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History Bell Work

Mrs. Owens - 8th Grade U.S. History

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  • Get out any bellwork you have in your folder, staple it (if it needs it), put your name on it, and turn it into your hour’s turn-in basket.

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Bell Work

  • Turn your bell work into the basket

  • Get your chromebooks out

  • Open Google Chrome

  • Go to the Scholastic Underground Railroad Website that I showed you yesterday.

  • When you get there, put your screens at a 45 degree angle.

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Test Today (READ ME!!!!!)

  • We are going to start the test right when the bell rings.

  • Clear your desk of everything but your writing utensil and your study guide.

  • You must have your study guide out whether it is finished or not.

  • Be prepared to start your test right when the bell rings.

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  • Get out any bellwork you have in your folder, staple it (if it needs it), put your name on it, and turn it into your hour’s turn-in basket.

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Day 1: Bell Work 9-3-20 (Cohort A)

Welcome to U.S. History. Everyday when you come into class, I will have some “bell work” or “warm up” questions/problems for you to complete. So when you walk in, take a seat, take out a piece of paper, draw a vertical line down the middle and horizontal line down the middle to make four boxes, and answer the following questions to the best of your ability. They are not graded for accuracy, but I will be grading them (after 8) and give you points if you completed them. If you are absent on your cohort day, you are responsible for completing the one you missed by going to my website - Bell Work Links (daily bell work).

1. How would you define the word “History?”

2. Name any 5 of the 50 states in the United States.

Try to spell correctly.

3. Who is currently our Vice President?

4. Who let the dawgs out?

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Day 1: Bell Work 9-4-20 (Cohort B)

Welcome to U.S. History. Everyday when you come into class, I will have some “bell work” or “warm up” questions/problems for you to complete. So when you walk in, take a seat, take out a piece of paper, draw a vertical line down the middle and horizontal line down the middle to make four boxes, and answer the following questions to the best of your ability. They are not graded for accuracy, but I will be grading them (after 8) and give you points if you completed them. If you are absent on your cohort day, you are responsible for completing the one you missed by going to my website - Bell Work Links (daily bell work).

1. How would you define the word “History?”

2. Name any 5 of the 50 states in the United States.

Try to spell correctly.

3. Who is currently our Vice President?

4. Who let the dawgs out?

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Day 2: Bell Work 9-8-20 (Cohort A)

  • dfjal 2.

3. Who is the current Governor of Wisconsin?

4. What are the 7 continents of the world?

5. What is the weirdest thing you have ever


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Day 2: Bell Work 9-10-20 (Cohort B)

  • dfjal 2.

3. Who is the current Governor of Wisconsin?

4. What are the 7 continents of the world?

5. What is the weirdest thing you have ever


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Day 3: Bell Work 9-11-20 (Cohort B)

  • Explain what happened on September 11, 2001?

2. Who was the President at this time?

3. About how many people died?

4. What is the name of the National Holiday that was

created in remembrance of September 11, 2001?

5. Were you alive on September 11, 2001?

6. What is something positive that came out of this awful day?

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Day 3: Bell Work 9-14-20 (Cohort A)

  • Explain what happened on September 11, 2001?

2. Who was the President at this time?

3. About how many people died?

4. What is the name of the National Holiday that was

created in remembrance of September 11, 2001?

5. Were you alive on September 11, 2001?

6. What is something positive that came out of this awful day?

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Day 4: Bell Work 9-15-20 (Cohort A)

1. _______ A biography about Abraham Lincoln

2. _______ The Declaration of Independence

3. _______ A TV show explaining what happened in Vietnam

4. _______ A website describing what the first World’s Fair was like

5. _______ A Vietnam veteran talking about the war in Vietnam

6. _______ A video of Sasquatch wearing a cat costume while attacking Mr. Rueth.

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Day 4: Bell Work 9-17-20 (Cohort B)

1. _______ A biography about Abraham Lincoln

2. _______ The Declaration of Independence

3. _______ A TV show explaining what happened in Vietnam

4. _______ A website describing what the first World’s Fair was like

5. _______ A Vietnam veteran talking about the war in Vietnam

6. _______ A video of Sasquatch wearing a cat costume while attacking Mr. Rueth.

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Day 5: Bell Work

9-18-20 (Cohort B)

1. Which 2 countries claimed modern Texas?

2. Which country claimed the area around the Mississippi and St. Lawrence Rivers?

3. What geographical barrier separated the English and the French claims?(the answer is not on the map)

4. Which nation claimed the most territory?

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a large land claim?

6. What nations might the English colonists have conflicts with and what might be the reasons for conflict?

7. What happens when you throw a blue rock into the Yellow Sea?

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Day 5: Bell Work

9-21-20 (Cohort A)

1. Which 2 countries claimed modern Texas?

2. Which country claimed the area around the Mississippi and St. Lawrence Rivers?

3. What geographical barrier separated the English and the French claims?(the answer is not on the map)

4. Which nation claimed the most territory?

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a large land claim?

6. What nations might the English colonists have conflicts with and what might be the reasons for conflict?

7. What happens when you throw a blue rock into the Yellow Sea?

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Day 6 - Bell Work 9-22-20 (Cohort A)

On Thursday, we will be having our first test. Answer the questions below as review for your test on Thursday.

  • What are two “dangers at sea” that explorers/colonists faced when traveling from Europe to the New World? Explain why they were considered dangers.

  • What are two reasons why people wanted to explore or move to the New World?

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Day 6 - Bell Work 9-24-20 (Cohort B)

On Thursday, we will be having our first test. Answer the questions below as review for your test on Thursday.

  • What are two “dangers at sea” that explorers/colonists faced when traveling from Europe to the New World? Explain why they were considered dangers.

  • What are two reasons why people wanted to explore or move to the New World?

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Day 7 - Bell Work 9-25-20 (Cohort B)

  • Name states that are labeled 1-5, and write their names and numbers on your Bell Work.

  • What are two things you can never eat for breakfast?

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Day 7 - Bell Work 9-28-20 (Cohort A)

  • Name states that are labeled 1-5, and write their names and numbers on your Bell Work.

  • What are two things you can never eat for breakfast?

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Day 8 - Bell Work 9-29-20 (Cohort A)

  • Name states that are labeled 6-11, and write their names and numbers on your Bell Work.

  • You walk into a room with a rabbit holding a carrot, a pig eating slop, and a chimp holding a banana. Which animal in the room is the smartest?

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Day 8 - Bell Work 10-1-20 (Cohort B)

  • Name states that are labeled 6-11, and write their names and numbers on your Bell Work.

  • You walk into a room with a rabbit holding a carrot, a pig eating slop, and a chimp holding a banana. Which animal in the room is the smartest?

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Day 9 - Bell Work 10-2-20 (Cohort B)

  • Name states that are labeled 12-17, and write their names and numbers on your Bell Work.

2. Sign your first and last name in cursive.

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Day 9 - Bell Work 10-6-20 (Cohort A)

  • Name states that are labeled 12-17, and write their names and numbers on your Bell Work.

2. Sign your first and last name in cursive.

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Day 10 - Bell Work 10-8-20 (Cohort B)

  • Name states that are labeled 18-23, and write their names and numbers on your Bell Work.

  • When do you go at red, but stop at green?

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Day 11 - Bell Work 10-9-20 (Cohort B)

  • Why is the drought important when studying Roanoke?
  • Why is the settlement of Roanoke significant to American history?
  • Why is the settlement of Jamestown significant to American history?
  • Why is the settlement of Plymouth significant to American history?
  • What are some of the major obstacles that each colony faced?

Test is Tuesday!!

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Day 10 - Bell Work 10-12-20 (Cohort A)

  • Why is the drought important when studying Roanoke?
  • Why is the settlement of Roanoke significant to American history?
  • Why is the settlement of Jamestown significant to American history?
  • Why is the settlement of Plymouth significant to American history?
  • What are some of the major obstacles that each colony faced?

