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I am…

Make a list all about you. Let your mind totally free-associate, and jot down anything and everything.. Include things that you identify with, that resonate, that you love or care about; include adjectives, nouns, places and people.

For example, my list would include:

Mother, family, wife, travel, reading, hot coffee on the porch, sunrises, looking up at stars, love, fierce, connection, candy, chocolate chips cookies, comfy couches, rainy days, early morning hikes, learning, funky jewelry, sister, Paris, public schools, brain stuff, road trips, podcasts

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Nerding Out On Neuroscience

AKA Understanding How Your Brain Works

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In groups of 2-3, write down EVERYTHING you know (or think you know) about the brain

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Why Do We Learn About the Brain? Who Cares?

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Brainstem: Physical responses like breathing & heart rate

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Which part of the brain are you in?

When you are taking notes in your math class…

When you get a text from the person you like and your heart beats faster…

When you’re ready to fight with your sister over who gets to choose the movie on TV…

When your favorite song comes up on your playlist

When someone posts something online about you that isn’t true…

When you are studying for your English test…

When your stomach gurgles from hunger…

When your friends take you to a haunted house at Halloween

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Let’s start with figuring out what our body feels like…

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What exactly are emotions?

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How do we feel emotions?


Release of adrenaline and cortisolZ


Release of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin

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Regulating Ourselves

In the moment

- Step back, walk around the classroom

- Take a sip of water, chew gum, hard candy/mint

- Lower voice

- Mindful breathing (e.g. 2-4 breathing)

- Tapping

- Think rhythm!!

Life Habits

- Exercise incorporating rhythm (walking, running, swimming, etc)

- Hydration, Hydration, Hydration

- Mind-Gut Connection

- Connection and Creativity

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Plutchik’s Color Wheel Theory

8 primary emotions

Opposites: Each primary emotion has a polar opposite

Combinations: Emotions with no color represent an emotion that is a mix of the two primary emotions

Intensity: Emotions intensify as they move from the outside to the center of the wheel.. The darker the shade, the greater the intensity

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Group Project Time!! Part I

Universal Emotions | What are Emotions? | Paul Ekman Group

Create a Google Slides Presentation about your Emotion. Use the website above (and others if you would like!)

Title Slide: Name of emotion

Slide 2: What is it?

Slide 3: Function/Keys

Slide 4: Body Language

Slide 5: Facial Features

Slide 6: Triggers

Slide 7: How you “feel” it?

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Group Project Time!! Part II

- Research the facial features/expressions associated with “reading” your emotion

- Using your phone or webcam, take pictures of EACH of your group members demonstrating the facial expression of that emotion

- Compile all pictures into the Google Slides (one picture per slide) you already created. Create a “Section Header” slide titled, “How to Read Emotion __________

- Feel free to include any other body language cues that would help.. Brownie points for creativity!!

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Example- Confusion

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Up and the Hierarchy of Needs

As you watch the video, complete the graphic organizer where you see each of the needs met or unmet

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Group Project Time!! Create a Hierarchy of Needs for One of These Characters






Harry Potter

Darth Vadar




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Hierarchy of Needs Discussion Questions

- Do you feel that Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is accurate? Why or why not?

- Did he miss any category of need? What would you add? Why?

- Is it relevant to today? To all people? Is it culturally aware? Why or why not?

- Why might people choose (consciously or unconsciously) to skip or sacrifice in one level in order to get a need met in another level?

- Is a triangle hierarchy the most appropriate shape for this theory? How might you re-envision this to fit our world today?

- When should a person’s needs take precedence over another person’s needs? Does placement on the hierarchy have any influence on this? What other factors might come into play?

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Bringing it all together…

Create a page on your Student Portfolio that includes all of the following:

1) Your Typical Stress Response and how it typically shows up in your life

2) An emotion you’d like to feel more of (complete the graphic organizer) and what you will do to make that happen

3) An emotion you’d like to feel less of (complete the graphic organizer) and what you will do to make this happen

4) What are your hierarchy of needs? Are the needs being met, or not?

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