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Parent and Student Handbook

Stocktrail Elementary

The State of Wyoming provides Hathaway Merit and Need Scholarships for Wyoming students attending the University of Wyoming and Wyoming community colleges. Every Wyoming student who meets the merit requirements can earn a Hathaway Merit Scholarship. Contact your school counselor for more information.

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Verification of information in PowerSchool and receipt/acknowledgement of this Handbook is required by the district. Use the link below to do so.

PowerSchool Forms

Please make any changes if necessary.

We are hoping for 100% participation!!!!

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CCSD Universal Pages Available here

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Principal Welcome

Welcome to another great year at Stocktrail, where our staff values are Continuous Exploration, Achievement, Relationships, Engagement, and Student-Centered learning (CARES). This year, we will work to ensure your students attend our school that is focused on improving their learning through those values. As always, our staff is dedicated to providing an excellent educational opportunity to all Stocktrail students. Open communication with the teachers is encouraged, as the best work we can do with students is in partnership with their parents. Be sure to visit the Stocktrail school website and communicate with your child’s teacher. Our school district uses Schoology as a learning management system that includes a parent communication portal, so please take advantage of using that throughout the year to communicate with teachers. Some teachers may use SeeSaw or Dojo as well, so be sure to communicate with them frequently. We will update the monthly calendar on the website as to what is happening at the school. Information pertinent to your child’s teacher should be shared through your teacher’s webpage, newsletter, or app. Some important information regarding the school and district policies and requirements include:

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Act states that school districts must provide help to families and children that are homeless. If you need assistance in this area, please contact our office. We ask all families to submit the form at the beginning of the school year regardless of housing status, but please update us if things change.

Although our government is providing free meals to all students this school year, there is government funding associated with students that qualify for free or reduced lunch. Please return the form or complete an application online at the beginning of the school year or any time your job or financial situation changes.

The Campbell County School District has a crisis management plan, which you can access at the school if needed.

There is a bullying policy in place. You can read information in this handbook.

The school nurse is available to discuss health concerns with you regarding your child. Feel free to reach out to her.

Attendance is of utmost importance in school. Please have your children to school on time daily. If they will be absent more than 3 days, provide a doctor’s note to the office when they come back to school. If you child will be absent or late, please call the office before 9:00 am.

Stocktrail has a neighborhood section and a Dual Language Immersion program in grades K-6. Your child will not be taught in Spanish unless the student is enrolled in the DLI program.

We look forward to another productive year where children grow emotionally, academically, and linguistically. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Keri Shannon, Ed.D.

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Nurse Update

Welcome to a new school year here at Stocktrail Elementary. I am Nurse Peterson and am so excited to be caring for your child/children this year! I wanted to take a minute to tell you about some of the screenings that may take place with your child this year; and, if at any time you have questions regarding the health and well-being of your child, I welcome an office visit or phone call.

The National Association of School Nurse’s (NASN) has established guidelines for hearing, vision, height, weight, parasites (e.g. lice, scabies), immunizations, and communicable diseases (e.g. strep, conjunctivitis, hand foot and mouth) that we have adopted (www.ccsd.k12.wy.us/Page/688). With the exception of a Strep swab, all screenings are done as a courtesy to you and your child and are free. I will contact you if I believe your child is in need of a Strep test before having a swab sent to the lab. Depending on your child’s age and needs, we may screen for any of the above conditions to better serve your child here at Stocktrail. In an average school year, your child may miss out on approximately 8 minutes of instructional time to properly screen for the above listed conditions. If at any time there is a medical concern, you will be notified by a phone call to inform you of abnormal findings.

As determined by NASN, there are a few conditions that no longer require the student to be absent from school. Conjunctivitis (pink eye), hand foot and mouth, and lice are three of these conditions. If it is determined that your child may have, or has, any of these conditions, you will be notified by the nurse and it is at your discretion if you would like to take your child home. Children that do have lice do require treatment before returning to school (www.ccsd.k12.wy.us/Page/707). I strongly encourage you to notify close friends and family that come into contact with your child to prevent the continued transmission of lice. Federal law does not allow schools to discuss information regarding other children in the building. Please be diligent in checking your own child/children for lice at home. Lice pose no immediate threat and do not carry diseases, but they are a nuisance and require a bit of work to exterminate. If we are concerned that your child may have conjunctivitis or hand foot and mouth, we will alert the classroom teacher and custodian here at the building to disinfect the classroom at the end of the day. As with any medical condition, this information will not be shared with anyone else.