Test is Tuesday!!

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Day 11 - Bell Work 10-13-20 (Cohort A)

Write down R for Roanoke, J for Jamestown, and P for Plymouth.

  • _______ First permanent English colony
  • _______ Squanto
  • _______ The Lost Colony
  • _______ John White
  • _______ John Smith
  • _______ Tobacco
  • _______ Pocahontas
  • _______ Virginia Company
  • _______ Mayflower Compact

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Day 12 - Bell Work 10-15-20 (Cohort B)

Sunday 4 November

… The Admiral showed cinnamon and pepper to a few of the Indians of that place… and he says that they recognized it; and they said by signs that nearby to the southeast there was a lot of it. He showed them gold and pearls, and certain old men answered that in a place that they called Bohio there was a vast amount and that they wore it on neck and in ears and on arms and legs; and also pearls.

– From the Journal of Christopher Columbus

1. The passage is from the journal of Christopher Columbus. A journal is called a ____________ source.

2. What are some other examples of this type of source?

3. Why do you think Columbus called the Native Americans “Indians” in his journal?

4. Why do you think Admiral Columbus showed the Indians cinnamon, pepper, gold and pearls?

5. How well does it appear that Columbus and the Natives got along, based on this journal entry?

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Day 13 - Bell Work 10-16-20 (Cohort B)

1. What 4 colonies are a part of the New England Colonies?

2. What 4 colonies are a part of the Middle Colonies?

3. What 5 colonies are a part of the Southern Colonies?

4. Which President was a regular skinny-dipper?

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Day 13 - Bell Work 10-16-20 (Cohort A)

1. What 4 colonies are a part of the New England Colonies?

2. What 4 colonies are a part of the Middle Colonies?

3. What 5 colonies are a part of the Southern Colonies?

4. Which President was a regular skinny-dipper?

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Day 13 - Bell Work 10-20-20 (Cohort A)

1. What is the name for the group of the following colonies?

  • Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island
  • Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland
  • Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York

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Day 14 - Bell Work 10-26-20 (Cohort A)

  • Open your Chromebooks
    • Go to Mrs. Owens’ History Website
    • Click on US Map Quiz Practice and Quizzes
    • Play the 13 Colonies game 3 times and record your time and % correct under number 1 on your bell work.
    • If you get 100 percent, move on to the “PRACTICE States Map Quiz” link on my website.

  • Why were the early days of history called the dark ages?

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Day 15 Bell Work 10-27-20 (Cohort A)

1. _______ Abraham Lincoln’s diary describing what he thought about the Civil War.

2. _______ A letter from a soldier describing World War II.

3. _______ An actor describing what it was like on the set of a movie.

4. _______ A book describing Lewis and Clark’s exploration of the Louisiana Purchase.

5. _______ A friend describing a snowstorm he was in last year.

6. _______ A video of Mrs. Karpelenia dressed like a giraffe while rapping to a sleeping Ms. Maratik about the history of commas and semi-colons.

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Day 14 - Bell Work 10-29-20 (Cohort B)

  • Open your Chromebooks
    • Go to Mrs. Owens’ History Website
    • Click on US Map Quiz Practice and Quizzes
    • Play the 13 Colonies game 3 times and record your time and % correct under number 1 on your bell work.
    • If you get 100 percent, move on to the “PRACTICE States Map Quiz” link on my website.

  • Why were the early days of history called the dark ages?

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Bell Work - Day 16 11-2-20 (Cohort A)

Test on the 13 colonies is Thursday. Answer these questions to help prepare for the test.

1. Compare: Gov’t treating the Puritans and Puritans treating Anne Hutchinson. How are they similar?

2. What happened with the Salem Witch Trials?(Include how it started/ who involved/ theories/ end result).

3. Name a colony, its founder, and why it was created.

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Bell Work - Day 17 11-3-20 (Cohort A)

Write NE for New England colonies, M for Middle colonies, and S for Southern colonies. Test Thursday:)

1. Plantations

2. Wheat

3. Tobacco

4. Duke of York

5. William Penn

6. Quakers

7. Puritans

8. Fishing

9. Bacon’s Rebellion

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Bell Work - Day 15 11-5-20 (Cohort B)

Write NE for New England colonies, M for Middle colonies, and S for Southern colonies. Test Thursday:)

1. Plantations

2. Wheat

3. Tobacco

4. Duke of York

5. William Penn

6. Quakers

7. Puritans

8. Fishing

9. Bacon’s Rebellion

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Bell Work - Day 16 11-6-20 (Cohort B)

  • Open your Chromebooks
    • Go to my History website.
    • US Map Quiz Practice
    • US Abbreviations Practice

Next Quiz will be the US Map Quiz will be on abbreviations.

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Bell Work - Day 17 11-10-20 (Cohort A)

  • Open your Chromebooks
    • Go to my History website.
    • US Map Quiz Practice
    • US Abbreviations Practice

Next Quiz will be the US Map Quiz will be on abbreviations.

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Bell Work - Day 17 11-12-20 (Cohort B)

1. _______ A journal written by Lewis about his exploration of the Louisiana Purchase.

2. _______ A journal article written about how the Indians lived.

3. _______ A classmate giving a report about WW2

4. _______ A newspaper article from 1941 describing the Pearl Harbor attack.

5. _______ An autobiography about Bill Clinton.

6. _______ A journal entry written by Mrs. Owens about the weirdness of her students.

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Bell Work - Day 18 11-13-20 (Cohort B)

  • Use page 105 of your textbook to help you answer the question “Why was the Zenger case important?”

  • Use page 106 of your textbook to help you answer the questions “Why did many colonists resent the Navigation Acts?”

  • Which president was a Hollywood movie actor prior to his presidency?

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Bell Work - Day 18 11-16-20 (Cohort A)

Write T for true and F for false. If it is false, change it to make it true.

  • People in a legislature are given the power to make laws.
  • John Peter Zenger court case created Freedom of the Press.
  • The House of Lords and the House of Congress are the two houses of Parliament.
  • English women were the only people that were not allowed to vote in the 13 colonies.
  • Libel is when you tell a lie about someone in the paper in order to make them look better.

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Bell Work - Day 19 11-17-20 (Cohort A)

Write down the role that each of the following represents.

  • The person that helped establish freedom of the press.
  • Upper class of colonial society, most powerful, landowners
  • Signed a contract to work 4-10 years in the colonies for anyone who paid their ocean passage to the Americas. Had few rights, if any.
  • Bound at the leg and neck when captured, traded for guns and other goods. Put on the auction block.
  • Leader of the frontier settlers. Organized a group of settlers to attack and kill Native Americans.

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Bell Work - Day 19 11-19-20 (Cohort B)

Write down the role that each of the following represents.

  • The person that helped establish freedom of the press.
  • Upper class of colonial society, most powerful, landowners
  • Signed a contract to work 4-10 years in the colonies for anyone who paid their ocean passage to the Americas. Had few rights, if any.
  • Bound at the leg and neck when captured, traded for guns and other goods. Put on the auction block.
  • Leader of the frontier settlers. Organized a group of settlers to attack and kill Native Americans.

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Bell Work-Day 20 11-20-20 (Cohort B)

  • Name two things taken from England to Africa?
  • What was stage two called?

3. Name the 3 Navigation Acts. (p. 106)

4. How did the colonists react to them? Why?

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Bell Work-Day 20 11-23-20 (Cohort A)

  • Name two things taken from England to Africa?
  • What was stage two called?

3. Name the 3 Navigation Acts. (p. 106)

4. How did the colonists react to them? Why?

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Bell Work - Day 21 11-24-20

1. What are your plans over the Thanksgiving Break?

2. Name something you are thankful for.

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Bell Work - Day 21 11-30-20 (Cohort A)

Answer the following questions based on the Atlantic Slave Trade PowerPoint.

  • What was the “Middle Passage,” and why was it so hard on the African captives?

