

What is Pair Programming?



Unit 3 Lesson 8 - Activity

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You will be both Driver and Navigator since we are virtually learning -> caravaning, or traveling together towards same destination



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Designing an App Part 2

Unit 3 Lesson 8 - Activity

Open your copy of the App Dev Planning Guide part 2 in the Hub

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Step 6: today

Fill out table for each onEvent block. Then build your app in

Code.org U3 L10 Bubble 2.

Unit 3 Lesson 8 - Activity

Element ID


What happens?



A picture of a dog appears

The background of the screen changes to green

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Step 7: tomorrow

Test and Feedback with another pair

Unit 3 Lesson 8 - Activity

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Step 8: tomorrow

Complete Your App incorporating the feedback you received.

Unit 3 Lesson 8 - Activity

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Step 9: Wednesday

Reflection questions

Unit 3 Lesson 8 - Activity

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Examine the rubric

Unit 3 Lesson 8 - Activity

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  • Complete Step 6: fill out the onEvent table and submit App Dev Planning Guide part 2 on the Hub.
  • Complete the first draft of your app in Code.org U3 L8 Bubble 2.
    • Be ready to share with another pair during next class meeting.