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6th Grade Social Studies

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Answer the following question in your own words.

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  • Culture- The way of life of a group of people

Can you think of ways that your culture influences your life?

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What is culture?

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Elements of culture

  • Language
  • Shelter
  • Clothing
  • Economy
  • Religion
  • Celebrations

  • Education
  • Values
  • Climate
  • Government/Laws
  • Recreation/Entertainment
  • Music/Dance

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  • Anthropologist- A scientist who studies cultures

    • Examine human origins and how humans have changed over time

    • How have humans changed over time or evolved?

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Watch This!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT0kzF4A-WQ (People from Sudan move to the USA)

  • What challenges do you think the people from Sudan will have when coming to America for the first time?

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Cultural Questions

  • Take a few minutes to quietly answer these questions about your culture with your partner.

1. What language do you speak at home?

2. What is your favorite holiday? Why?

3. What is a traditional family meal that you enjoy eating?

Share your answers with your group members

  • What do you have in common?

2) What was different?