2. Describe how a slave was prepared for a slave auction.

3. What was the name of the ocean travelled to take slaves to the Americas?

4. How did new slave owners show ownership of their new slaves?

5. Why did they cover slave scars with tar?

Test Thursday!

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Bell Work - Day 22 12-1-20 (Cohort A)

Write T for true and F for false. If it is false, change it to make it true.

  • Habeas Corpus law says that you can’t be held in prison without being charged with a specific crime.
  • The Bill of Rights was signed by King William and Queen Mary during the Glorious Revolution.
  • The name of the ocean during the Triangular Trade was the Pacific Ocean that slaves were taken from Africa to the Americas.
  • Raw materials were taken from England to Africa in exchange for slaves.
  • Enslaved African-Americans signed a 4-10 year contract that forced them to be someone’s slave throughout the agreement.


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Bell Work - Day 21 12-3-20 (Cohort B)

Answer the following questions based on the Atlantic Slave Trade PowerPoint.

  • What was the “Middle Passage,” and why was it so hard on the African captives?

2. Describe how a slave was prepared for a slave auction.

3. What was the name of the ocean travelled to take slaves to the Americas?

4. How did new slave owners show ownership of their new slaves?

5. Why did they cover slave scars with tar?

Test Today!

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Bell Work - Day 22 12-4-20 (Cohort B)

  • Who is John Locke and what does he believe?

  • Who is Baron de Montesquieu and what does he believe?

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Bell Work - Day 22 12-7-20 (Cohort A)

  • Who fought in the French & Indian War?

  • Why did this war happen?

  • Who won the French & Indian War?

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Bell Work - Day 23 12-8-20 (Cohort A)

The maps on the right show North American land claims by country before and after the French and Indian War. To the best of your ability, answer the following questions using the maps to the right.

-Who lost the most land after the war?

-Why do you think this is?

-Who gained the most land?

-Why do you think this is?

-Why did Spain gain land if they weren’t in the war?

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Bell Work - Day 22 12-10-20 (Cohort B)

  • Who fought in the French & Indian War?

  • Why did this war happen?

  • Who won the French & Indian War?

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Bell Work - Day 23 12-11-20 (Cohort B)

Use your Booklet to answer the questions.

  • What did the Sugar Act do?

  • What did the Quartering Act do?

  • What did the Stamp Act do?

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BW - 46


  • Answer the questions written out on the next slide. Picture is on page 148 in textbook.

HA HA!!!

Robert: What did the colonists wear to the Boston Tea Party?

John: I don’t know.

Robert: Tea-shirts.

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Bell Work - Day 23 12-14-20 (Cohort A)

  • Analyze the political cartoon.

  • What do each of the letters represent on the picture?

  • What does Join, or Die mean?

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Bell Work: 12-15-20 (Cohort A)

Use your Booklet to answer the following questions.

  • How did the colonists react to the Tea Act?

  • What acts immediately followed as a result of the answer to #1?

  • List all parts to #2.

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Bell Work: 12-17-20 (Cohort B)

Use your Booklet to answer the following questions.

  • How did the colonists react to the Tea Act?

  • What acts immediately followed as a result of the answer to #1?

  • List all parts to #2.

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Bell Work Day 12-18-20 (Cohort B)

Answer these questions about the French and Indian War. You might want to find your French and Indian War packet to help answer questions.

1. Who fought against each other during the war?

2. What was the reason they were fighting?

3. What was the name of the tactic that the French used where they hid behind trees and rocks and snuck up on their enemy?

4. Who was outnumbered? And by how much?

5. Who won the war?

6. What marked the end of the war?

7. Name an advantage for the British during the war.

8. Name an advantage for the French during the war.

Test Tuesday!

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Bell Work Day 12-21-20 (Cohort A)

Answer these questions about the French and Indian War. You might want to find your French and Indian War packet to help answer questions.

1. Who fought against each other during the war?

2. What was the reason they were fighting?

3. What was the name of the tactic that the French used where they hid behind trees and rocks and snuck up on their enemy?

4. Who was outnumbered? And by how much?

5. Who won the war?

6. What marked the end of the war?

7. Name an advantage for the British during the war.

8. Name an advantage for the French during the war.

Test Tuesday!

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Bell Work 12-22-20 (Cohort A)

1. Who was William Pitt?

2. What was Pitt’s war strategy?

3. Who was sent to take over Fort Duquesne?

4. Did he succeed?

5. What was one thing the Colonists learned from the French and Indian War and why was that important?

6. What are minutemen and how did they get their name?

Test Today!

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Bell Work - 1-4-21 (Cohort A)

1. _______ A newspaper article from 2001 describing the great depression in the 1920s.

2. _______ Another student reading a report about the tanks from World War 1.

3. _______ An indian’s journal describing what it was like to meet white settlers for the first time.

4. _______ The United States Constitution.

5. _______ An interview with a soldier about what it was like in Iraq.

6. _______ A live twitter feed explaining the weird antics of Mr. Mayne’s class as it happens.

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Bell Work - 1-5-21 (Cohort A)

  • What is a Patriot?

  • What is a Loyalist?

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Bell Work - 1-7-21 (Cohort B)

  • Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

  • What date is acknowledged as the day we adopted the Declaration of Independence?

  • Who wrote the 50 page pamphlet called “Common Sense?”

  • This pamphlet was basically a persuasive essay. What point did the author argue? (Was he a Patriot or a Loyalist?)

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Bell Work - 1-8-21 (Cohort B)

  • Who is the President Elect?

  • Who is his Vice President?

  • When is the inauguration?

  • Who wrote Common Sense?

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Bell Work - 1-11-21 (Cohort A)

Write down Patriot or Loyalist for each of the following.

  • The King is a tyrant!
  • England has been taking advantage of us too long.
  • We are no longer English people - we are Americans now.
  • It will be disastrous for business if we separate from England.
  • If we have a democracy, individual citizens will gain too much power.
  • We speak English language and have the same traditions therefore we owe allegiance to the same king.
  • We will face certain ruin on our own.

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Bell Work - 1-12-21 (Cohort A)

  • List the 6 parts to the Declaration of Independence.

  • According to the colonists, what are the three Natural Rights that all men should have protected by the government?

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Bell Work - 1-14-21 (Cohort B)

  • List the 6 parts to the Declaration of Independence.

  • According to the colonists, what are the three Natural Rights that all men should have protected by the government?

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Bell Work - 1-15-21 (Cohort B)

  • What were the risks of signing the Declaration of Independence.

  • Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

3. Who wrote Common Sense?

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Bell Work - 1-18-21 (Cohort A)

  • Who is this man? >>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • What did he do?

  • Why is he an important person in history?

  • When and how do we celebrate his legacy?

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Bell Work - 1-19-21 (Cohort A)

  • Name the three natural rights in

the Declaration of Independence.

2. What is another word for Preamble?

3. Name a complaint that the signers of

the Declaration of Independence had.

74 of 214

Bell Work - 1-21-21 (Cohort B)

  • Name the three natural rights in

the Declaration of Independence.

2. What is another word for Preamble?

3. Name a complaint that the signers of

the Declaration of Independence had.

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Bell Work - 1-22-21 (Cohort B)

Chapter 6 Test Thursday

  • What was Francis Marion known for?

2. Define cavalry.

3. Who was Marquis de Lafayette?

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Bell Work 1-28-21 (Cohort B)

Chapter 6 Test is Friday. Answer the following questions to help prepare for the test.

  • What outnumbered casualties during the American Revolution?

  • What did women do to help out during wartime?

  • What roles did Africans serve in when they joined the British in the war?

  • What are the four reasons that Americans were able to win the war?

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Bell Work - 1-29-21

Chapter 6 Test Today!!

  • Name the 6 main parts of the Declaration of Independence in order.

(Can you explain each?)

  • What was one risk associated with signing the Declaration of Independence?

  • What are the four reasons that Americans were able to win the war?

