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Dimensioning/Floor Plans

Mr. Meal, Mr. Richard, Mr. Saltus

Fall 2020

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Classroom Rules

  • Be on Time
  • Be Kind and Respectful in Your Speech
  • Mute your microphone when not speaking
  • No Side Conversations
  • There is no such thing as a stupid question
  • Teachers can add expectations as needed


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Orthographic Drawing Answer!

After everyone has finished with Activity 1, watch this video to see if you got it all correct!


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A Quick Measurement Review.

After everyone has finished their measurements, and we have gone over the answers, let’s discuss;

It's important to start your measurement at the “0” mark on your ruler to ensure an accurate measurement. What other steps can you take to ensure your measurement is accurate?

How many millimeters are in a centimeter?

How many fractional divisions are there in an inch on your ruler? (you can count on your ruler if you need to)


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Back to Development Drawings.

The cube we made together last time is an example of a development drawing

  • A development drawing “unfolds” a 3d shape into a flat drawing
  • Development drawings are not as commonly used as orthographics, but they are useful in seeing how shapes are made
  • It is the best way to show how packages and boxes will be put together


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Developmental Drawing Examples


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What is Dimensioning?

  • Measuring out each shape to show exactly how big each object is
  • The printed plans don’t always exactly match the final product, so giving measurements matter!


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Accurately Dimensioning

  • By using dimensions only where they are needed, you reduce clutter
  • Double dimensioning can reduce the clarity of a drawing


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Why do we need Floor Plans?

  • All buildings come from a set of floor plans
  • This takes a look at a building from the top view
  • Different areas have different rules called building codes that need to be met before building


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Floor Plan Specifics

  • Floor plans can be used to not only show the layout of houses, but also each room specifically
  • Using scale, you can easily rearrange different rooms without moving anything to see how it would work.


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Mr. Saltus’ Room Issue

Mr. Saltus is rearranging his room, since he is at home this semester and wants to find a place for his 3D printer. Mr. Saltus has a bed, dresser, two desks, a desk chair, his computer, a small side table, and the 3D printer that he needs to find a place for. Lets help him arrange his room!


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Could You Rearrange Your Room?

Now that you understand how we rearranged Mr. Saltus’ room, do you think you could rearrange your room better than it is now?

Would you do a drawing first to see how it would work?

Would you want to build a new house without plans first?


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Thanks for Being Awesome!

For next week, please create an account for TinkerCAD, because this is what we will be working with next week.

We will be 3D printing whatever you make, so if you don’t download it you won’t get your awesome ideas printed!