Please be sure that all school nursing forms are complete and any medical updates or newly diagnosed conditions are given to the nurse. Information regarding your child’s medical concerns will go to his or her classroom teachers and all specials and connectors teachers at the beginning of the year and as medical needs change. If your child has any food allergies, a list of those allergies is provided to nutrition services.

I look forward to working with you and your child this year! Do not hesitate to contact me for any questions or concerns. Thank you for your time!


Julae Peterson BSN, RN

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CCSD Mission/Vision/Goals

Our Mission: Empowering our students for success

Our Vision: United in excellence

Our Values: Collaboration, Communication, Compassion, Innovation, Integrity, Respect, Responsibility

Goal 1: Improve Student Achievement


Students will demonstrate proficiency or growth as measured by district assessments

District grade levels will exceed the state average in content areas measured by the Wyoming State Assessment

Goal 2: Improve Wellness of Students

The district will provide comprehensive programs and services to support students in social, emotional, and physical well-being

The district will provide wellness programs and services to support all staff

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Stocktrail Mission/Vision/Values


We exist to lead our school community to excellence through individualized, innovative teaching and learning


We ensure to encourage critical thinkers to navigate a changing world and develop strong community spirit with integrity


Continuous Exploration; Achievement; Relationships; Engagement; Student-Centered


Students will increase performance on standardized measures with an improvement of at least 10%.

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For the Safety of Your Child…

  • In the event of an evacuation, the staff and students will be housed at a designated site that will be communicated to the parents.

All visitors will use the front door to enter and exit the school.

Exterior doors will remain locked during school hours with the exception of the front door.

All visitors will be required to submit identification (driver’s license, photo ID) in order to access the building.

In case of school cancellation due to extreme weather conditions, please listen to

o KIML AM 1270, KAML FM 96.9, KGWY FM 100.7, KEZV FM 101.3, KSQY FM 95.1 or KTWO AM 1030

o Calls will also be made with the automated emergency messaging system. Please keep the school office updated with your correct phone number.

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Arrival and Departure Procedures


Doors open to students at 8:15am. Any students arriving earlier must be enrolled in the CAT program. Call 307-685-1050 for information to enroll. Students arriving at school are to proceed directly to the gym on bad weather days or through the building to the playground. Staff is on duty to supervise students in the morning. Parents entering the building must check-in at the office prior to visiting any classroom. The first bell rings at 8:35 a.m. Students arriving after the bell at 8:40 a.m. will be marked tardy.


Students scheduled to ride the bus are expected to ride the bus each day unless we have confirmation from the parent/guardian as to alternate transportation needs. If written permission is provided and someone other than the parent/guardian is picking a child up, identification may be required. If a student normally rides the bus, the parent must call the office to sign the student out at the end of the day – even if dismissal has occurred. Staff has been informed that students are not to ride home with friends unless we have a signed permission note from the student’s parent.

Students will not be released to parents in the bus pick-up line as we follow these safety precautions. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for all students. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we value the supervision of students in our care.

Permission notes may be faxed or emailed to:

Stocktrail Phone: (307) 686-8215 Fax: (307) 686-8247

Kristin Nuzum at knuzum@ccsd.k12.wy.us

Michael Lunberg at mlunberg@ccsd.k12.wy.us

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Attendance and Absences

Call the school (686-8215) before 9:00 AM if a student is absent. If you do not call, you will receive a call from the school.

Please send a doctor’s note upon the student returning to school if a doctor visit was required.

Notify the school of planned absences in advance.

Students will be counted tardy if they arrive between 8:40 am and 10:15 am. If they arrive after 10:15, they are counted absent for the morning.

If students leave before 2:00pm, they will be counted absent for the afternoon.

If your child will be leaving for the day, you must come inside and sign them out. We will not send children outside from a phone call request.

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Behavior Expectations

All staff members are responsible for the behavior of all students attending Stocktrail Elementary, where a positive school climate is conducive to learning. These guidelines are meant to assist staff in establishing and maintaining an atmosphere that is essential for learning. The appendix at the end of this handbook offers examples of the behavior expectations matrix for different locations throughout the school.