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Bell Work - 2-1-21 (Cohort A)

  • Put the following wars in chronological order from most historical to most modern.
    • Vietnam War
    • World War I
    • Revolutionary War
    • French and Indian War
    • War of 1812
    • World War II
    • Civil War

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Bell Work - 2-2-21 (Cohort A)

  • What was the first attempt as our government called?

  • What are the three branches of government?

3. What is the name of our President?

4. Who is our Vice President?

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BW: (Cohort A)


  • Look at the picture to the right and try to figure out what it says.

  • Write down what you think it says.

  • What is the title of this?

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Bell Work - 2-9-21 (Cohort A)

Use the word bank to fill out the Senate column.

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Bell Work - 2-11-21 (Cohort B)

Use the word bank to fill out the House of Representatives and President columns.

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Bell Work - 2-12-21 (Cohort B)

Which article is the each of the following about?

  • Supreme Law of the Land
  • Ratifying the Constitution
  • How states interact with each other
  • Judicial Branch
  • How to Amend the Constitution
  • Executive Branch
  • Legislative Branch

Changes made to the Constitution are called ____________________.

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Bell Work - 2-16-21 (Cohort A)

Answer the question at the end of each scenario and explain your answer.

Case 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis live in a three-story apartment building. They fight all of the time, and the neighbors can hear them yelling at each other. One Saturday morning their neighbor finds Mr. Lewis in the hallway. He has been shot. The neighbors are all positive that his wife did it, although no one saw her. Mrs. Lewis is accused of murder and put in prison for 30 years. Is this fair?

Case 2 Marty and Madge live on a street where everyone owns at least one dog. The dogs run loose, dig up flowerbeds, and turn over trash cans. Marty and Madge decided to hold a meeting to discuss the need for a leash law in their neighborhood. One of the neighbors called the police and insisted that they not allow the meeting because most of the neighbors are not interested in a leash law. Marty and Madge are viewed as just troublemakers. Do Marty and Madge have the right to have their meeting?

Case 3 Ten years ago, Phil was convicted of breaking into someone’s house and taking a stereo and TV. He served his prison term and was released. One Friday night Phil was sitting in his living room watching a ballgame on TV. A police officer knocked at the door and said he was going to search Phil’s house for stolen property. When Phil asked to see a search warrant, the officer said he didn’t need one since Phil was once convicted of stealing. Is the police officer right?

85 of 214

Bell Work - 2-18-21 (Cohort B)

Answer the question at the end of each scenario and explain your answer. To the best of your ability, use examples from the Bill of Rights in your explanation.

Case 4 In the town of Green Oaks a group of people wanted to meet in a city park to worship nature. They were known as the Church of All Creation. The city did not want them to meet in the park because they were afraid it would interfere with other citizens who were trying to have picnics in the park. Can the city stop them from meeting in the park?

Case 5 The community of Birdville needed to widen the main street through town. The city paid each of the landowners along the street a fair amount of money for taking part of their land on the street to widen the street. Some landowners were upset. Can the city widen the street anyway?

Case 6 George was charged with stealing a car in Dallas and driving it to Phoenix, where he was arrested. The Dallas police charged him with auto theft. Can the Phoenix police also charge him since he was caught in Phoenix?

86 of 214

Bell Work - 2-19-21 (Cohort B)

Which branch describes the following? (Executive, Legislative, Judicial)

  • Makes a State of the Union address every year.
  • Declares war.
  • Consists of the president, vice president, and cabinet members.
  • Divided into the House of Representatives and Senate.
  • Can declare laws unconstitutional.

Identify as Federalist or Antifederalist.

6. Wanted a Bill of Rights

7. Supported the Constitution

8. Limited state powers

Quiz on Tuesday - to help prepare for the quiz, use Bell Work Links and go to Federalist vs. Antifederalist Quizlet and Whose Job is It? Quizlet

87 of 214

Bell Work 2-19-21

Identify the branch that has the power to do the following:

  • We write the bills that become laws.
  • We hear cases about the laws and decide what the laws mean.
  • We make sure the laws are carried out and enforced.

Answer the following questions.

4. How many House of Representatives are there?

5. What was added to the Constitution before it was ratified?

6. What does the Constitution say is the “supreme law of the land?”

88 of 214

Bell Work 2-23-21

Name the state and the capital that goes with

each state.

89 of 214

Bell Work 2-25-21

Name the state and the capital that

goes with each state for 12-18.

90 of 214

Bell Work 2-25-21

Name the state and the capital that

goes with each state for 19-23.

Quiz - Tuesday, March 2

91 of 214

Bell Work 3-1-21

Name the state and the capital that

goes with each state for 1-5.

Quiz - Tuesday, March 2

92 of 214

Bell Work 3-2-21

Name the state and the capital that

goes with each state for 6-9.

Quiz - Today

93 of 214

Bell Work - 3-4-21

Use your notes or pages 285-286 in your textbook to write down and explain the three parts of Alexander Hamilton’s Financial Plan.

94 of 214

Bell Work 3-5-21

  • Who was the first:
    • Secretary of the State?
    • Secretary of War?
    • Secretary of the Treasury?

  • What happened with the Whiskey Rebellion?

  • What was George Washington’s reaction?

  • Name as many Political Parties as you can. They can be modern day or historical political parties.

95 of 214

Bell Work - 3-8-21

  • Who was the first Vice President?
  • Who was the first Secretary of State?
  • Who proved there was a strong central government to put an end to the Whiskey Rebellion because he was the President at the time?
  • Who had a treaty with the British named after him?

Write F for Federalist and R for Republican.

5. Strong Central Government

6. Strict interpretation of Constitution.

7. Opposed protective tariff.

8. Favored National Bank

96 of 214

Bell Work - 3-9-2021

Use your textbook (pgs. 282-287) to help you answer the following questions:

  • Define the word precedent

2. Members of this party originally called themselves Anti-Federalists.

3. Who came up with a plan to pay off America’s enormous federal debt?

4. What is a tariff?

97 of 214

Bell Work - 3-11-2021

The next Capitals Quiz will be Friday, March 26. Go to my website to practice on one of the two links to help prepare.

98 of 214

Bell Work - 3-22-21

  • Who was the President of the US at the time of Lewis and Clark expedition?

  • What did Lewis and Clark call the Prairie Dog?

  • What were the three goals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

99 of 214

Bell Work - 3-23-21

  • What did George Washington add to the end of him being inaugurated?

2. How did John Adams react to losing to Thomas Jefferson when Jefferson became the

third President?

3. What did you do over spring break?

100 of 214

Bell Work - 3-25-21

Use your 9.1 worksheet or pages 310-313 in your textbook to help you answer the following questions:

  • Why did the election of 1800 have to be decided in the House of Representatives?

  • What action did Jefferson take as President to help those convicted under the Sedition Act?

  • What is Judicial Review?

101 of 214

Bell Work - 3-29-21

Use your Chapter 9, Sec. 2 wkst to help answer the following:

  • How did France get the Louisiana Territory?

  • Who was the French ruler at the time?

  • Which President made the Louisiana Purchase and how much did he pay for it?

  • Why was he not sure if he should make the purchase or not?

102 of 214

Bell Work 3-30-21

  • What political party did Burr belong to? Hamilton?

  • What happened between Burr and Hamilton?

  • What led up to this event?

  • Who died in the duel?

103 of 214

Bell Work - Day 4-1-21

On Tuesday, we will be having a test on the Lewis and Clark Expedition and the War of 1812.

1. Who was the emperor of France during the War of 1812?

2. Who was the President of US during the War of 1812 and who did we

declare war on?

3. What building did the British set fire to?

4. Why was the Treaty of Ghent signed in Ghent?

5. Why was there a battle fought after the treaty was signed?

6. Where was the battle and who won the battle?

104 of 214

Bell Work - 4-5-21

Tuesday, we will be having a test on the Lewis and Clark Expedition and the War of 1812. Answer the following questions to help you prepare for your test!

