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Unit 7 Practice Create Task

Part 3 - Program Planning and Building

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To do: February 8

Pick up a Create Task rubric - take a couple minutes and read through the rubric.

  • Students will develop a computer program of their choice. Students need at least 12 hours of in-class time to complete.
  • 30% of Score -> 6 rows in rubric - 5 pts per row

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To do: February 8

Pick up a Create Task rubric. Attach to IN.

  • Students will develop a computer program of their choice. Students need at least 12 hours of in-class time to complete.
  • 30% of Score -> 6 rows in rubric - 5 pts per row

Open the Create PT - Requirement #1 in the Hub.

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Go over homework

  • Work with your partner on Practice Create Project - Design app screens in Unit 7 Lesson 10 bubble 1
  • Complete and submit Unit 7 Practice Create Task part 2 - Design mode

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Project Description

Unit 5 Lesson 13 - Activity

For this project you will work with a partner. Together you will create an app that uses a dataset. There are components in this project: design and program. You are both responsible for contributing to both parts of the project. Individually, you will complete a written response that will help you practice for the Create Performance Task. (go to Hub)

You will submit

  • Your final app
  • Project-planning guides
  • Written responses

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DEMO and How to share UI screens with a partner

Make sure all UI elements have UNIQUE identifiers!

To share screens:

  • Click on Share at the top left corner above app screen
  • Copy link and share with partner
  • Click on screen drop-down menu
  • Select import screen
  • Paste link in text box


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Program Planning and Building - Activity Guide

  • Work with your partner on writing the program code.
  • You can have identical code, but it's also okay if there are slight differences

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  • Create PT - Function Requirement #1 - submit to Hub
  • Unit 7 part 3 Practice Create Project - PROGRAM PLANNING and BUILDING due Thursday - be ready to share with another peer group
  • Work on program code in U7L10 bubble 1

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To do: February 9

  • Take out your Create task rubric and read Row #6 in Create Task rubric
  • Open Function Requirement #2 in the Hub

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  • Create PT - Function Requirement #2 - submit to Hub
  • Unit 7 part 3 Practice Create Project - PROGRAM PLANNING and BUILDING
  • Complete program code in U7L10 bubble 1 - be ready to share with another peer