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Community Project Virtual Showcase

Silver Spring International Middle School

Middle Years Program

8th Grade Community Project

Names: Lisbeth Stevens & Mia Walker

Coach: Ms. Van Tassell

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My Topic

What community did you focus on for your Community Project?

The Silver Spring Homeless Community

What need/issue did you focus on for your Community?

Homelessness and the need for warm clothing in the winter time

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Guiding Question

Criterion A (i): define a highly challenging goal to address a need within a community, based on personal interests

Guiding Question:

How can I create a positive impact/change in the Silver Spring homeless community by creating scarves and donating them along with sweatshirts to a Silver Spring homeless shelter?

My project connects to the Global Context of Fairness and Development because it addresses the consequences of our humanity and the need to help others that are less fortunate than ourselves.

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Criterion A- Evidence

Criterion A (i): define a highly challenging goal to address a need within a community, based on personal interests

Planning Evidence:

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Proposal for Action

Criterion B (i): develop a proposal for action to serve the need in the community

Click on the image:

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Criterion B : Evidence

Criterion B (ii): plan and record the development process of the project

Criterion B (iii): demonstrate self-management skills

Goals and Objectives Evidence:

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Communication & Social Skills

Criterion C (iii) demonstrate communication and social skills

How did your group stay in touch throughout the Community Project (did you email, text, call each other?)

We emailed with our project coach and we texted/called/facetimed and met in-person with each other.

How well did you and your group handle conflict and any obstacles you faced?

Very well. We were rarely behind on our tasks and finished the project two months early.

How often did you meet with your coach and did you communicate with your coach outside of coaching sessions?

About once every week.

Discuss any other relevant communication with organizations from outside of MCPS you engaged in for your Community Project!

We donated our handmade scarves to a homeless shelter in downtown Silver Spring called Shepherd's Table on February 14th (Valentines Day).

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Taking Action!

criterion C (i) demonstrate service as action as a result of the project

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Thinking Skills

Criterion C (ii) demonstrate thinking skills

criterion D (i) evaluate the quality of the service as action against the proposal

Describe at least one time that you/your group had to evaluate evidence or arguments during your Community Project

We had to decide how many scarves we'd have to make. We settled on as many as we could until we felt it was time to donate. In the end we made 25.

Were you able to complete the action you planned to take in your Proposal for Action?

    • if your action was different than what you originally planned, talk about why you had to make changes!

Our proposal for action stayed the same throughout the project and we completed it very successfully.

    • Did you answer your Guiding Question?


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Criterion D (ii): reflect on how completing the project has extended their knowledge and understanding of service learning

What did you learn about your community or your topic?

I definitely learned that making scarves is way harder than I anticipated - Mia Walker

I learned that there are a lot of people that need help with a lot of things. - Lisbeth Stevens

Why is community service important?(why is it important to help your community?)

Community service is important because it helps maintain and build a better community. It also helps one enjoy their community more and feel like they are a part of it. - Mia Walker

Helping your community is important because there are a lot of people that feel not important because of were they are in there community it is important that we help them feel welcomed no matter where they are. - Lisbeth Stevens

Do you think your project was successful? why or why not?

I think it was successful because we were productive with our time and useful with our resources. We also helped people stay warm in the winter.

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Approaches to Learning Skills Reflection

Criterion D (iii): reflect on their development of ATL skills

How has completing the Community Project helped you develop your Self-management skills?

It hasn’t really changed my self management skills - Mia Walker

I was well have not changed my self management skills- Lisbeth Stevens

How has completing the Community Project helped you develop your Thinking skills?

It hasn’t really changed my thinking skill but it has broadened my perspective on my community - Mia Walker

It has made me think about what other things I can do to help my community more. - Lisbeth Stevens

How has completing the Community Project helped you develop your Communication and Social skills?

It hasn’t changed my community skills - Mia Walker

It has not changed my communicating skills- Lisbeth Stevens

How has completing the Community Project helped you develop your Reflection skills?

It hasn’t helped develop my reflection skills but it has definitely helped me improve my time management skills - Mia Walker

It has helped me reflect on how I might luckier than some people in my community. - Lisbeth Stevens

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By: Mia Walker & Lisbeth Stevens