  • What was the name of the slave that traveled with Lewis and Clark?

  • How many stripes and how many stars did the flag have that flew over Fort McHenry?

  • What were the three agreements made by Britain and the United States in the Treaty of Ghent?

105 of 214

Bell Work - 4-6-21

Test today!

  • Who won the war of 1812?

  • Where was the battle fought after the treaty was signed?

  • Name something that Sacagawea did to help Lewis & Clark and why was that important.

106 of 214

Bell Work - 4-9-21

Name the first four Presidents of the United States of America and list one thing that they did as President, or one thing that happened to our nation during their Presidency.


107 of 214

Bell Work - 4-12-21

Match each President with their description.

  • _____ Andrew Jackson
  • _____ James Monroe
  • _____ James Madison
  • _____ John Quincy Adams
  • _____ Thomas Jefferson
  • Led the American troops to a victory at the Battle of New Orleans

  • Negotiated the Treaty of Ghent.

  • Was in office when the President’s Mansion was set on fire.

  • Bought the Louisiana Territory.

  • Refused to attend his rival’s Presidential Inauguration when he lost the election to him.

108 of 214

Day 4: Bell Work


  • What is this graph showing?
  • Based on this graph, what is the approximate population of the world today?
  • What does it say about the future of the world?
  • Why do you think there was such a jump in population from 1950 - 2000?
  • Answer the question over here--------------------------------------->>
  • Why do you think the authors of this graph said nothing about Justin Bieber?

109 of 214

Bell Work - 4-19-21

  • What was the Spoils System?

  • What was the journey called when Jackson forced Native Americans off their land?

  • Which Native American tribe did Jackson force off their land after finding gold?

110 of 214

Bell Work - 4-26-21

  • What is Westward Expansion?

  • Why did people want to move west?

  • What advantages would this give us as a country?

  • How could expansion cause problems for our country in the future?

  • Who are Lewis and Clark and what did they do?

111 of 214

Bell Work - 4-27-21

  • What is Manifest Destiny?

  • Where did the Oregon Trail start?

  • Which mountain range did they travel through to get west?

112 of 214

Bell Work - 5-3-21

  • Which region of the United States did settlers go to for the fertile land?

  • Who did Mexico win independence from?

  • Who did Wyoming give the right to vote in the 1860s?

  • What was one issue that Americans seemed to argue about every time the United States gained more land?

  • Define Manifest Destiny in one sentence.

6. What did Manifest Destiny mean to the U.S.? (What were we going to do?)

113 of 214

Bell Work - 5-4-21

  • What was it called when you found gold?

  • Other than finding gold, what are two ways that you could strike it rich in California during the Gold Rush?

  • What do the following images have to do with what we are learning in our history class?

114 of 214

Bell Work Day 5-13-21

  • What undid the Missouri Compromise?

  • What did Harriet Beecher Stowe write?

  • Who looked to seize guns to give to African Americans and lead them in a revolt at Harper’s Ferry?

  • Who was told by the Supreme Court that he was property and could not be set free even though he had lived on free soil?

  • This was pushed through because Stephen Douglas wanted a railroad built from Illinois to the Pacific Coast?

115 of 214

Bell Work Day 5-14-21

  • Who were the four people who ran for President in the election of 1860?

  • Who won the election of 1860?

  • Which state was the first to secede?

  • What happened at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia?

  • Who was found guilty of murder and treason and sentenced to death?

  • Who wrote the Compromise of 1850?

116 of 214

Bell Work Day 5-17-21

Write S for South, N for North, and B if it is a characteristic of BOTH North and South.

  • Rebels
  • Slaves
  • Railroad
  • 11 states
  • Yankees
  • 23 states
  • Thought it would be a quick win
  • Rushed to serve for the military
  • Used the draft to meet the needs for troops

117 of 214

Bell Work Day 5-18-21

  • Name the 5 border states.

2. Name 2 strengths of the North.

3. Name 2 strengths of the South.

118 of 214

Bell Work Day 5-20-21

  • Where did the Civil War start?

  • Group the following terms into two columns. One for the North and one for the South
    • Abraham Lincoln
    • Jefferson Davis
    • Confederacy
    • Union
    • United States of America
    • Confederate States of America

119 of 214

Bell Work 5-21-21

  • Who was the President of the Confederate States of America?

2. Who was the President of the United States of America during the Civil War?

3. Where did General Lee surrender?

4. What were the 5 border states?

120 of 214

Day 3: Bell Work 9-9-19

  • What is the difference between a primary and a secondary source?

  • On what pages of your textbook does it talk about the Emancipation Proclamation?

  • Look through your textbook and write down the name of the chapter that you are most excited to learn about.

  • How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

121 of 214

Collecting Today

Day 8: Bell Work


122 of 214

Day 10 - Bell Work 9-19-19

On FRIDAY, we will be having our first test. Answer the questions below as review for your test on Friday.

1. How was a colonist’s life different than your life today?

2. How many planes were hijacked on September 11, 2001 and where did each of them crash?

  • How did the American people react to this horrible day?

4. What's the difference between a well-dressed man on a bicycle and a poorly-dressed man on a tricycle?

123 of 214

Day 15 - Bell Work 10-1-19

Nightmare in Jamestown - Name two things you learned from watching the video.



3. Define drought.

4. Use drought in a sentence.

124 of 214

Bell Work - Day 14 9-26-19

  • Open your Chromebooks
    • Go to History links on Team 8A. Go to Mrs. Owens’ website.

    • Go to the “States Map Quiz Practice” link on my website. Write down your time and score.

125 of 214


NO Bell Work today. Showing a video.

Take out assignment:

John Smith wkst

Any late work to turn in today?

126 of 214

Day 17 - Bell Work 10-3-19

  • Define the word “Pilgrim.”

  • In two to three sentences, explain why we celebrate Thanksgiving.

  • Why did the clock have to go to the Principal’s office?

127 of 214

Day 18 - Bell Work 10-8-19

Roanoke, Jamestown, and Plymouth:

  • Why are each of these three colonies important to the study of American History?

  • What are some of the major obstacles that each colony faced?

  • What did the math book say to the other math book?

128 of 214

Day 23: Bell Work 10-16-18

  • Name states that are labeled 1-5, and write their names and numbers on your Bell Work.

  • Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?

129 of 214

Day 24 - Bell Work 10-17-19

  • Name states that are labeled 6-11, and write their names and numbers on

your Bell Work.

2. Which president is a comic book


130 of 214

Bell Work - Day 25 10-21-19

  • Make a list of all of the original 13 Colonies. COLONY QUIZ NEXT WEEK!

  • Which president got a speeding ticket on a horse?

131 of 214

Bell Work - Day 30 10-30-19

Test on the 13 colonies is Thursday. Answer these questions to help prepare for the test.

1. Name a colony/ person that focused on freedoms in this unit. Be specific.

2. Name a colony/ person/ event that focused on expansion in this unit. Be specific.

132 of 214

Bell Work - Day 36 11-12-19

  • Monday was Veterans Day. Write 3 sentences about why you think we celebrate Veterans Day.

133 of 214

Bell Work 46 Questions

Answer these questions for the picture on the previous slide. Picture is also on p. 148 in textbook.

  • What is going on in the picture?
  • What types of people are there?
  • What message is this sending?
  • What would you name this picture?
  • What event is this portraying?

134 of 214

Bell Work - Day 48 12-9-19

  • Open your Chromebooks
    • Go to History links on Team 8A. Go to Mrs. Owens’ website.
    • Click on the link that says: “US Map Quiz Practice and Quizzes.” Practice one of the US Map Quiz games.
    • Play the game 2 times and record your time and % correct under number 1 on your bell work.

US Map Quiz is Tomorrow!!!

135 of 214

Bell Work - Day 50 12-11-19

1. Which event occurred (not listed on the timeline) the that led to all of the events listed on the timeline?

2. Which acts followed the Boston Tea Party?

3. What came first, the Boston Tea Party or the Boston Massacre?

4. What is the last event on the timeline?

136 of 214

Bell Work - Day 55 12-19-19

  • Who wrote Common Sense?

