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Visual arts

By: Shuloma kabra

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My Mentors- Yunus sir, Shalomi ma’am,Shivangi ma’am

Central Idea: Arts provide us with the opportunity to reflect on, extend, and enjoy creativity.

Lines of Inquiry

  • Types of recyclable materials used for crafts/arts
  • Innovative ways of using recyclable materials in craft
  • My responsibility

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Types of recyclable materials used for crafts/arts

  • Cardboard
  • Boxes
  • CDs
  • Plastic bottles
  • Straws
  • Paper
  • Bubble wraps
  • Plastic cutlery
  • Milk cartons
  • Plastic bags
  • Newspaper

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Innovative ways of using recyclable materials in craft

We can make many things but these are some of the things I found in my research that we can make-

  • A piggy bank with a plastic bottle
  • Bangles with the remaining part of the bottle
  • A home decor with used paper so you can reuse it
  • Planting a plant inside a bottle
  • Decorating the bottle for a home decor
  • Pencil, pen stand with the cardboard of a box
  • A purse or a bag with newspaper

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My Responsibility

My responsibility is to do the action like

  • I can take a cardboard box which is of no use and then collect all the materials that are of no use and when there are many materials I can create something with it.
  • I can stop my family to throw items and reuse it instead of throwing
  • I can set up a stall in which i’ll tell everyone to get the things they don’t use anymore and have to throw it to put in it’s respective boxes like plastic, metal, steel, etc. They can give all that to me and I will use it and make crafts out of it.

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Artist- Hiroshi Fuji

Born in 1960 in Kagoshima, Japan.

Japanese artist Hiroshi Fuji has been cited as a “serial recycling artist”, and has made many large-scale installations using thousands of recycled materials. His work, ‘Jurassic Plastic’, features a dazzling installation of dinosaurs and animals made from unwanted plastic toys that he has personally collected from countries around Asia. Fuji transforms these unwanted toys into visually with the concept of plastic true to his art. He makes dinosaurs due to how crude oil - the raw material of plastic - is essentially produced from fossil fuels, shedding further light on how we should be aware of our consumption and waste.

Fact- Japanese artist Hiroshi Fuji has been cited as a “serial recycling artist”, and has made many large-scale installations using thousands of recycled materials. His work, ‘Jurassic Plastic’, features a dazzling installation of dinosaurs and animals made from unwanted plastic toys that he has personally collected from countries around Asia. Fuji transforms these unwanted toys into visually with the concept of plastic true to his art. He makes dinosaurs due to how crude oil - the raw material of plastic - is essentially produced from fossil fuels, shedding further light on how we should be aware of our consumption and waste.

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Student Agency

I was very excited before the mentor meetings started and now that excitement is still there for the exhibition, I am not that amazing in art and craft but learning so much was really fun. Some of my crafts that were really fun to do.

Processing of doing Final result

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Sustainable Development Goals

  • No poverty
  • Zero hunger
  • Good health and well-being
  • Quality education
  • Gender equality
  • Clean water and sanitation
  • Affordable and clean energy
  • Decent work and economic goals
  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Reduce inequality
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Climate action
  • Life below water
  • Life on land
  • Peace, justice and strong intuitions
  • Partnerships for the goals

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Learner profile, ATL Skills and Bibliography

Learner Profile- Thinker, Acknowledge, Open minded

ATL Skills - Thinking skills, Self-management skills and Research skills.

Bibliography- The research work searched on google but in my own words and the other slides are all in my own words.

Artists Recycling their way to Large-Scale Installations | The ...

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