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Modern and Contemporary Literature

Global Introductions

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Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”

  • Describe a situation from a book, a movie, or real life in which someone went “too far” in attempt to hold onto someone they loved. The person may or may not have loved them back.

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Unknown Neighbor

  • Think about houses in your community that you have seen or heard odd “stories” about. Write down what you have heard (do not use specific names or addresses), and write down what you believe to be true.

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Frost’s Poetry “Fences”

  • Agree or disagree with the following quote, “Good fences make good neighbors.”
  • Give specific examples to support your opinion

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O’Connor’s “The Life You Save” :Hitchhiker

  • Would you pick up a hitch hiker on the side of the road? Why or why not?
  • If you saw someone in need of car help, what would you do?

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Walker’s “Everyday Use”: Memorable Mementos

  • What are some objects in your room, house, or grandparents’ homes that have significant value to you? Why would you want to treasure or keep them? Would you use them in every day life?