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Farming Vs Hunting

Mr. McNally’s 5th Hour Class!

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3.7 Beginning to Trade, Chapter 3 Page 31

  • Major change in Neolithic time , Growth in trading
  • Neolithic people , make use of more resources
  • Communicate with other people
  • hey Getting those resources becomes the job as traders
  • brought them into contact with people from distant places
  • OOF

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3.4 Making Permanent Shelters (Taylor,Colin,Rowan,and Jibril)

  • Farmers were able to build sturdier shelters to stay in
  • Building sturdier shelters protected people from harsh weather and wild animals
  • The houses had several rooms and storage spaces for food and tools
  • Farmers were allowed new ways of cooking food
  • The shelters had openings high in the walls, visitors would climb ladders to enter

Farmers lived in houses that looked similar to this.

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3.4 Making Permanent Shelters By Heeryun, Ayla, Ingmar, Caden

  • Humans started using permanent shelters after farming was invented.
  • Houses gave people protection against weather and wild animals.
  • They were made of packed mud, which protected them from extreme temperatures.
  • Living in permanent shelters let humans establish larger communities.
  • There were openings high up the walls, probably for entering and exiting.

Fig. 1: A clay house used by early farmers.

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3.7 Beginning to trade Brendan, Mena, and Gabe

Source: History Alive page 31

They developed the ability to trade.

They also learned how to trade better materials/tools.

This was so great because they could get better materials/tools that they didn’t have before and they could get food off trading.

They were also able to get clothing to keep them warm.

Trading brought the people in contact with different people from different places, this helped them because those contacts helped spread ideas and knowledge with the traders.

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3.6 Developing New Jobs Alex G-S, Adam Thorpe, Alex Walker, Malachi Maddox

  • With more food, came jobs. They finally were able to get more things for living, not just food.
  • The early farmers also learned unique and specialized skills, such as basket making, weaving, and trading goods with other groups.
  • Now, there were jobs for almost everything.

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3.6 Developing New jobs Alex G-S, Adam Thorpe, Alex Walker, Malachi Maddox

  • Having all of these jobs allowed early humans to work more efficiently.
  • Now, people could become good at, and focus on one job, instead of everyone doing everything.
  • This increase in efficiency allowed them to have less time they were working, and be able to relax a little more.
  • Because everything was faster, and easier, they had more supplies.

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3.5 Establishing Communities Elena+Kayliah

~Farming allowed people to form larger communities

~Small bands of 20-60 people to search for food

~Once people began farming, they settled down near their farms

~They could divide up and work of producing food and crops

~By working together they made new tools

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3.5 Establishing communities Anya+Rachel

~Farming allowed people to organize themselves easily

~Farming lead to community life

~Societies developed when people had a permanent home

~People had more time and energy to do other things

~Working together was more efficient for tasks

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3.5 Establishing Communities Michelle,Olivia,Sam,Willie

  • When farming started, people started building communities
  • Communities shared a field that gave them a crop to harvest
  • Each person did a job to pitch in to help the community
  • These towns had 20-60 people in them.

How Did This Help Them?

  • With people all helping, things got done more efficiently.
  • People had more energy to make their lives better and more safe.
  • Teamwork also developed also making them able to achieve larger feats

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3.6 Developing New Jobs (Trevon, Jalliah, Arissa, Mariam)

  • They had different jobs such as basket weavers, farmers, tool makers, and traders.
  • They learned how to make plants into clothes.
  • They took flint and made them into tools.
  • They grew 14 types of edible food plants.
  • They decorated their pottery and baskets with geometric shapes to make them beautiful and pretty.
  • Stone workers learned how to polish stones to make shiny jewelry and mirrors.
  • House builders added special rooms to honor Gods and Goddess that they believe in.