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Beverly Dabney PhD, RN

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What is specifications grading?

A subcategory of mastery grading. Core principles (Nilson, 2015)

Student assessments are explicitly aligned with learning objectives.


Students know what is exactly expected to master a learning objective.


Measured at a clearly defined level of performance needed to demonstrate competency or mastery.



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What is specifications grading?

Expectations explicitly clear to students.

Student ownership of grades. Select grade level they work to achieve.


Pass/fail. Partial credit is removed.


Students given the opportunity to revise work that does not initially meet the standards, within limits.



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Format 1 – Winter 2022


E = Exceptional

P= Pass

R = Revision Required

LP = Low Pass

N = Not submitted


4 tokens for resubmissions or extensions. Submitted to Google form.


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Format 2 – Summer 2022


Exceeds Mastery


Revision Required

No Evidence


Determined by bundle for which Mastery is achieved for all items. No late assignments for a (+).


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Format 3 – Fall 2022


More focus on mastery of the learning outcomes.


Combined discussions & group article critiques. Set a traditional percentage for the Final.

No more than 1 late assignment for a (+).


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Student Responses


I truly enjoy using specifications grading. I feel like putting a percentage on an assignment is harder for the professor to grade as well as for the student to understand where things went wrong.

I think that this grading system promotes a sound understanding of the course material and it seems less punitive compared to the typical percentage-based grading system. I like that the expectations or “rubric” for each assignment are clearly defined; this has helped me to know whether I am meeting the objectives for an assignment.

I have never had a class graded in this way before. I do not know if I can say that I like it better or not. I do feel that it has its pros and cons. I do like how we have token to be able to make sure we can pass an assignment and we are given guidance if we are just not understanding something about an assignment instead of just moving on to the next one.

Since you only get four tokens and if you don’t do well on the assignments these tokens can be processed quickly then your grade could be in trouble,

In regards to the grading system for this class, I am torn. There is a part of me that can appreciate the pass or fail aspect of the grading system, however the type A personality I tend to lean towards wants concrete percentages to more accurately measure my knowledge.

End of Semester

I love the concept of specifications grading. I appreciate its flexibility. The use of the four tokens is also a great implementation because it gives students the opportunity to revise assignments and really learn the assignments objectives.

I liked the style of grading when I passed but when I didn't pass it made me have to go back and do the assignment again which I didn't like as much, I would rather have partial credit. So I am undecided on whether I would want this style again.

I was neutral about the grading at first. I now really like this new way of grading. As someone who puts a lot of pressure on myself to excel, I can sometimes have anxiety about failing which can make it hard to get over the hurdle of getting started and just do the best I can. This new way of grading, along with the option to resubmit work as needed, alleviated a lot of the stress of turning in assignments. I feel that this way of grading allowed me to concentrate on verifying I understood the material and not just knowing enough to do well on an assignment.

I was very nervous about the way of grading, thinking that I wouldn't have enough tokens to make sure every assignment was a pass. But, I changed my thoughts on it and really like it. It allows you to redo the assignment and better understand what you did wrong and take the time to reread the material that is needed.

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Student Data


Student perceptions were mostly positive across all 3 semesters.



Final grade distribution decreased slightly with less A+ awarded. Final exam scores increased.


Use of Tokens

Most students did not use all of their tokens.


Grade Grubbing

Across all three semesters, zero grade grubing .



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Faculty Perceptions


The initial set up was very time consuming. Grading time neutral.


Key to student buy in and reducing anxiety. Should be early on & frequent

Student Performance

Students soon learned shoddy work would be returned for revision.

Next Steps

Students need a better way to track their progress throughout the semester towards the final grade.


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Specifications Grading

Student assessments are explicitly aligned with learning objectives.


Set up is time consuming. Grading resubmissions can be if rubrics are not well developed



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  • Beverly W. Dabney PhD, RN
  • Email: bevw@umich.edu

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