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Virtual Session 8

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Before we start

1- What did you do over the weekend? What are you looking forward to after quarantine is over?

2- updates about the internship (no session this Thursday or next week)

3- announcement: tonight is a pink super moon!

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Before we start

1- pull my changes

2- push your changes to your github

3- go to your code from session-4-1 (wherever you saved it on your computer) and file → save as → move it to session-4-2-recovered folder

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What did we do last time?

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runs this

runs this



Creates these files


Runs this for all dates in date_list.txt

Also runs these once they are made






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Someone volunteer to share your screen and explain your code for run-fortran-code.sh

Does everyone’s code work the same way? Does anyone have any questions?

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If you haven’t already, run your code

(even if you have still run your code)

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Turning our data into a netcdf file

Recall -- what is a netcdf file?

Demo: someone do ncdump -h

What are the characteristics of a netcdf file?

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In today’s session

Open w-to-netcdf.py

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Comment “scavenger hunt”�

#opens w file

#creates file name from date_list

#path to w files (created by fortran code)

#loops through number of dates

#skips the header in w file

#creates blank array to fill

# opens netcdf file

#loops through depth

# takes value from w file and puts it into numpy array

#loops through longitude

#loops through latitude

#creates numpy array with all of the latitude values

#adds units to netcdf variables

#creates variables in numpy array

#fills the variables in the netcdf file with the values from the numpy arrays

#f4 means that the values will be floats

#closes netcdf file

#creates dimensions in netcdf file

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Run this code

Once you’ve run the code successfully, check out the netcdf file in terminal

Reminder: �To view header: ncdump -h FILENAME

To view a variable: ncdump -v VARIABLENAME FILENAME

What do you see? Is there anything surprising? Do you have any questions?

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Hovmoller plotting

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Before we make hovmoller plots

First let’s just make something like this

What do we see? Which eddies are cyclonic and which are anticyclonic?

(then let’s make a loop that makes this plot for all dates)

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Hovmoller plots -- what are the first steps?