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Cut Test


2 of 17

What are the 5 things that make a Great pizza?

3 of 17

Range = ½” to 1”

Height max = 1”

Height min = 1/2”

Pizza Grading Tool – Rim Height

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Pizza Grading Tool – Rim Height

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Range = ½” to 1”

Width max = 1”

Width min = 1/2”

Pizza Grading Tool – Rim Width

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Pizza Grading Tool – Rim Width

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Width = ¾”

*Use this part of the Pizza Grading Tool to check the space between the inside edge of the pizza box and the edge of the pizza

Pizza Grading Tool – Size

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Pizza Grading Tool – Size

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Height = 1/2”

Pizza Grading Tool – Size: Center Rise

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Size: Center Rise

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Size: Center Rise

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Placement - Sauce Border & Distribution

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Placement - Sauce Border & Distribution

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Range = ½ golf ball

Bubble larger than ½ golf ball

Pizza Grading Tool – Bake: Bubbles

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Pizza Grading Tool

Bake: Golden Brown