  • All school personnel will promote the school’s positive behavioral expectations. Parents are encouraged to remind students of these expectations.
    • Be Safe
    • Be Respectful
    • Be Responsible
    • 2. Staff and students will model, practice, reteach and reinforce the school positive behavior support. Classroom expectations will align with the school expectations and be posted in each classroom.
    • 3. Enforcing student expectations will be fair, firm and consistent.
  • For students needing additional support with behavioral choices, a positive behavior intervention plan will be developed as needed. The behavioral interventionist and/or counselor can assist with these plans and may involve parents when it gets to this point.
  • Parents will be informed of serious behavioral infractions.

  • There are certain non-negotiable behaviors that will result in an automatic discipline referral to the office. The consequences will follow policy and what is in the best interest of the students at the school.*
    • Insubordination: Severe defiance of authority or disrespect.
    • Fighting: Confrontation which results in bodily harm, intentional or otherwise.
    • Weapons: Possession or use of any item including firearms, knives, other dangerous objects, or an object used or threatened to be used in a dangerous manner or one that could cause injury.
    • Tobacco, Alcohol or Other Drugs: Use or possession of or displaying actions of such.
    • Harassment or Intimidation: Communicating in words or through body language to students or staff.
    • Theft: Taking objects that belong to the school or another person without their consent.
    • Physically Dangerous Behavior: Harming another person or self with or without intent or consent.
    • Illegal Acts: Includes but not exclusive of vandalism, threats, or stealing.
  • Restraint and seclusion of students for disciplinary disruptions would only be a last resort when danger is eminent to the child or others.
  • *There are students whose Individual Education Plan may override the school-wide plan.

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Breakfast and Lunch

Breakfast will be available in the commons from 8:15 am-8:35 AM daily. Hot lunches are available to students on a daily basis.

Summary of meal prices:

This year all will be free for children; Milk MUST be paid for if not receiving a full lunch.


Regular price........$ 1.25 Reduced........$ .30 Adult……..$ 1.75


Regular price........$ 2.50 Reduced........$ .40 Adult……..$ 3.75

Milk Individual price…..$ .50

Parent/guardians may have the option to eat lunch with their children as in the past. This may be restricted due to COVID or health orders that are established state/citywide. We ask visitors to sit at a specific family table with their child. As our school grows and our lunch times become more crowded, we ask that only the child sit with the parent at the family table. This will be reinforced by our staff on lunch duty.

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Building Hours

Stocktrail office hours are 7:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday – Thursday, and 7:30 am to 4:00 pm Friday. School starts at 8:40 am and ends at 3:40 pm. The building is not opened to students until 8:15 unless they are in the CAT program before school. Students not in the CAT program should not be dropped off before this time, as there is no supervision. Students should leave the building immediately after school unless they are in the CAT program or staying for an afterschool activity.

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Bus Transportation 307-682-4179

Transportation to and from school is a service provided by Campbell County School District to students that live within the attendance zone and within the predetermined radius of the school. Students that ride the bus are expected to follow all bus expectations and safety rules. Keeping the bus clean is a shared responsibility of all riders. If you have any questions concerning transportation or would like to schedule your child to ride the bus, please call the CCSD transportation at 682-4179.

Use Here Comes the Bus app for real-time location of buses

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Here Comes the Bus App

Here Comes the Bus App

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CAT Afterschool Program

The Boys and Girls Club will provide childcare services before and after school for a fee. If a parent is interested in signing their children up for the services, they need to contact the Boys and Girls Club at 307-685-1050.

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Classroom celebrations are scheduled for Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day. They will be held during the last 45 minutes of class unless the teachers contact parents with an alternative celebration. If a parent would like to have a small birthday celebration for their child, it will be the last 30 minutes of class. Advanced planning with the teacher is necessary for birthday celebrations.

Classroom parties will take place the last 30 minutes of the school day. Parents are expected to plan with the teacher prior to the date of the party. Store bought goods are encouraged and enough should be provided for the whole class. Check with the teacher for exact student count.

Invitations that students bring to parties outside of school should be delivered outside of school hours in order to not create dissension if all students are not invited

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Please contact the school office if you change your address or phone number. Likewise, if you want to add or change information for emergency contacts, please keep that updated as well. It is important that we have current parent and emergency contact information and addresses for every student. The school phone number is 307-686-8215.