  • What do you plan to do over winter break?

  • What significant event happened last night with the President?

137 of 214

Bell Work - Day 56 1-2-20

Welcome back!!

  • What was your favorite vacation memory (present/ family/ activity/ etc.)?

2. What did you do during the winter break?

Collecting today!

138 of 214

BW - 60


  • Mark your paper with the numbers 1-6.

  • Without using your book, put at T if you think the statement is true and F if you think it is false.

139 of 214

Bell Work - Day 61 1-13-20

  • When the bell rings, it should be silent and you should be working on your bell work. No talking please. I hope you are having a wonderful day!

  • Go to my website and click on one of the practice games. You can do the states game or abbreviations game.

  • Write down your scores and time for your bell work.

US Map Quiz Thursday!!

140 of 214

Bell Work - Day 75 2-6-20

Answer the question at the end of each scenario and explain your answer. To the best of your ability, use examples from the Bill of Rights in your explanation.

Case 7 Two girls broke school rules at Arlington Middle School and got in trouble. Sherry cheated on a test, and Alice wrote on the bathroom wall. Alice was upset because she got suspended for 3 days, and Sherry just had to stay after school for detention. Alice said her punishment was cruel and unusual. Do you agree?

Case 8 Bobby and his dad like to hunt quail every fall. They have a gun case in their den where their guns are kept when not in use. One summer some children were playing with a gun and one of them accidentally shot the other one. The city then decided that in order to keep children safe from accidental shootings, they should pass a law prohibiting guns in the city limits. Can they do that?

Case 9 Carl disagreed with his teacher about a grade on an assignment. His parents called the school to discuss it, but the grade remained the same. Carl was sure he was being cheated, so he wrote an article that was very critical of the school and the teacher. It was to be printed in the local newspaper. He accused the school of cheating him out of an A in the class, saying that he was discriminated against. Can the newspaper print this article?

141 of 214

Bell Work - Day 78 2-12-20

  • What was the date (month, day, year) that the United States became a country?

  • What document officially said that the United States was now a separate country?

  • What was the name of the United States’ first government document?

  • What year was the Constitution written and signed?

  • Who was our nation’s first president?

  • What year did he become president?

142 of 214

Bell Work 2-13-20

No Bell Work today - Be ready to start working on Bill of Rights project.

Any Questions??????

143 of 214

Bell Work - Day 79 2-17-20

Go to page A-8 and A-9 in your textbook. What cities are located at the following approximate coordinates?

  • 32 N, 12E
  • 35 N, 140E
  • 8 S, 108 E
  • 33 S, 71 W
  • 5 N, 11 W

144 of 214

Bell Work - Day 80 2-18-20

Go to page A-8 and A-9 in your textbook. What cities are located at the following approximate coordinates?

  • 15s, 48w
  • 56n, 38e
  • 19n, 99w
  • 30n, 31e
  • 64n, 22w

145 of 214

Bell Work - Day 85 2-27-20

  • Who were the two main candidates in the presidential election of 1796?

  • Which Political Party was each candidate from?

  • Who won?

  • Who became Vice President and why would this be awkward?

  • During this time, how did someone become the Vice President? How is this different than today?

146 of 214

Bell Work - Day 86 3-2-20

1. Members of this party originally called themselves Anti-Federalists.

2. What was the event where rural farmers burned down a tax collector’s house because they were angry about taxes on corn?

3. What is a high tax on imported goods?

4. Who was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?

147 of 214

Bell Work - Day 87 3-3-20

Chapter 8 Quiz today

Go to my website to review for the quiz on the quizlets.

Bellwork Links

Chapter 8 Important People Quizlet

Chapter 8: Republicans and Federalists Quizlet

Record which activities you did.

148 of 214

Bell Work 4-8-21

  • A biography about the second president, John Adams.
  • A movie showing the life of George Washington
  • A webpage talking about how life may have been in ancient Greece.
  • A friend telling you about his teacher last year.
  • A journal written by Sequoyah about how he created the Cherokee alphabet.
  • A video recording of Ms. Pilecky and Mr. Kabele telling stories about how they dream about math every single night!

149 of 214

Bell Work - Day 89 3-5-20

Chapter 8 Test - Monday

Discuss the Whiskey Rebellion:

Why did it happen?

Who was involved?

What was the response?

150 of 214

Bell Work - Day 90 3-9-20

Test Today

  • Who was the first President?
  • Who was the first Vice President?
  • Who was the second President?
  • Who was the first Secretary of State?
  • What title was eventually given to the President?

Name Hamilton’s three part plan to solve the national debt:




151 of 214

Bell Work - Day 91 3-10-20

  • Open your Chromebooks
    • Go to History links on Team 8A. Go to Mrs. Owens’ website.

    • Go to the “States Map Quiz Practice” link on my website. Write down your time and score.
    • If you are taking the abbreviations quiz, practice Abbreviations. Write down your time and score.

2. U.S. Map Quiz Friday:)

152 of 214

Bell Work - Day 49 12-11-18

  • To the right is a table explaining all of the acts that were a part of the Intolerable Acts. Fill in the “Effect” column with how you think each law will affect life in colonies.
  • You find yourself in a bit of a pickle. You are trapped in a house that has a roomful of hungry crocodiles, a room filled with angry gorillas, and a room full of lions that haven’t eaten in a year. Which room is safest for you to enter?

153 of 214

Bell Work - Day 49

  • To the right is a table explaining all of the acts that were a part of the Intolerable Acts. Fill in the “Effect” column with how you think each law will affect life in colonies.
  • You find yourself in a bit of a pickle. You are trapped in a house that has a roomful of hungry crocodiles, a room filled with angry gorillas, and a room full of lions that haven’t eaten in a year. Which room is safest for you to enter?

154 of 214

Bell Work 10-1-18

  • Make sure you have your textbook; it should be here everyday!

  • Grab the paper at the front table. The “John Smith Statue” reading and the “John Smith Assignment.

  • Read the “John Smith Statue” reading silently on your own.

  • Answer the “John Smith Assignment” questions silently on your own.

This bell work will not be recorded with your bell work.

155 of 214

Bell Work - Day 61 1-10-19

Quiz tomorrow.

  • Name the 6 parts of the Declaration of Independence (in order).

2. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

3. Who wrote “Common Sense?”

4. If time, there is a Quizlet to review Patriots and Loyalists on my website under “Bell Work.”

156 of 214

Bell Work - Day 79 2-27-19

  • When the bell rings, it should be silent and you should be working on your bell work. No talking please. I hope you are having a wonderful day!

  • Go to my website and click on one of the US Map practice games. Do the states game if you are on that one or abbreviations game if you are on that one.

  • Write down your scores for your bell work.

  • My friend thinks he is smart. He told me an onion is the only food that makes you cry, so I threw a coconut at his face.

157 of 214

Bell Work - Day 96 4-4-19

  • What was the name of the game the Shoshone Indians played?

  • Name 2 states Lewis & Clark traveled through.

  • What was the most important thing Lewis & Clark packed?

158 of 214

Bell Work - Day 100 4-15-19

Go to page A-2 and A-3 in your textbooks. What are the latitude and longitude of the following cities?

  • Denver, CO: Latitude:_______ Longitude:_______

  • Springfield, IL: Latitude:_______ Longitude:_______

  • New York City, NY: Latitude:_______ Longitude:_______

  • Madison, WI: Latitude:_______ Longitude:_______

  • Nashville, TN: Latitude:_______ Longitude:_______

159 of 214

Bell Work - Day 101 4-16-19

Match each President with their description.

  • _____ Andrew Jackson
  • _____ James Monroe
  • _____ James Madison
  • _____ John Quincy Adams
  • _____ Thomas Jefferson
  • Said he represented the common man.

