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Simple Map Making with Google Earth & Google Maps

Google Earth Outreach & Google Earth Engine

September 9, 2012


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Overview of Google Earth

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Google Earth

The world's geographic information at your fingertips.

Fly anywhere to see satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D buildings, oceans and more.

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Map Making with Google Earth

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Create a placemark

1. Go to Add menu �> Placemark, or click the Placemark button.

2. Move the placemark, �if desired.

3. Add title and description.

4. Click OK.

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Change the Icon

1. To edit a placemark, right-click on placemark�and choose Properties.

2. Click the icon button at �top-right.

3. Choose another icon,

and click OK.

4. Click OK to close the Properties.

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Change the Style

1. To edit a placemark, right-click on placemark and choose Properties.

2. Click the icon button at


3. Choose another icon,

and click OK.

4. Click OK to close�the Properties.

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Create a Line (or “path”)

1. Go to Add menu > Path, or click the Path button.

�2. Draw the line by clicking �on the Earth.�

3. Add title and �description.�

4. Click OK.

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Create a Polygon

1. Go to Add menu > Polygon, or click the Polygon button.

2. Draw the polygon�by clicking on the �Earth.

3. Add title and �description.

�4. Click OK.

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Create a Folder

1. Go to Add menu > Folder.

2. Add title and description for folder.�

3. Click OK.�

4. Drag your content into the folder.�

5. Your Places panel should look like this:

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Customize the info window

1. Edit the placemark, by right-clicking on the placemark, and choosing Properties (on a PC) or Get Info (on a Mac).

2. In the blank text box, write or copy-and-paste your descriptive text.

The capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) is the largest extant rodent in the world. Its closest relatives are agouti, chinchillas, coyphillas, and guinea pigs. Native to South America, the capybara inhabits savannas and dense forests and lives near bodies of water. It is a highly social species and can be found in groups as large as 100 individuals, but usually lives in groups of 10–20 individuals. The capybara is not a threatened species, though it is hunted for its meat and skin.

- Wikipedia

3. Click OK

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Embed Photos into Balloons

1. Edit the placemark, by right-clicking on the placemark, and choosing Properties (on a PC) or Get Info (on a Mac).

2. Click on the Add image... button, and copy and paste the following image URL into the �Image URL box. Then click �OK.



3. Click OK.

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Images online vs. on your computer

Type in the following code into the Image URL box:

  • Image from Internet:http://sites.google.com/site/earthoutreach/capybara.jpeg�
  • Image from computer:�PC: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures\Sample Pictures\capybara.jpeg��Mac: file:///Users/JaneDoe/Photos/capybara.jpeg

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Embed videos from YouTube

1. Go to www.youtube.com.

2. Search for a YouTube �video you want to embed.

�3. Copy the Embed code.

4. Right-click on a placemark

or polygon, and paste it into

the Description.�

5. Click OK.

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Add Views & Perspectives

1. Change the view angle or perspective to a good position for the point (make sure you tilt the Earth!)

2. Right-click on a placemark.

3. Choose Snapshot View.

4. Repeat again for other


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Save your Google Earth KMZ file

1. Right-click on your folder, and click Save Place As…

�2. Name your file, and �save to your desktop.

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Creating tours in Google Earth

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Google Earth Tour: Boreal Forest

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Create a Tour

1. Go to Add > Tour.

2. Click the Record�button.

3. Zoom in and double-click

on placemarks to create

tour movements.

4. Click the Record button to stop recording.

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3 ways to create a tour

  • Fly around, zooming in and out, clicking on placemarks, etc.

  • In advance, create tour stops with placemarks, and then double-click them to create your tour.

  • Create a line, and then click Create tour from line button while recording.

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Google Earth

Google Earth

  • View satellite imagery, terrain, maps data, & 3D features.
  • Explore and create rich content, and share with the world.
  • To download and install Google Earth on your computer, �visit earth.google.com.

Google Earth Pro

  • Google Earth + additional capabilities, including:
    • GIS data import
    • Movie making
  • Get a free trial of Google Earth Pro at earth.google.com/earth_pro.html.
  • Eligible non-profit organizations can apply for a free license of Earth Pro at earth.google.com/outreach/grants.html.

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Map Making with Google Maps

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Google Maps

Google Maps

  • 2D online, searchable maps.
  • Begin searching at maps.google.com.

Google Maps Custom Maps

  • Create personalized, customized maps.
  • Create a map at maps.google.com, then �click on My Places.

Google Map Maker

  • Map a neighborhood, a city or country.
  • Draw roads and landmarks, and add local businesses.
  • Edit locations added by other map makers.
  • Get started at google.com/mapmaker.
  • Download data at google.com/mapmaker/datadownload.

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Map Making with Google Fusion Tables

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Google Fusion Tables

Google Fusion Tables

  • Import your spreadsheets and geo data.
  • Visualize data on maps, intensity maps, bar charts, timelines ,etc.
  • Collaborate with colleagues to edit and discuss data.
  • Get started at docs.google.com.

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