1 of 85

Note to Facilitator

  • This is session 4 of 4 of The Road Ahead, CORE’s Domestic Cultural Orientation Curriculum. Access the curriculum overview and materials for the other sessions on The Road Ahead web page.

  • Use the Session 4 Planning Guide

to get an overview of the session

and access supporting resources.

2 of 85

How to Unhide or Hide a Slide in PowerPoint

Note to Facilitator:

This slide is hidden when the slide show is in Slide Show mode

In this slide deck, some slides are marked as hidden. They are not visible to participants when the slide deck is presented in Slide Show mode.

Hidden slides are used to share:

    • Notes to the facilitator
    • Templates that can be personalized
    • Alternative activities

To Unhide a Slide

1. In the left navigation pane, select the hidden slide you want to unhide.

2. Right-click the slide, then select Unhide Slide.

To Hide a Slide

1. In the left navigation pane, select the slide you want to hide.

2. Right-click the slide, then select Hide Slide. The slide now shows a slash through the slide number to indicate that it's hidden.

In Google Slides, follow the same process. Select “Unskip Slide” or “Skip Slide”

3 of 85


Cultural Orientation

Session 4

4 of 85

Cultural Orientation

5 of 85

Cultural Orientation

Session 1

Welcome to the Community

Session 2

Health and Safety

Session 3

Employment & Education

Session 4


6 of 85

The [Name of the RA] Team

Add your picture

Add your picture

[ your name and role]

[ your name and role]

7 of 85

The [Name of the RA] Team

Add your picture

[ your name and role]

[ your name and role]

[ your name and role]

Add your picture

Add your picture

8 of 85

Similar and Different

This Community

Other Communities

  • My name is ________________.
  • Before coming here, I lived in _______________.

  • One thing that is similar/different is _______________.

9 of 85

From Support to Self-Sufficiency

10 of 85


1. Money Management

2. Digital Technology

3. On Your Way

11 of 85

Support through Public Assistance

12 of 85

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

13 of 85

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

14 of 85

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

15 of 85

Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)

16 of 85

Matching Grant

17 of 85

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

18 of 85

Public Assistance for Healthcare

19 of 85

Public Assistance

Note to Facilitator:

This slide is hidden in Slide Show mode.

Use this slide template to add information on public assistance. Make as many copies as you need and unhide the slides.

As needed, add slides that address common areas of concern and questions that frequently come up in your work with clients.

20 of 85



Public Assistance

Review Game

21 of 85



1. Your SNAP benefits will be the same amount as other families. 

22 of 85


1. Your SNAP benefits will be the same amount as other families. 

23 of 85



2. The Resettlement Agency provides help in accessing public assistance.

24 of 85


2. The Resettlement Agency provides help in accessing public assistance.

25 of 85



3. There are responsibilities and requirements associated with public assistance programs. 

26 of 85


3. There are responsibilities and requirements associated with public assistance programs.

27 of 85

Becoming Self-Sufficient

$ from Employment

Public Assistance

Time in the U.S.

28 of 85



Public Assistance


29 of 85

Note to Facilitator:

This slide is hidden in Slide Show mode.

  • To use the Settle In Desktop App in different languages, go to Settings.
  • Select the Language box to open language options.
  • Select the appropriate language.

* You can do this before the session so the page will be ready, or you can model how to change the language.

30 of 85

31 of 85

32 of 85

Budgeting: Needs and Wants



Something you

must have to live

Something that improves your life, but is not essential

33 of 85

Budgeting: Needs and Wants



34 of 85

What do you already know? �What questions do you have?

U.S. Currency

Bank Services

Online Banking

35 of 85

U.S. Currency



Amount (Use $ and .)



1 cent



5 cents



10 cents



25 cents

36 of 85



Amount (Use $ and .)

1-dollar bill


5-dollar bill


10-dollar bill


20-dollar bill

$ 20.00

100-dollar bill


37 of 85

How much money? $__.___� dollars . cents




38 of 85

39 of 85

Keeping Your Money Secure

40 of 85

Build a Good Credit History

41 of 85

Money Management

Note to Facilitator:

This slide is hidden in Slide Show mode.

Use this slide template to add information on Budgeting and Personal Finance. Make as many copies as you need and unhide the slides.

As needed, add slides that address common areas of concern and questions that frequently come up in your work with clients.

