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MEV-Garden: cross-domain markets with PBS and SUAVE

Tomasz Kajetan Stańczak

mate @ Flashbots | founder @ Nethermind

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This is not an announcement of product and rather a ‘build in the open’ presentation covering a research stage component that may not be yet fully reviewed for alignment with flashbots values, quality of design, or products roadmap.

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permissionless, transparent, and fair ecosystem for MEV

  • Illuminate: bringing transparency to MEV activity
  • Democratize: providing permissionless access to MEV extraction
  • Distribute: fair distribution of MEV revenue

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🌸 🌸 🌸 MEV-Garden 🌸 🌸 🌸

move away from the dark forest to the MEV garden - a bright place, clearly divided into components that create a space that is adapting to all seasons and market conditions and is designed for the utility of users

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🌸 Sequencers – sequencing transactions

🌸 Proposers – selecting and broadcasting best blocks

🌸 Builders – building blocks

🌸 Relays – communication module between proposers and builders

🌸 Domains – L1s, L2s, CEXes, etc

🌸 Global time

🌸 Synchronized proposals

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📝 This is how many L2s work nowadays

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📝 This is what many L2s plan as the next step

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📝 This is how the shared sequencers see the ideal world

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📝 This is how the current Ethereum PBS works

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💡 Shared sequencers and native sequencers can coexist

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💡 PBS does not require proposer decentralization

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💡L2s will be arriving at different decentralization ideas and at a different pace

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💡L2s will be arriving at different decentralization ideas and at a different pace

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Design goals

🌸 Support heterogenous sequencer space

🌸 Enable cross domain MEV market that is

    • permissionless
    • transparent

🌸 Be in line with Ethereum protocol direction (enshrined PBS, MEV Burn)

🌸 Respect the market space of various players (shared sequencers, L2s)

🌸 SUAVE alignment

🌸 Ensure equal rights of solo stakers and large operators

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Global time construction

Consensus between chain observers (oracles)

A simple chain of events (no EVM / no processing)

I assume that such a construction is possible

(a bit to research and build here)

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Synchronized proposals: UNIVERSAL STRICT�(no other block belonging to any domain in between, no consecutive blocks from the same domain)

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Synchronized proposals: DOMAIN STRICT�(no other groups of same domain synchronized blocks in between, no consecutive blocks in the same domain)

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Synchronized proposals: MINIMAL�(no groups of synchronized blocks from the same domains in between)

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ePBS / no-relay world

Solution does not change – PEPC / attestations are used between builders and proposers.

🌸design goal:

Be in line with Ethereum protocol direction (enshrined PBS, MEV Burn)

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Cross-chain PBS

Adding communication from proposers to builders.

Synchronized proposal announcements.

Slashing on failure (based on global time).

Cross-domain PEPC

🌸design goal

Enable cross domain MEV market

    • permissionless
    • transparent

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Types of proposers

  • Shared sequencers
  • Native sequencers
  • Decentralized / centralized sequencers

🌸design goal:

Respect the market space of various players (shared sequencers, L2s)

Support heterogenous sequencer space

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Global time (events ordering + proposals)

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SUAVE Alignment

So far on SUAVE we have known solutions to pay when cross-chain execution happens synchronously.

Now we are adding a component to increase the chances for success and communication between parties upfront.

🌸design goal:

SUAVE alignment

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Solo validators

🌸design goal:

Ensure equal rights of solo stakers and large operators


  • Communication between proposers
  • Split of the bid payment – auction design
  • Slashing target? (who is at fault?)

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🌸Ensure all the goals are reached in the design

🌸Support PBS work on other chains

🌸Collaborate with market participants on the design

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My story with flashbots

Joined in March 2021 as a mate, worked on the late MEV-Geth specs, established flashbots+Nethermind collaboration, worked on the early MEV-Boost design, flashbots relay / block builder product management, some of the SUAVE architecture components.

In the recent months I have been exploring SUAVE components decentralization, shared sequencers, and cross chain MEV (mostly on EVM chains and rollups on Ethereum).

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Thank You!

mail: tomasz@flashbots.net

twitter: @tkstanczak

telegram: @tkstanczak

discord @tkstanczak