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3/27 DECA Meeting

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  • ICDC Information
  • ICDC Testing
  • Business Week
  • Competition Prep.
  • Reminders/Housekeeping
  • Time to Talk with the Exec Board

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ICDC Travel Information

  • Saturday, April 15th:
    • Meet up early in the morning, carpool to Chicago
    • Flight leaves from O’Hare at 7:30AM
    • Arrive in Orlando at 11:10AM
  • Hotel Information:
    • Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista - Disney Springs Area
    • 1751 Hotel Plaza Blvd, Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
  • Wednesday, April 19th:
    • Check-out by 11AM
    • Flight leaves from Orlando at 3:05PM
    • Arrive in Chicago at 5:10PM
    • Carpool back to Madison

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ICDC Schedule Preview

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ICDC Cost Information

  • Total Base Cost: $485
    • Already paid $200 deposit
  • Remaining Fees Due:
    • W/ Universal: $415
    • No Universal: $285
  • Please pay by April 3rd
    • Venmo (@DECA_UW) or bring to a meeting

Based on what you marked on the registration form

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ICDC Testing

  • Will be taking today → room 1270 after the meeting
  • 60 minutes and 100 questions
  • Can use scratch paper and a calculator

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Business Week

Tuesday - Free Insomnia cookies 10:30am-1pm

Wednesday - Day of the badger 9am-Noon

Bucky 10am - 11am

Mental Health panel - 5:30pm-6:30pm (Mark Laplante and Kristen Fuhremann)

Thursday - Pie a professor 4pm-6pm

Saturday - Org dodgeball tournament 1pm-3pm

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Competition Tips- Overview

More in depth from last semester LINK

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Event Layout Review

Case Study/ Role-Play

  • 30 min prep time
  • 15 min presentation
  • Correlating exam

  • 60 min prep time
  • 15 min presentation
  • No exam

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Tips and Tricks- Kayla’s 6 Rules for Success

  • Performance Indicators!!!! - The most important
    • Word for word, title your slides
  • Well prepared slide show
  • Confidence, eye contact, enthusiasm
    • Fake it until you make it!


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Tips and Tricks- Kayla’s 6 Rules for Success

  • Timing
    • 15 minutes INCLUDING questions
  • Know the facts and use them
    • Find in your prompt, drop them in presentation
  • Know the roles
    • Introduce yourself as your title, name drop the judges title too

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Tips and Tricks- Based on State

  • Pay attention to how you are carrying yourself
    • Don’t fidget, play with your hair, stare at the screen, etc.
  • Grammar/spelling!
    • Add grammarly to your browser or press the review button once you finish your slides
  • Social media!!!
    • You CANNOT just say “promoting through social media”
    • What forms specifically target your intended market, are you boosting your ads (by location, demographic, etc.), set yourself apart

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Tips and Tricks- Based on State

  • Close the deal/ closing slide
    • Follow up meeting? Biannual check-ins? What is the next step?
    • Make a closing thank you slide with your contact information
    • A LOT of pointers on this, don’t rush, you got it!
  • Slay

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Practice Role-Play

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Practice Role-Play

  • Treat this like the real thing
  • Timed (if you finish early or need to leave early no worries)
    • Team: 1 hour (if you both are here)
  • Make slides if you can! Good practice!
  • Present to exec board!
    • If you finish your exam early, prep/ present today
    • Prep. today or another time and present next week

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If you have additional questions about Competition prep, please contact Kayla Buth (Kbuth@wisc.edu)

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Follow Us on Social Media!

UW Madison Collegiate DECA




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Reminders/Upcoming Events

  • Next week: Speaker Meeting on 4/3 at 6pm in Grainger 1195
    • Also time to practice for competition
  • If you still haven’t picked up state feedback forms, please see us
  • Pay remainder of ICDC costs by April 3rd
  • Check email for updates!
  • Check out our website for meeting links, competition prep, contact information, and more!!