  • Was the first President to ask Congress for a Declaration of War.

  • Was President during the Lewis and Clark expedition.

  • Actually wrote the Monroe Doctrine but was not president yet.

  • Ran unopposed for his second term as President

160 of 214


WI Forward Testing Today


Book to Read

History stuff

161 of 214


WI Forward Testing Today


Book to Read

History stuff

162 of 214

Bell Work - Day 104 4-29-19

  • What historical event/time period would you say this picture is depicting?

  • Did the artist think this was a positive event?

  • What would you name this picture?

163 of 214

164 of 214

Bell Work - Day 105 4-30-19

Use pages 444-447 to answer the following questions.

  • How did the geography of the Great Plains affect U.S. settlement of that region in the early 1800s?

  • Why did the settlers prefer to settle in the Northwest rather than the Great Plains?

  • What is Manifest Destiny?

  • How do you think the Mexican government felt about the idea of Manifest Destiny?

165 of 214

Bell Work - Day 106 5-1-19

Use pages 448 - 453 in your textbook to help you answer these questions.

  • What were women allowed to do in the west that was a first? P. 453

  • Where did the Oregon Trail start?

  • What did mountain men do?

  • What is a rendezvous?

166 of 214

Bell Work Day 109 5-8-19

  • Explain what happened at the Alamo.

  • How did the Texans respond to the Alamo?

  • Who was in favor of the Mexican-American War and why?

  • Who was opposed to the Mexican-American War and why?

  • What is Manifest Destiny?

6. What did Manifest Destiny mean to the U.S.?

167 of 214

Bell Work - Day 110 5-9-19

Test Tomorrow.

  • Who is the capital city of Texas named after?

  • Who was the first President of the Republic of Texas?

  • Name a hardship that may have occurred while traveling the Oregon Trail.

4. What country jointly owned Oregon with the U.S.?

168 of 214

Bell Work Day 111 5-10-19

  • Define the word siege.

  • What did it have to do with the Alamo?

  • How did the Texans respond to the Alamo?

  • What was it called when people found gold?

  • What are some methods that people used to find gold?

169 of 214

Bell Work - Day 112 5-13-19

  • What was Harriet Tubman’s nickname?

  • What is a Conductor?

  • What were some of the risks/challenges that runaway slaves faced if they tried to escape by the Underground Railroad?

170 of 214

Bell Work Day 113 5-14-19

  • Who was the author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin?

  • What did Uncle Tom’s Cabin encourage northerners to do?

  • Name something the northerners gained from the Compromise of 1850.

  • Name something the southerners gained from the Compromise of 1850.

  • What did the Fugitive Slave Act do?

171 of 214

Bell Work Day 5-27-21

Use your packet or your textbook to answer the questions.

  • What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act undo?

  • Why did Stephen Douglas try to push the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

  • Who was beat with a cane by Senator Butler’s nephew and never fully recovered?

  • What names are associated with the Compromise of 1850?

172 of 214

Bell Work Day 5-24-21

  • What battle was the bloodiest day of the Civil War?

2. Where did the Civil War officially start?

3. Who won the Battle of Shiloh?

4. Where did Lincoln give a famous speech months after a battle there?

5. Who won the Civil War?

173 of 214

Bell Work Day 5-25-21

1. Name a woman who helped during the Civil War.

2. Which battle helped the Union gain control of the Mississippi River?

3. What did the North and South do to help meet their needs of more soldiers?

4. What were northern Democrats that opposed the war called?

5. Both Lincoln and Davis suspended this during wartime.

174 of 214

Civil War Test Today

Take out the following:

15.2 Worksheet

15.4 Worksheet

Venn Diagram

Civil War Map

Any other work from Chapter 15

175 of 214

Bell Work - Do not use

For the following statements. Write T if you think it is true, and F if you think it is false. If it is false, change it to make it true. Refer to pages 84-89 in textbook.

1. The Tidewater is a low coastal area shared by the Southern Colonies.

  • The warm, humid climate of the Southern Colonies made farming difficult.
  • The founders of Maryland hoped to make a safe place for Roman Catholics to live.
  • The earliest settlers in the Carolinas came from New Jersey.
  • The use of slavery on plantations grew because crops such as tobacco required many workers.
  • After 1650, Virginia’s European population grew more slowly.
  • Mrs. Owens loves to bake, has a messy house, has no pets, prefers hot weather over cold weather, loves ‘80s music, and is a hot chocolate connoisseur.

176 of 214

Bell Work - Do not use

  • Who will be the 45th President of the United States?
  • When does the 45th President take office?
  • Who won the Wisconsin Senate race?
  • What is a referendum?
  • Did you watch any of the election results last night?

177 of 214

Bell Work - Day 78 2-15-18

  • We have a quiz today on the jobs of the three branches of government, and the Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists.

  • Open your Chromebook and follow these steps:
    • Go to my webpage.
    • On the left side, there is a link called: Bell Work Links
    • Click on it
    • Practice one or both of the following:
      • Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists (Review for Ch. 7, Quiz 2)
      • Whose Job Is It? (Review for Ch. 7, Quiz 2)

3. Record your scores(time) for bell work. Play a couple of times.

178 of 214

Bell Work - Day 66 1-25-18

  • Go to my website and play the states or abbreviations game.

Please play the one you are taking today.

  • Write down your results.

179 of 214

Bell Work - 68 1-30

  • What is the State of the Union Address?

  • Who gives it?

  • How often is it given?

  • What is its purpose?

  • When you are done with these questions, start thinking of words for a mad lib we are going to do as a class. The kinds of words we need are in the image to the right.

180 of 214

State of the Union - Mad Lib

181 of 214

Bell Work - Day 67

  • Make sure you are in your seat and quiet when the bell rings. You should be working on Bell Work.

  • Go to my website, click on the link on the left called “Bell Work Links.” Once you get to the “Bell Work Links” page, click on the one called “Pre-Assessment: The U.S. Constitution.”

  • Take the quiz a couple of times and write down your scores.

182 of 214

Bell Work - Day 92 3-26-18

  • What did you do over spring break? Write 3 sentences about your spring break.

183 of 214

Bell Work - Day 112 5-7-18

  • What was Harriet Tubman’s nickname?

  • What is a Conductor?

  • What is a Station and Station Master?

  • What were some of the risks/challenges that runaway slaves faced if they tried to escape by the Underground Railroad?

  • What is the difference between the terms “Cede” and “Annex”?
    • Hint: Texas was “annexed” by the United States. Mexico “ceded” the land of the southwest following the Mexican-American War.

184 of 214

Bell Work Day Did not use

  • Who is Joseph Smith?

  • Who is Brigham Young?

  • What is a Vigilante?

  • What is the Mexican Cession?

  • The area where the furthest settlements of people are in a country is known as the what?

185 of 214

Bell Work - Did not use 2018

Chapter 6 Test is tomorrow. Answer the following questions to help prepare for the test.

  • Name the three natural rights in the Declaration of Independence.
  • What is the main goal of the government according to the signers of the Declaration of Independence?
  • Name a complaint that the signers of the Declaration of Independence had.
  • What outnumbered casualties during the American Revolution?
  • What did women do to help out during wartime?
  • What roles did Africans serve in when they joined the British in the war?

186 of 214

BW - 63

  • Mark your paper with the numbers 1-6.

  • Make 3 columns with the following headings: “Me,” “Group,” and “After Reading.”

  • Without using your book, put at T if you think the statement is true and F if you think it is false under the me column.

187 of 214

BW - 65

  • Use your bell work chart from yesterday to answer questions 1-6 in the “After Reading” column.

  • Put “T” for true and “F” for false.

  • Use pages 179-184 in your book if you need help.

188 of 214

Did Not Use

  • Name the 3 Navigation Acts. (p. 106)

2. How did the colonists react to them? Why?

3. What is an apprentice?

4. What was the name of the journey when slaves were taken across the

Atlantic Ocean to the West Indies?