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Every effort is made to keep parents abreast of information regarding their children’s education and school. Please see our school website to keep updated on events and happenings at the school. https://sites.google.com/ccsd1schools.net/stocktrail-elementary/home

Several teachers have their own website or newsletters that keep you up to date. Additionally, the learning management system, Schoology, will be utilized for communication. If you feel you need more information about your child’s class, please contact your child’s teacher. Open communication between schools and parents is vital in the educational process.

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To ensure the safety and welfare of everyone in the building, at least one emergency drill will be held per month. Directions for emergency evacuations are to be posted in a visible location in all classroom areas and practice helps to ensure that students are familiar with all emergency procedures. Please realize that preparedness is a taught and practiced skill. The school will not announce when drills will happen. Doors will be locked during drills so parents will not have access to the building at such times. In the case of serious emergencies, the district emergency notification system will contact parents.

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The rights of custodial and non-custodial parents are defined by Wyoming Statute and legal documents such as divorce decrees or other signed parental agreements. Unless otherwise modified by legal agreement, parents have the same right of access to any school records, to attend school activities, to contact the student’s teachers, and to attend the student’s parent-teacher conferences. District regulations state that the school district may require written verification, such as a certified divorce decree, decree of adoption, or other legal document from the custodial parents that establishes the legal relationship or lack thereof. The custodial parent has the responsibility to keep the school office informed as to the address, residence and contact information of the custodial parent as well as provide a copy of any legal document which restricts any rights of the non-custodial parent to the student such as access to the student, the student’s records, the student’s school activities, or the student’s teacher conferences. It is the responsibility of the non-custodial parent to keep the school office informed as to their contact information.

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Supervision immediately after school will be assigned to staff in the front of the building for walkers and riders and the back of the school for bus duty. Please follow the staffs’ instructions as their main concern is the safety of our students. Be sure to follow traffic safety rules in the pick-up area, and do not leave a parked car unattended in the drive-through circle. We ask you to refrain from cell phone use and texting while driving in our pick-up area, as a simple distraction during busy dismissal could have serious consequences. Students will not be dismissed from classrooms earlier than 3:40 pm. If you need to check your child out of school early, we ask that you do so before 3:25. After that time, we will ask for you to wait until the end of the school day. If you need to park your car to attend to business within the school, you must park in the parking lot and not in the pick-up lane. Students will not be released from the bus pick-up lanes. If you need to get your child from the bus, please come to the office and they will be called off the bus by radio.

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District policy has set guidelines for the appropriate dress of students. Staff and parents are responsible for monitoring and enforcing the district dress code. To read the entire Policy 5132 and Regulation 5132-R regarding dress code, please see the policy at campbellcountyschools.net. In essence, clothing that creates an offensive environment, is revealing or distracting, or that poses a health problem will not be permitted at school or school activities. Any student in violation of the dress code will be requested to change clothes. If parents are unable to provide a change of clothes, donated clothes at the school may be provided as a change. Any clothes a child takes home is requested to be returned. Unless the temperature is below zero degrees, we will have outside recess. Please ensure your students are dressed appropriately for the weather.

There will be special designated dress days that will be announced, such as Cowboy Dress Day to celebrate Wyoming Day in December. Even on special dress up days, it is requested that students follow the district dress guidelines unless otherwise specified.

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Possession of drugs or alcohol on school grounds is prohibited. If these situations do occur, referral will be made to outside agencies and suspension and/or expulsion may occur. All CCSD schools are tobacco free buildings and campuses. This includes e-cigarettes. We ask all visitors and guests to comply with our tobacco free policy.

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District policy has set guidelines for the acceptable use of electronics, including but not limited to cellular telephones, digital cameras, computers, etc. Students are expected to follow the acceptable use agreement that was signed at enrollment in CCSD. All will have to complete a new acceptable use policy. If you would like to review the agreement, please contact the school secretary.

Our school will provide iPads or laptops for student use in lieu of classroom computers. Students are expected to follow all instructions for the proper care and use of their assigned device. The iPads are not allowed to be taken home, but instructional app information can be shared for parents to use on personal devices. Contact the schools technology facilitator or your child’s teacher to acquire how to access your children’s apps. If a student needs to contact a parent, use of a school phone is permissible with teacher approval. Students are to refrain from cell phone use during school hours and at recess. If teachers allow cell phone use as an instructional tool in the classroom, then students are expected to follow the instructions for their allowed use in the classroom. Any cell phone that becomes a problem can be taken up by a staff member. Parents will be called in the event to pick the phone up at their convenience. Please realize the school will not be responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones.

