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General Health and Wellness

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What is Health & �Wellness?

  • Health:
    • The absence of disease or injury along with physical, mental, and social well-being.
  • Wellness:
    • a way of living each day that includes choices and decisions based on healthy attitudes.

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  • concerns EVERYTHING about YOU.
  • is dynamic (always changing).
    • You experience different levels of health from day to day.
  • affects how you look, feel and act.
  • affects attitudes and performance.
  • affects relationships with others.

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Aspects of Health

  • Physical Health
    • includes the care of your body and your body’s ability to meet the demands of daily living.
  • Mental Health
    • major focus is YOU and YOUR feelings about yourself.
    • Includes being able to express your emotions in an acceptable, healthy way.
    • Ability to face the problems and stresses of day-to-day living.

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Aspects Cont…

  • Social Health
    • Since we are all social beings, we need other people. People enrich our lives.
    • Involves:
      • the way you get along with others
      • the ability to make friends and keep them
      • being able to work and play in a cooperative way
      • seeking and lending support when necessary.

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The Health Triangle

  • Need to balance the physical, mental and social components to remain in good health.
  • One component can directly effect the other two.




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Components Cont…

  • Intellectual- being educated, able to make good decisions
    • Critical thinking, creativity, open-mind, sense of humor
  • Spiritual- having a belief in something
    • Set of guiding beliefs, principles & values, ability to show love, forgiveness, joy and fulfillment
  • Environmental- Learning about and protecting yourself against hazards and doing what you can to eliminate/reduce them
    • Safety of food, ultraviolet rays, water pollution

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Butterfly of Life

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Causes of Death in US (1890)

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Causes of Death in US (Today)

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Teen Health Issues

  • 1 in 5 teens has at least one serious health issue.
  • Suicide rate for teens is now 3X what it was 20 years ago.
  • 1 in 3 HS seniors has gotten drunk
    • could explain why car accidents is the leading cause of death among teens
  • Most of teen deaths could be prevented with improved health education.

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Unhealthy Things Kids Do

  • Eat fried foods
  • Decrease exercise
  • Increase use of video games & computers
  • Decrease sleep
  • Unprotected sex
  • Use/Abuse drugs
  • Dropout of school
  • Become pregnant
  • Commit suicide
  • Commit unlawful acts

  • Increase stress
  • Succumb to peer pressure
  • Drink alcohol
  • Drink & Drive
  • Litter
  • Steal
  • Decrease self-esteem
  • Verbal abuse
  • Victims of abuse
  • Join gangs
  • Vandalize

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Practicing Basic Health Habits

  • Involves much more than knowing what to do.
  • Our attitudes about health have a MAJOR effect on how we take care of ourselves.
  • Too often we get caught up in the That won’t happen to me” syndrome.
  • As long as you maintain that attitude, it is unlikely you will change any of your negative health behaviors.

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Steps to Responsible Health

  • Your health is your responsibility
    • promote and maintain a high level of health.
  • Step #1: determine how much you know about your health.
  • Step #2: obtain accurate information about how to stay healthy or

improve your health (resource management).

  • Step #3: take action
    • Set realistic personal goals
    • Become actively involved in keeping yourself healthy
    • Develop a positive attitude toward healthy living
    • Make wellness a part of your daily life-style