Collecting Bell Work on Monday!

TEST Today

189 of 214

Bell Work - Did not use 2018

It is VERY important today that you are in your seat and are ready to pay attention and listen to directions! We are going to fast forward a few chapters today for a fun activity…

1. Why did people start moving west?

2. Where was one place they went to?

3. Why did they go there?

4. What were they risking?

Quiz on Monday - to help prepare for the quiz, use Bell Work Links and go to Federalist vs. Antifederalist Quizlet and Whose Job is It? Quizlet

190 of 214

Bell Work - Day 92 Not used 2018

  • Today we will be having a quiz on the Federalists vs. Republicans and important people from Chapter 8.

  • Play each game a few times.

  • Write down your time on your bell work each time your finish.

  • Hopefully by the end, you will be prepared for your quiz today.

191 of 214

Bell Work - Day 96 Not used 2018

1. The law that John Adams passed that made it a crime to falsely speak out against federal office holders.

2. What was the scandal that involved three French agents that demanded the U.S. to pay a $250,000 bribe?

3. What was Hamilton’s 3 part plan to solve the debt problem from the American Revolution?

Collecting Today

192 of 214

Bell Work - Day 97 3-30-17

Identify as Republican - R or Federalist - F.

  • John Adams
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Aaron Burr
  • Alexander Hamilton
  • Pro-French
  • Favored a protective tariff
  • Strong State Government
  • Emphasized Agriculture

193 of 214

Bell Work Day 114 5-9-17

Go to my website and play US States map quiz practice.

Write down your time and your score. Play at least 2 times.

194 of 214

On Another piece of paper

  • Make a venn diagram on your piece of paper.

  • Label it “Characteristics of the North and South”

  • Use your Strengths and Weaknesses handout, and pages 512-517 in your text to fill in the venn diagram.

195 of 214

Day 20 - Bell Work

  • Open your Chromebooks
    • Go to History Links
    • Click on the link that says: History Website - Mrs. Owens
    • Click on US Map Quiz Practice and Quizzes
    • Play the 13 Colonies game 3 times and record your time and % correct under number 1 on your bell work.
    • If you get 100 percent, move on to the “PRACTICE States Map Quiz” link on my website.

  • If you have two twins, three triplets and four quadruplets; how many people do you have?

196 of 214

Bell Work - Day 31 11-3

Take “Reading a Table” worksheet on front table. Start the worksheet AFTER completing Bell work.

Write True or False for each statement.

  • The Middle Colonies had a warmer climate and better conditions for farming than did the New England Colonies.
  • New York began as a French colony.
  • New Jersey was originally part of Virginia.
  • William Penn encouraged people of different religions to move to Pennsylvania.
  • The first European settlers in Delaware were from Sweden.
  • Manufacturing became less important to the Middle Colonies in the 1700s.

197 of 214

Bell Work - Day 66 1-14

  • Go to page 185 in your textbook and read the “Introduction” and then read Teague’s complaint and Washington’s response.

  • After reading, answer the following questions in one paragraph.
    • What does Teague want?
    • What does Washington want?
    • How are their wishes in conflict?

  • You will have 5 minutes to complete this once the bell rings. Use your time wisely.

198 of 214

Bell Work - Day 72 1-27

Each state gets to send representatives to the legislature. Which states would have the most power if…

  • The more people a state had, the more representatives they would get.
  • Every state had an equal amount representatives, no matter how many people it has.

  • What is a plan that you can come up with to make both the large and small states happy and feel fairly represented?

199 of 214

200 of 214

***You should be in your seats and silent when the bell rings.***

201 of 214

St. Patrick’s Day BW 92


  • Get out your bell work and make sure you are sitting quietly when the bell rings.

2. Write down anything you know about St. Patrick’s Day.


202 of 214

Bell Work - Day 96 3-31

TUESDAY, we will be having a test on the Lewis and Clark Expedition and the War of 1812. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO USE your study guide on your test. Answer the following questions to help you prepare for your test! This will be your first test grade for 4th quarter, so make sure you prepare!

  • Who made the flag that was flown over Fort McHenry?

  • How many stripes and how many stars did it have?

  • What were the three agreements made by Britain and the United States in the Treaty of Ghent?

203 of 214

No Bell Work Today 4-26

We are going to the Little Theater for Oregon Trail. Do you have any missing work to give to me before we go?

204 of 214

The Oregon Trail 108 4-27

  • The Oregon Trail was an excruciating journey for those that took it. What were some of the hardships that they faced along the trail?

  • After playing the game and finding out what could happen on the trail, what are some ways that you would plan and prepare differently if you played it again?

  • What were some of the diseases that you or your family got while traveling the Oregon Trail. What did these diseases do?

205 of 214

Bell Work - Day 108

  • Go to: http://www.sporcle.com/games/hscer/usagb

  • Press Play

  • Try to fill in the spreadsheet by typing in your answers.

  • Write down how many you got correct.

  • What was your best category?

  • What was your worst category?

206 of 214

Bell Work - Day 109

  • Go to: http://www.sporcle.com/games/g/uscapitals

  • Press Play

  • Try to fill in the map with the U.S. Capital Cities

  • I am going to give you only about 4-5 minutes so start right away!!!!

  • Write down how many you got correct.

207 of 214

Bell Work - Day 102

Today, we are going to watch “Today in History”. For your bell work, you should write down 2 things that happened on this day in history.

208 of 214

Bell Work - Day 89

Recently, in places like Ferguson, MO and Madison, WI, there have been widespread protests over officer involved shootings of unarmed men. When we hear about this in the news, it is usually discussed as a racial issue. I would like you to look at it as a police policy issue. Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability?

  • When is it okay for a police officer to use deadly force on a person? Should the police officer have to have visual proof that the suspect has a weapon?

  • Many police officers have been trained to “shoot to kill.” Is this policy effective? When police officers feel like their life is threatened, should they always shoot to kill?

  • What other issues, besides race, should we consider when we discuss officer involved shootings?

209 of 214

Bell Work - 5/7/15

  • Come up to the table in front of my desk.

  • Grab the sheet called “Pages 482-485; Group Discussion Questions”

  • Begin reading the pages and filling out the questions silently on your own.

  • In 5-8 minutes, you will be discussing these questions in small groups.


210 of 214

Bell Work - Day 99


  • What is the song that is playing about?

  • Write a 5 sentence paragraph explaining what you did over spring break. Make sure you use a topic and concluding sentence.

211 of 214

Day 11 - Bell Work 9-26-17

Tuesday, we will be having our first test. “Culture” is one of the topics that will be covered on this test. Answer the questions below as review for your test on Tuesday.

  • What is the definition of culture?
  • What are five factors that contribute to

someone’s culture?

  • Can someone be a part of more than one

culture? Why or why not?

  • What is one word that describes your

history teacher?

212 of 214

Bell Work - Day 27 10-29-18

You read about the Middle Colonies last week. Write True or False for each statement. If you need to refresh your memory, look on pages 77-81.

  • The Middle Colonies had a warmer climate and better conditions for farming than did the New England Colonies.
  • New York began as a French colony.
  • New Jersey was originally part of Virginia.
  • William Penn encouraged people of different religions to move to Pennsylvania.
  • The first European settlers in Delaware were from Sweden.
  • Manufacturing became less important to the Middle Colonies in the 1700s.

213 of 214

Bell Work - 5/13/15

  • What was the main topic of debate at the Lincoln-Douglas Debates?

  • What is Popular Sovereignty?

  • Who won the Election of 1860?

  • Who was found guilty of murder and treason and was sentenced to death?

  • What does secession mean and who was the first state to do it?

214 of 214

Bell Work Day 31 11-5-18

  • Who is this person? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • Find his webpage on the internet, browse around, and write down one thing that you learned about him.

  • Who is this person? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • Find his webpage on the internet, browse around, and write down one thing that you learned about her.

  • What's the difference between a train and a teacher?