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4th transnational meeting in Gulbītis, Latvia

11th of November - 15th of November

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General context of education in



immigrant young learners


learners with special needs or learning difficulties

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Immigrant young learners

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Municipal distribution of students with non-Italian citizenship

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Right to schooling for foreign minors

  • However, foreign minors in Italy have the right and duty to education.
  • The principles of supervision over the fulfillment of compulsory schooling apply to them.
  • Public schools are required to welcome them.

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The right to school education of foreign minors legally present in Italy (together with parents with a residence permit) or illegally (together with adults without a permit or who have arrived 'unaccompanied') is stated in a binding manner by many conventions, documents and regulations, international, European and national.

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International law conventions

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  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights (adopted by the UN General Assembly on 10/12/1948)
  • Declaration of the Rights of the Child (UN, 20 November 1959)
  • International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (UN, 16/12/1966)
  • International Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN, 11.20.1989)

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Italian State Regulations

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  • Constitution of the Italian Republic
  • M.C. n. 5/94: admits the registration with reservation of foreign minors in compulsory education, even if they do not have a permit living room, up to the regularization of the position.
  • National guidelines for the curriculum November 2012
  • Guidelines for the reception and integration of foreign students - February 2014

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In planning actions aimed at integrating foreign students, the following educational requirements should be kept in mind:

Starting not only from what the foreign student "does not know", but also from his experience, his emotional-relational background and his cultural heritage (see also Article 45, paragraph IV of Presidential Decree No. 394) ;

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Try to establish a relationship with foreign students' families from the beginning and communicate as effectively as possible with them, using, if necessary, "cultural mediators"

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Provide not only individual 'recovery' activities, but activities that involve the entire school community and, possibly, also the local external one, to stimulate attention to the multi-culture and to start a correct intercultural education (welcome projects, moments meetings open to the local community, multi-cultural workshops, attention to the various ethnic heritages in equipping the library and the school's multimedia collections, meetings with associations and representatives of foreigners).

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Be aware that integration cannot take place without the achievement of solid basic skills. Particular initial attention should be paid to linguistic support, carried out by teaching staff or even by suitable external experts with a work contract, taking advantage of the economic resources and management possibilities specific to the school autonomy

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Attention and appreciation for the language and culture of the country of origin, with the recourse also to "cultural mediators" found between the voluntary sector or the community of belonging of the child (legally comparable to external experts)

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Recovery activities and individualized support (without, however, compromising integration in a class group), using all the possible resources (hours of contemporaneity) within the functional staff of nursery and primary schools, of hours to provision for completing professorships in secondary schools; performance in additional hours of the teachers.

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Learners with special needs or learning difficulties

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Inclusion of pupils with disabilities

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The scholastic integration of pupils with disabilities is a strength of the Italian school, which wants to be a welcoming community in which all students, regardless of their functional diversity, can realize experiences of individual and social growth

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The full inclusion of students with disabilities is an objective that the school of autonomy pursues through an intense and articulated planning, enhancing the internal professionalism and the resources offered by the territory

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The MIUR implements various accompanying measures to foster integration: support teachers, financing of projects and activities for integration, training initiatives for teaching and support staff and administrative, technical and auxiliary staff.

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The teacher for the support activities is a specialized teacher assigned to the class of the student with disabilities to favor the integration process.

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The student with a disability follows personalized and / or individualized learning paths.

The real tasks of the class teacher must necessarily be defined within the framework of an Individualized Educational Plan.

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The head teacher is responsible for organizing

the integration of pupils with disabilities and supervising the implementation of what was decided in the Individualized Educational Plan.

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The PEI - Individualized Educational Plan describes

the educational and teaching

interventions for the student annually, defining objectives, methods and evaluation criteria. It is an integral part of educational and didactic programming

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What are SLD?

The law of 8 October 2010, n. 170,

recognizes dyslexia, dysorthography,

dysgraphia and dyscalculia as Specific

Learning Disorders (SLD), assigning to the national education system and universities

the task of identifying the most appropriate teaching methods and assessment methods for pupils and students with SLD they can achieve educational success.

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Italian State Regulations

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  • Law 05.02.1992 n. 104 Law 05.02.1992 n. 104

Framework law for assistance, social integration and the rights of disabled people: In each educational institution, a GLHI, Institute for Handicap Working Group is required by Law 104/92.

  • Guidelines of the M.I.U.R. Prot Prot. N. n ° 4274/09 (Educational integration of students with disabilities)

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  • Legislative Decree 13 April 2017, n. 66 - Rules for promoting the scholastic inclusion of students with disabilities, in accordance with Article 1, paragraphs 180 and 181, letter c), of the law of 13 July 2015, n. 107.
  • Legislative Decree 96/2019, Supplementary and corrective provisions to Legislative Decree 13 April 2017, n. 66

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International law conventions

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  • The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  • UN World Conference on Human Rights

Which already in 1993 specified that "all human rights and fundamental freedoms are universal and include disabled people without reservation"

  • International Classification of Functioning

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