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#27 Warm Up

  • What do you believe the medium is? (paint, chalk, wire etc…)
  • Is this ornate?

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Annie Vought

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Letter Drawing


You will choose a letter. Create a FINISHED, ornate 9” x 9” drawing that showcases that letter. Enclose the letter with a border [either a rectangle OR another shape that suits the letter]



Minimum 9x9 in size


Colored pencil or drawing pencil VALUE

ORNATE (the letter & border or the background)


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Must have VALUE (lights and darks)

No streaks


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Drawing pencil must have VALUE

No streaks


Pen/ink applied without streaks

Thick and thin lines

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  • Finish your font worksheet
  • Draw your design on the crummy paper first
  • Transfer drawing onto nice paper (light pencil)
  • Finish with your choice of medium (drawing pencils or color pencil) CRAFTSMANSHIP!

Must have approval to use sharpie!