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Good Morning!

Today is: Thursday, April 23rd


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  • How to join Google Classroom for 4th Grade eLearning
  • How to start your day using the remote learning link
  • How to turn in an assignment on google classroom
  • How to take a picture with the chromebook camera
  • How to sign in to a zoom meeting

How to Videos

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Mrs. Grayard

Mrs. Jewell

Mrs. Locke

Mrs. Wright

Thursday, April 23rd







To join your homeroom class and teachers in a ZOOM video meeting, login into Zoom, click “Join a Meeting”, and then enter the 9 digit code that we sent you in your email.

We are so excited to see your faces, and hear your voices. We miss all of you so much!!

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Tap the image to take you to the section you need.






Social Studies

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TODAY… read the short autobiography to give you some information on

Margaret Peterson Haddix

It is important to have some background knowledge before we meet with her, tomorrow, face to face.

I want you to then answer the following questions about information written in her biography.

During our ZOOMS today we will go over proper and polite behaviour that your teachers and Mrs. Johnson expect during a Zoom with a celebrity.


Tomorrow at 1:00, we have the opportunity to meet Margaret Peterson Haddix, author of over 41 fiction novels for young adults.

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It’s a thankful Thursday 4th Grade!

This week we are working on analyzing data using frequency tables, dot plots, and stem and leaf diagrams.

  • Watch this video of Mrs. Grayard for a fun joke and to explain today’s plan.
  • Click here to take a quiz over what we have learned this week. If you need to you can use your videos and notes! THIS MUST BE DONE BY FRIDAY NIGHT!


Analyzing Data

I can use frequency tables, dot plots, and stem and leaf diagrams to analyze data on a quiz!.

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No Science this week since we are doing Social Studies but please make sure you have turned in the following Science assignments.


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The Alamo

Today I want you to…

1) Finish yesterday’s assignment using the slide show Texas Independence Part 2 to complete the google slide part 2 worksheet. The worksheet is due tomorrow, FRIDAY 4/24.

2) Watch the videos with

3) Read pages 190-195 in My World textbook

Social Studies

I can describe the major events of the Texas Revolution.

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This week, we are working on a new writing research project 🤗. Please click here to watch this video of me explaining the project and grading rubric if you didn’t watch it already! (It’s the same video as Tuesday. 🙂)

Click here to get to the project. Work carefully… this project will be a DOUBLE GRADE!!

The project was assigned on Tuesday, and it will be due on Monday, April 27th. It will be the only writing assignment besides your daily grammar spiral review this week.

Good morning!

Click here to complete our daily grammar review in Google Classroom. It’s TX history-themed! ❤ I will take your best grade from the week on these... so don’t stress!

The slide is the same besides the grammar assignment!

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Counseling Week 4

Each Week I will post a new guidance lesson.

  • This week is a fun lesson.
  • Several of you have asked for a lesson with this person.
  • This weeks video.
  • After your lesson please fill out this form.
  • If you missed any lessons click here.
  • If you need to speak with Mrs. Rice email me at:


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P. E.

P. E. Workouts/Activities

Here are some exciting P. E. Workouts for you to do.

Challenge yourself to workout 20 minutes a day.

Click on the links below to get started.

Enjoy and know you are missed.

Physical Activities for Kids Here

Physical Activities for Kids #2 Here

Kids Workout #1 Here

Kids Workout #2 Here

Fit Factory Here

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Music can be explored in many different way. Listed below are some Brain Break Movement Songs. Tony Chestnut Movement Songs. Enjoy and have fun. Know you are missed and loved. Mrs Kulbeth

Click Here for Brain Breaks

Click Here for Tony Chestnut

Click Here for Brain Breaks

Click Here for Brain Breaks

Music Get Up & Move