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Egg Floats

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How does salt water or fresh water affects an egg when it is boiled?

How does salt water or fresh water affects an egg when it is raw?

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When boiled egg or raw egg is put in a bowl of fresh water it will floats.

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1. Eggs

2. Water

3. Bowl

4. Measuring cup

5. Pot

6. Salt

7. Measuring spoon

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1. Get a pot; pour water in the pot; put the pot of water on the stove to boil.

2. Put the egg in the hot water to boil for 6 to 10 minutes.

3. Measure a cup of water put it in a bowl.

4. Add 6 teaspoons of salt to the bowl of water and mix.

5. Put the boiled egg in the bowl of salt water.

6. Get a bowl measure one cup of fresh water

7. Put a raw egg into the bowl of fresh water

8. Repeat steps 1-7 three more times.

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Data Table(s)

Sample EGG Floats or Sinks Amount of Water Amount of Salt

Cup 1 sinks 1 cup 0 teaspoon



Cup 2 floats 1 cup 3 teaspoons



Cup 3 sinks 1 cup 0 teaspoon



Cup 4 floats 1 cup 3 teaspoons



Cup 5 sinks 1 cup 0 teaspoon



Cup 6 floats 1 cup 3 teaspoons


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Whenever raw eggs or boiled eggs are put in salt water it will always float to the

Top of the water. When eggs are put in freshwater it will always sink to the bottom

Of the bowl.

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Real World Connection

My project does not affect the real world. If eggs floats or don't

Floats does not my the world or society change.