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Each parent should complete an Emergency Closure form stating where the students should go in case of an early evacuation or dismissal of the school due to an emergency or inclement weather. A copy of this form should be turned into the office. If schools will be closed for the day, parents and staff will receive messages through mass communication systems from the district.

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The federal government established the Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act, which protects the privacy of student education records. We follow the requirements which include that no staff at any time will discuss a student with anyone who does not have a direct educational impact on the student. Without the express written consent of custodial parents and guardians, we do not discuss students’ behaviors, grades, or anything else pertaining to a child with anyone. For more information on FERPA, you may visit the www2.ed.gov website.

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Placed based learning is important for students to build background in varied areas and fields. Therefore, students will at times go on field trips that are educationally relevant. Parents will receive a field trip permission form before each field trip that is required to be signed and returned to the school prior to the departure for the field trip. For specific multiple-date activities, such as swimming classes, all dates will be listed on the permission form. We believe this helps communication between the school and the parents, who will always know when their children are off campus.

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The district is in the process of revising the report cards for the school district. Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grades should receive one grading report. There will be another report for students in 3rd – 6th grades. Explanations will be provided at parent-teacher conferences regarding the new format of grading reports. Grades in the classroom will be taken sufficiently to provide a true picture of the student’s progress and skills.

Homework should only reinforce or supplement the learning process. All work is due the morning of the next school day after it has been assigned, unless otherwise stated by the teacher. Students should be able to complete the assigned homework with minimal adult assistance.

Homework should be assigned according to age, developmental level and individual needs of the students. Homework will be kept to district guidelines: K-3 grade students will have less than 20 minutes per day and less than 3 hours per week; 4-6 grade students will have less than 30 minutes per night and less than 4 hours per week.

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If a child is ill, they will be sent to the nurse’s office. At times, simple cuts or scrapes may be addressed by the teacher to apply Band-Aids or minor first aid. If a child’s injury is more severe or the child is exhibiting COVID symptoms, he/she will be sent the nurse’s office immediately. The nurse will contact the child's parents if the child is unable to remain in school. A teacher should never call the parent to pick the child up. The typical reasons to send a child home include:

Temperature over 100°

Vomiting and/or diarrhea

Serious injury

COVID symptoms

In the case of immediate or life-threatening medical emergencies, the nurse will contact Emergency Medical Services for transportation to the Campbell County Hospital. Parents will be contacted by the nurse or school personnel. Please remember that health and safety are our utmost concern so triage and emergency medicine protocols will be followed in extreme emergencies.

Please feel free to contact the school nurse if you have any concerns or questions about your child’s health needs. Please inform the school of any health issue so that we are prepared in case of an emergency.

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Fifth and sixth grade students are eligible to take instrumental music. There are instruments for rent from the school district. You will need to complete a rental form and return to the school office with your payment. The Rental Pay scale is $75/first instrument and $50/second instrument. All percussion rental is $75. If you receive reduced lunch prices, then the reduced rental fee is $15/instrument; free lunch rental fee is $0/instrument.

Once you have paid the rental fee on the instrument, the receipt will need to be taken to the Lakeway Learning Center to check-out the instrument

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We have a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction books. Library books should be treated with care. Students are responsible for the books they check out from our library and should be returned at the appropriate time. Students will be charged for books that are damaged or lost. Library privileges may be suspended until fines are paid.

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All exits other than the front doors will be locked during the school day. Please enter through the front door and proceed to the office for entry. No student or teacher should ever open a locked door to someone knocking on the door. Any visitor to the school will need a state issued identification card or license to gain access past the office.

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A lost-and-found area will be kept in school. All efforts should be made within each classroom to return items that are found. Students should be encouraged to check this area for lost items on a regular basis. If your child cannot find a lost item, please come in with your child to search the lost and found. All items in lost and found will periodically be donated to a local charity. To avoid missing items, label all of your student’s personal belongings.

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Two school days for each student day absent will be allowed for students to turn in make-up work. If work is not turned in within the time allowed, a failing grade may be given. Long-term assignments will be dealt with in the same way as other make-up work, unless specified differently by the teacher. A long-term assignment is one that requires a student to work on it longer than overnight for the next day’s class.

