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Acrostic Poem

Never to be seen

If you are reading

Caution must be taken into consideration

Knights cannot even handle these poems

So don’t read without care

Put away all your valuables because you’re in for a ride

Of all of my poems,

Even from way back then

Most don’t compare to what you will see

So make sure that you’re for what what lies ahead

Nicholas G.

Block: 7

English 8

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Loving volcano

Dark outside and deadly core

Feared by all humans

Isolated in the sea

Searching for someone to love

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Look at that very nice pillow

Oh no that’s just a very fat cat

I wonder if it ate mi amigo

Who cares, my friend was like a rat

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Song Lyrics - 1

My mama called, seen you on TV, son ASaid shit done changed ever since we was on B�I dreamed it all ever since I was young C�They said I wouldn't be nothing D ф�Now they always say congratulations E RV�Worked so hard, forgot how to vacation E H�They ain't never had the dedication E�People hatin', say we changed and look we made it F�Yeah, we made it F


_____ = Rhyme scheme

RV = Assonance

ф = Oxymoron

H = Hyperbole

☺️= Simile

🔆 = Symbolism


_____ = Rhyme scheme

RV= Assonance

ф = Oxymoron

H = Hyperbole

☺️= Simile

🔆 = Symbolism

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Song Lyrics - 2

I was patient, yeah-oh�I was patient, ay-oh�Now I can scream that we made it�Now everyone, everywhere I go, they say 'gratulations�Young nigga, young nigga, graduationI pick up the rock and I ball, baby 🔆�I'm looking for someone to call, baby�But right now I got a situation�Never old, been Ben Franklins�Big rings, champagne�My life is like a ball game ☺️


_____ = Rhyme scheme

RV= Assonance

ф = Oxymoron

H = Hyperbole

☺️= Simile

🔆 = Symbolism

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Photo Poem


The Dark Path

A dark path where the only light is forward

She missed her chance at other ways

So to save herself from all her wrongs

She took the dark and rugged path

Not knowing what lies ahead

She always kept caution in her head

Never knowing that the light ahead was an angel keeping her safe =

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Song Analysis - Paragraph 1

The song “Congratulations” by Post Malone is about the writer getting laughed at as a kid because of his dreams, later he accomplishes his dreams and now they congratulate him. This is shown in stanza 1 line 4-5, “They said I wouldn’t be nothing

Now they always say congratulations”

This means that no one believed that the writer would reach his goal in the past but now that he reached his goal they all say congratulations because they never helped the writer get to where he is.

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Song Analysis - Paragraph 2

The reason why I chose this song is because I have my own future goals that I really want to accomplish with my education and my career and I’m going to keep trying until I accomplish my goal even if no one is there to back me up if I fall. In conclusion, the song “ Congratulations“ is about never giving up on your dreams no matter what.

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Thanks for