42 of 85

Group Conversation

43 of 85

From Support to Self-Sufficiency

44 of 85

Break: Return to the group in 5 minutes

45 of 85


1. Money Management

2. Digital Technology

3. On Your Way

46 of 85

Digital Tools for Communicating

47 of 85

Everyday Technology

48 of 85

Note to Facilitator:

This slide is hidden in Slide Show mode.

Use this slide template to add images and information about digital literacy in your community. Make as many copies as you need and unhide the slides.

As needed, add slides that address common areas of concern and questions that frequently come up in your work with clients.

49 of 85

Safe Digital Practices

50 of 85

Be Careful Online

51 of 85

Keep Your Digital Accounts Secure

Protect your Passwords

Log Out

52 of 85

Be Careful with �Free Wi-Fi

53 of 85

Protect your �Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

  • Social Security Number
  • USCIS #
  • Birthdate
  • Address
  • Banking information

54 of 85

Scam Situations

Story 1: You Owe Taxes

Story 2: You Won!

  • How can we tell if this is a scam?
  • What should they do?

55 of 85

You Owe Taxes Scam

From: Taxes@ISR.com Sent: Friday, April 7, 2023, 10:35 AM� To: Marie@gmail.com

Subject: Taxes Owed

56 of 85

You Owe Taxes Scam

From: Taxes@ISR.com Sent: Friday, April 7, 2023 10:35 AM�To: Marie@gmail.com

Subject: Taxes Owed

Our records show that you owe $3,500 in taxes.

Pay now, or you will pay a fine and risk arrest.

To prevent these actions, go to Taxes@ISR.com to make a payment.

Provide your social security number to verify your identity.

57 of 85

You Won! Scam

  • How can we tell if this is a scam?
  • What should Yusuf do? 

58 of 85

You Won! Scam

  • How can we tell if this is a scam?
  • What should Yusuf do? 

59 of 85

Job Offer Scam

From: UNICIF@gmail.comSent: Monday, July 10, 2023, 3:30 AM� To: Nataly@yahoo.com

Subject: Job Offer

60 of 85

Job Offer Scam

From: UNICIF@gmail.comSent: Monday, July 10, 2023, 3:30 AM�To: Nataly@yahoo.com

Subject: Job Offer

Hello, UNICIF wants to offer you a full-time job earning $18 per hour. Before starting, we need to conduct a background check.

Send pictures of the following documents within 24 hours: Social Security card, State ID, and Bank account for direct deposit. Click here now for more information.

UNICIF Charity

61 of 85

Group Conversation

62 of 85


1. Money Management

2. Digital Technology

3. On Your Way

63 of 85

Your Rights

64 of 85

Responsibility: �Repay the �Travel Loan

65 of 85

Responsibility: Register for Selective Service

66 of 85

Responsibility: Submit a change of address form

67 of 85

Responsibility: Adjust your Status

Apply for Permanent Residency

Apply for Citizenship

68 of 85

Cultural Adjustment

69 of 85

What Have You Noticed? I notice that __________ is important in America.

70 of 85

Similarities & Differences

American Culture

Other Communities You Lived In

71 of 85


72 of 85


73 of 85

Being�on Time

74 of 85

Similarities and Differences

American Culture

Other Communities You Lived In

75 of 85

Cultural Adjustment

76 of 85

Note to Facilitators:

This slide is hidden in Slide Show mode.

These links take you to a video about Cultural Adjustment.

Before the session, select the link that leads to the appropriate language for your audience. You can have it open in another tab to switch to when you are providing.

All videos can be accessed at

Settle In YouTube Channel .

77 of 85

Changing Family Roles

78 of 85

Note to Facilitator:

This slide is hidden in Slide Show mode.

Use this slide template to add images about rights and responsibilities or cultural adjustment.

Make as many copies as you need and unhide the slides.

As needed, add slides that address common areas of concern and questions that frequently come up in your work with clients.

79 of 85

Questions and Answers

80 of 85

From Support to Self-Sufficiency

81 of 85

Session 1

Welcome to the Community


82 of 85

Session 2

Health and Safety


83 of 85

Session 3

Employment & Education


84 of 85

Session 4


From Support to Self-Sufficiency

85 of 85

Cultural Orientation�Important Ideas