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Expectations & Reminders

  • Event starts at 7pm
  • Have a ride ready to pick you up by 9pm
  • Tickets will be sold during lunches the week of the event. The cost is $5.00.
  • Tickets must be purchased in advance for all AMS events - There are never any tickets for sale at the door
  • In the event of rain we would hold the event in the Gold Gym

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Expectations & Reminders

  • Drop off at the side of the Blue Gym
  • Wear layers! It will be brisk once the sun sets
  • Snacks, drinks and glow items will be for sale by the APO during the movie
  • The Grade 8 restrooms are the only additional space students should be during the event

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Expectations & Reminders

  • Please be mindful of others around you
  • Talk quietly to not interrupt the movie
  • Please ensure you pick up after yourself, putting all wrappers and all other debris in the garbage
  • There are no behavior warnings - You will be asked to call for a ride immediately should their be any issues.

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Expectations & Reminders

  • Like all events at AMS…
  • Only those students who have not had 2 or more office referrals, served Extended School Detention, ISS or OSS since the beginning of the month may attend this event.

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