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Organic food versus conventional food

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What is organic food?

  • Organic food is food which is grown without chemicals and genetically modified products. Organic food is defined by a law from the EU.

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Pros & Cons of organic food


  • with organic food you have the full taste experience
  • You have animal welfare
  • Less soil pollution
  • Less need for antibiotics
  • Positive human health effects
  • Avoidance of hormonal treatments
  • Higher food quality


  • Higher food prices
  • Limited choice of products
  • Shorter shelf life/ is quite limited
  • Quality of organic food greatly varies across producers
  • Health risks if production chain is not optimized

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What is the effect for the economy?

  • Organic products often cost more than their conventional counterparts and grocery stores and local farmers market

But does that mean that organic agriculture overall ?

The answers that experts have found , though the issue is multifaced and complex are suprisingly consistent:

For most people, organic agriculture appears to be more effecient economic system, both for the generating profit and reducing the sort of environmental impacts ( often thought of as ´´Hidden costs´´ ) that end up costing consumers in other ways. Hence, Organic is more profitable than conventional farming.

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Why does it cost more ?

Production costs for organic food are typically higher because of greater labor input; which also means they have more living space and are not geneticly engineered

Ogranic food supplies are limited

Farmers dont produce enough o a singlr product to lower the overall costs

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The difference between organic labels

If labels say…

… ´´organic´´ it obviously has to contain 95 % of organic ingredients

… ´´made with organic ingredients´´ up to 70% of the total ingredients may be organic

... ´´containing organic ingredients´´ it mostly contains 50 % organic components

… ´´100% organic´´ it truly contains 100% organic ingredients

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Organic labels in Germnay

  • If you see a label with ´´BIO´´ in Germany, you can be sure that animals are only being fed with organic feed and the use of antibiotics is very limited with the Germany organic Seal, which has existed since 2011, identifies food from controlled organic cultivation. The Criteras are based on provisions of the EU organic Regulation.

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Difference between normal and organic � Milk

Normal Milk

Organic Milk

Cows that produce normal milk tend to have smaller cages

They also get milked more often

Their feed also contains genetic enigeenering

Could contain residue anibiotics

they grow up without grow up hormons

The cows must live in a space of 10qm per cow

They get milked less; that means they only get milked 2 times per day and not 3 times

They strictly get natural straw; which means without antibiotics

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Thanks for watching !!!

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