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Admissions 101

A college application overview: what you need to know

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Researching/Visiting Schools

  • Start online on Naviance (all students have accounts - starting 10th gr)
    • Get a sense of what you like and don’t like
  • Schedule Visits (big/small, urban/rural, private/public)
    • Get a sense of what you like and don’t like
  • Take a Tour (sign up online)
    • Student led tours are best

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Questions to ask during a tour

Are you happy here? Was this school your first choice?

Are there job opportunities available on campus for students?

How do you register for your classes?

Are the faculty nice? Are the courses challenging?

How did you know you wanted to go here? What are the pros/cons of attending this school?

Is this a safe campus?

What extra-curricular/intramural/clubs activities are available?

Is the campus/school fun?

What do most students do on the weekends? Do most go home?

How is the cafeteria food? How many options are there?

What do I do if I dont like my roommate?

What is the process for housing selections? Is there a lottery?

What technology is available on campus?

How many hours per week do you have to put aside for homework/studying?

Is there an orientation program available for new students? When?

What classes did you (student) take during your senior year in high school?

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Creating the list

  • Meet with Counselor
  • 4 Categories - Reach, Target, Safety, Financial Safety
  • Typically - we recommend applying to 5-8 schools (with possible exceptions in nursing/competitive programs)
  • Naviance

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Ready to Apply

  • The Complete Application:
    • Application with essay & Fee
    • Transcript
    • Recommendation Letters (teachers and counselors)
    • SAT/ACT scores
    • Resume (optional)
  • Financial Aid:
    • FAFSA
    • CSS Profile
    • MEFA Website

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How does Guidance help?

  • Course selection 8-12 (long term planning)
  • 11th grade (February):
    • student and parent presentations
    • Optional meeting with Counselors
  • 12th Grade (September):
    • student and parent presentations
    • Required meeting with counselor (unlimited)