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KISK English

19th March 2021

Week 3

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Czech and Czenglish

uni life

teacher /tutor / coach / instructor / guide / …

formal versus informal English


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Czech issues in English

https://brona.cz/czenglish/ (kvíz)


home office


another people

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uni life

a deadline

a term

an exam period

a campus


a dean

a grade

a study programme

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uni life

Bc / Mgr /PhD studijní program

bakalářská práce



vedoucí ústavu




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who is who?

professor / associate professor / doctor…

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metaphorically speaking...

Learning is like …

Learner is like…

Teacher is like...

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who is who?

professor / associate professor / doctor…

teacher / tutor / coach / mentor / instructor / advisor / guide / …

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formal X informal English?

  • purpose
  • context and situation
  • culture

  • on the level of spelling, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs but also full texts

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When daffodils begin to peer,

With heigh! the doxy, over the dale,

Why, then comes in the sweet o’ the year;

For the red blood reigns in the winter’s pale.

Oh man, this sucks. I have this running nose and keep like sniffling and sneezing! I have this like allergy. And the doc is a real weirdo. He´s nuts! I Hate spring. It´s only March now! Weeks to go. Oh man...

Hey Bunny, you are my little Easter baby...

Spring is beautiful, but it's also a key time of year for seasonal allergies. As plants release pollen, millions of people with hay fever start to sniffle and sneeze. There's no cure but you can take steps to curb springtime allergies, from medication to household habits.

The spring season associated with the vernal equinox, called astronomical spring, takes place around March 20 in the Northern Hemisphere, however meteorologists recognize March 1 as the first day of meteorological spring, which is based on annual temperature cycles and the Gregorian calendar. Leap years and the elliptical shape of that orbit around the sun affect when the astronomical seasons, or summer/winter solstices and vernal/autumnal equinoxes, occur.






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formal and informal text - characteristics

  • clearer and less ambiguous
  • more cohesive (glued together better)
  • more explicit
  • reflects social distance and hierarchy
  • promotes a user’s expertise
  • long and complex sentences
  • vocabulary of Latin / French origin, polysyllabic words
  • tendency to avoid personal pronouns (I, you, we…) - often impersonal
  • use of sophisticated linking words and signposting language
  • frequent use of passive voice
  • relaxed
  • slang words, raw language, colloquialisms
  • contracted verb forms
  • short and shortened words
  • phrasal verbs
  • repetition
  • puns
  • mixed word order or omitting words
  • short sentences, unfinished sentences
  • often no clear structure
  • emoticons :)


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I´m writing about the assignment you gave me last week about European Union. You said it had to be handed in at the end of this week but I need a few extra days as I´m feeling pretty ill at the moment and my doctor says I should chill out.

You can call me if you want. My number is 050 570 0070

Thanks a lot

Clark Kent

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