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At the beginning of the year, all parents will receive a form to complete in accordance with the McKinney-Vento Act regarding living situations of students who may need additional assistance. Please return the received form on the first of school. If the categories do not apply to you, simply write N/A and return the form signed to the school.

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All medication must be administered by the school nurse. Whether the medication is a prescription drug or a non-prescription drug, it is to be brought to school in the original container. A Medication Permission form, which includes dosage directions, must be filled out and signed by the parent prior to the nurse administering the medication. All medications are to be locked in the nurse's office. Please refer to Policy 5200 Regulation 5200R.

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Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for October 21st and 22nd. Stocktrail will hold some conferences on the evening of October 20th, which is an early release day. There will be no school for students on Thursday or Friday. Exact conferences times will be scheduled closer to the date. You may also arrange for a meeting with teachers or the principal at any time during the school year.

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Please use the designated parking when visiting Stocktrail Elementary. Visitor parking is in the front of the school along 8th Street and Stocktrail Avenue.

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Track your child’s attendance and information along with report cards via the PowerSchool portal: https://records.ccsd.k12.wy.us/public/

Create an account if you have not already done so. Contact the office for PowerSchool login information if you require assistance. Thank you!

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Students at Stocktrail Elementary School have recess time before school, during lunch, and at designated recess periods throughout the day. Weather that will impact our recess includes rain, lightning, and wind chill temperatures below zero. At all other times, our students will receive recess. Please be sure that your child has appropriate clothes for playing outside in cold weather, including gloves, hats, snow pants, coats, etc. Students will only be allowed to stay inside from recess if a parent contacts us. For extended time inside during recess, a physician’s note will be required.

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Report cards will be available online through PowerSchool at the end of each quarter. Please check PowerSchool or Schoology if you would like up-to-date information on your child’s progress.

End of Quarter Dates:

Quarter 1 October 15

Quarter 2 December 22

Quarter 3 March 11

Quarter 4 May 25

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Some of our teachers have incorporated a snack time for students and may request for students to bring snacks for the class. With the current health situation, we request that all of the snacks be individually wrapped. The purpose of snack time is to energize and refocus our children so they can stay focused on learning. Snacks should be nutritious, and suggestions for snacks could include fresh fruit or vegetables (that have a peel like a banana or tangerine), animal crackers, crackers with cheese, cheese sticks, granola bars, raisins, etc. Snacks should not require preparation, cutting, peeling, or the use of utensils. Snacks should be simple to eat. Please do not send snacks that are high in sugar or fat content. Additionally, Stocktrail has been awarded a fresh fruits and vegetables grant that will provide fresh snack options a few days of the week. If you have a child with specific food allergies, please let the school nurse know.

Some classes may have students with anaphylactic allergies. If that happens, your classroom teacher will send a note. Please follow all special instructions regarding food allergies if sending snacks for the whole class for the safety of our students (ex: nut-free classrooms). If there are special food requests or needs, please inform your child’s teacher. Arrangements can be made for your child to bring specific snacks for his/her dietary needs.

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Student photographs are taken as a school service to children and parents/guardians. Individual and/or group pictures are taken in all buildings according to a preset schedule. Purchase of these pictures is optional. All children will be photographed for use in the school yearbook. If you do not want your child in the yearbook, please contact the office to advise them.

Fall Picture Day is September 16.

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Students are assigned to classes based on the best needs of all students. Some of the criteria that are considered when assigning students to classes includes the student’s academic needs; social and behavioral needs; class size; and other special circumstances that would benefit students.

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Except for emergencies, students will not be called from class for a telephone call. Messages will be taken and given to the children at the end of the day. If you must get a message to your child, please call before 3:00 pm to ensure delivery before the end of the school day.

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Textbooks are costly necessities in the classrooms. Students will check out textbooks as needed, which is at the discretion of the teacher. If a student loses or destroys a textbook, then that student and his/her parents are responsible for the replacement cost of the textbook.

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Visitors to Stocktrail Elementary School must present a driver’s license or state issued identification to enter the building. If you would like to meet with a teacher, you need to have an appointment and check in at the office where the teacher will come to meet you. Changes may be made as requirements due to COVID may change based on government orders.

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If you will be moving out of district, please notify the office before your child’s last day of school. Textbooks and library books must be returned, as well as outstanding balances must be paid. Records are forwarded directly to your child’s new school district.