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Login to Classlink

At Home

Step by Step

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Login at home with a QuickCard

Step 1. Open a Chrome Browser tab and go to this link: launchpad.classlink.com/cpsd

Go to launchpad.classlink.com/cpsd

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Login at home with a QuickCard

Step 2. Click Sign in Using…and the quick card symbol.


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Login at home with a QuickCard

Step 3a. You may need to click ALLOW so that your camera can be used to read the quickcard.

Step 3b. Hold the quickcard up to the camera and it will scan the QR code on the card.

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Login at home with a QuickCard

Step 4. You are in! Click on an app to open an activity in a new tab.


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Login at home manually with a CPSD Google Account

Step 1. Open a Chrome Browser tab and go to this link: launchpad.classlink.com/cpsd

Go to launchpad.classlink.com/cpsd

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Login at home manually with a CPSD Google Account

Step 2. Click Sign in with Google.


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Login at home manually with a CPSD Google Account

Step 3a. If you are already logged into your student CPSD google account, choose your name and account in the list.

Step 3b. If you are NOT already logged into your student’s CPSD google account, sign in here. Please ask your student’s teacher for their CPSD Google Account information.